December 30, 2014
The Moody County Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, and Chuck Jones, with Kay Peterson, Interim Auditor as Clerk of the Board.
Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”.
Interim Auditor, Peterson informed the Board of the current status of departmental budgets for 2014 as prepared by Jean Larson and Peterson. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following resolution and to authorize Peterson to make the appropriate entries, with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, Commissioner Contingency Funds are included in the annual budget, and
WHEREAS, insufficient funds were provided to the following budgets: Veterans Service Officer, Sheriff, Ambulance, Mentally Ill, Senior Citizens, Planning and Zoning, Rural Addressing, Township Fire;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to SDCL 7-21-6.1 it was moved and seconded to approve the following Contingency Transfer:
101-4-165-4110 Veterans Service Officer Salaries 200.00 CR
101-4-211-4110 Sheriff Salaries 18,000.00 CR
101-4-211-4270 Sheriff Travel 8000.00 CR
101-4-424-4110 Ambulance Salaries 6100.00 CR
101-4-525-4113 Senior Citizens 400.00 CR
101-4-711-4110 Planning and Zoning Salaries 100.00 CR
207-4-713-4110 Rural Addressing Salaries 4200.00 CR
207-4-713-4260 Rural Addressing Supplies 2000.00 CR
211-4-221-4293 Township Fire 550.00 CR
101-4-112-4297 Total Contingency Transfer 39,550.00 DB
Members voting “aye”: 5.
Dated this 30th day of December 2014.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kay Peterson
Chairman, Moody County Commissioners Moody County Interim Auditor
Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to approve the transfer from General Fund Cash to General Fund Restricted Claim on Cash in the amount of $10,000 for the accumulation of funds for the purpose of the replacement of the ambulance as outlined in Resolution 14092301. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to approve the following resolution, with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners designated operating transfers out of the General Fund to the Emergency Management Fund for 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Operating Transfer out of the General Fund to the Emergency Management Fund in the amount of $10,000 be approved as outlined in the 2014 Annual Budget.
Dated at Flandreau, SD this 30th day of December 2014.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kay Peterson
Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor
Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve the following resolution, with all members voting “aye”
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners designated operating transfers out of the General Fund to the Rural Addressing Fund for 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Operating Transfer out of the General Fund to the Rural Addressing Fund in the amount of $11,000 be approved as outlined in the 2014 Annual Budget.
Dated at Flandreau, SD this 30th day of December 2014.
Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kay Peterson
Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to appoint Tyler Tiedeman as County Coroner effective January 1, 2015, with the Coroner pay being $100/call plus $.37 cents/miles, plus $100/day for training. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Doyle to appoint Kristina Krull as Interim Auditor with a wage of $43,000 effective January 1, 2015. All voted “aye”. Krull signed an Oath of Office.
Paul Lewis, States Attorney and Brenda Duncan, DOE joined the meeting to discuss the Tax Properties. Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to declare the following tax properties as surplus: parcel #’s,,, All voted “aye”. Three (3) Moody County real property owners will be appointed to appraise the properties to establish a value and turn a report into the Auditor’s Office.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to enter into executive session at 10:10 AM pursuant to SDCL 1-25 2. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to resume regular session at 10:35 AM. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to approve the following claims and issue warrants, with all members voting “aye”: General: A&B, supplies 45.43, Avera/Flandreau Medical, pre-employment physical 74.00, Avera/Flandreau Medical Center, Jail-Blood Alcohols 309.00, Barnes & Noble, books 609.02, Bendex, supplies 42.50, City of Flandreau, utilities 1637.62, Claims Associates, professional services 3851.11, Terry Thompson, supplies 45.00, Demco, supplies 53.23, Department of Legislative Audit, 2012-2013 Audit 12822.75, First Bankcard, gas, ammo, supplies 703.08, Hillyard, supplies 106.23, J & K, supplies 454.68, Knology, utilities 131.16, Lincoln County Treasurer, ment ill bd 278.20, Matheson Tri Gas, supplies 100.57, McLeods, supplies 206.00, MidAmerican Energy, natural gas 1927.88, Minnehaha County Regional, juvenile care 4145.00, Nancy Nelson, abuse/neglect 542.94, Northern Hills Collection, service 36.10, Officemax, supplies 154.73, Physio-Control, service agreement 200.33, Reader Service, books 27.24, Reserve Account, postage 1700.00, Rhapsody Book Club, books 52.57, Verizon, mobile broadband 200.07. Highway: A&B, repairs 195.95, Avera Queen of Peace, drug test 145.80, City of Flandreau, utilities 476.58, Dakota Drain Cleaning, repairs 310.00, Diesel Machinery, plate packer, ditch bucket, hydraulic quick coupler 25755.00, Don’s Tire Shop, repairs 25.00, Ekern, repairs 196.93, First Bankcard, supplies 232.00, J & K, supplies 52.03, Johnson Brothers, sand 1839.87, Matheson Tri Gas, supplies 247.84, MidAmerican Energy, natural gas 583.56, NAPA, repairs 183.34, RDO Equipment, repairs 4526.06, Rudy’s Welding, supplies 20.00, SDDOT, service/bridge inspection/prelim engineering 10673.90, Sturdevant’s, repairs 136.30. 911: CenturyLink, trunking fees 469.48. Emergency Management: City of Flandreau, utilities 29.29, River Lodge, lodging 114.00. Flexible Spending: Kari Anderson, reimbursement 1527.45, Kay Peterson, reimbursement 1176.50.
Motion by Jones, seconded by Ehrichs to adjourn the meeting at 10.45 AM. All voted “aye”.
ATTEST: Kay Peterson Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Moody County Interim Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners