Geologic Time Webquest

Based on

  1. Approximately how old is the earth?

2. What does the Geologic Time Scale represent?

3. What is characteristic of the Pre-Archean?

4. What life form evolved during the Archean?

5. What does Proterozoic mean? Is this accurate? Explain. What organisms existed?

12. What three eras make up the Phanerozoic Eon? What does each name mean?

Start at the bottom of the geologic column and work your way up(start at Cambrian – and work to Quaternary)


What roamed during this time?

What type of zone was most of the world?

What alternated back and forth during this time?

Tertiary –

What flourished during this time (6 things)


Name four organisms that first appeared during this time period(not dinosaurs).

What groups were at the end of this period?

Jurassic –

Describe the types of dinosaurs that roamed.

What animals were in the ocean?

Triassic– what is ichthyosaurs?


What large land mass is formed?

End of this period marked by the largest what?

What kind of plants are on the scene at this time?

Define this type of plant


What evolutionary innovation occurred here?

Why is this important?

What do we find large deposits of during this time period?

Devonian, -

What three types of plants occur here?

What two animal groups appear on land?


What made their first appearance?

What organism had a remarkable time during this period?

What type of plants are first seen on land?


This time period is known for what?

Name one organism.

Cambrian – Why is this time period important?

Name one organism.

Place theevents below in order 1 for the first and 27 for the last. Then place the period on the correct event. Last Color the period according to the correct Era. If you cannot find them on the site google them

Cenozoic – blue

Mesozoic – red

Paleozoic - green

*Precambrian orange - * these do not have a period because the happened so long ago – just color orange

** Tertiary in place for Paleogene and Neogene

Event / Number / Period
Dinosaurs take first steps
Mammals fill Dinosaur shoes / **
Planet suffers largest extinction ever
Spiders and scorpions head to shore
Supercontinent Breaks apart
Flowering plants begin to bloom
Small furry animals appear
Earliest Vertebrates Appear
Coal Forming Swamp Forest Flourish
Hard shell Mollusks Appear
Modern Humans appear
Earliest Reptiles Appear
Oxygen levels rise / *
Reptiles take over
Dinosaurs dominate the Earth
Primates Appear in Trees / **
World’s oldest rock / *
Single Supercontinent Comes
Birds first take wing
Earth forms / *
Hominins Descend from the trees / **
Amphibians Emerge from the water
Ice age begins to grip the world
Plants take Root on land
Earliest Cartilaginous Fish Evolve
Dinosaurs go extinct