

  1. E-mailConcerns

E-mail Sign up

Unable tolog in (UNand Password verified)


Mailboxat okay quota

No Roles (e-mail deletion)

E-mail removed dueto inactivity

Set up Outlook

Retrieve e-mail user name and password

Retrieve E-mail Password ONLY

Vacation Message

E-mail forwarding

Commercial E-mail Forwarding

E-mail forwarding Problem

E-mail Forwarding problem Explanation

Cell phone e-mail

iPhone e-mail



  1. Intranet/IDPassword Concerns
  • Forgot Intranet User Name and Password
  • Forgot User Name and Password (Sent by support)
  • Forgot User Name and Password (incorrect e-mail on file)
  • Change Intranet Password
  • Change Intranet User Name
  • Clear Cache
  • Unable to log in (UN and Password Verified)
  1. KW.comsearchconcerns
  • Display for customers
  • Agent Search (Profile Not Matching Search Criteria)
  • Enable/Disable Website
  • Website should be disabled
  • Contact information updates
  1. RoleConcerns
  • No Roles (Can’t log in)
  • No Roles (e-mail deletion)
  • No Roles/Leadership Role:
  • No Roles (MCA can’t find agent in Office Roster):
  1. Web Office Inquiries:
  • Web Office Invite
  • Web Office Invite (No KW E-mail on File)
  • Refer to Webexone
  1. complaints, job hunts, prop searches:
  • Complaint Named
  • Complaint Unnamed
  • Property Search (no agent listed)
  • Prop Search Specific Agent
  • Career Contact Request
  1. E-mail Concerns

E-mail Sign up:

*****Please be aware that you will not receive a direct confirmation from KW advising that your request was approved or denied. You will need to follow the first 4 steps of this process in order to determine the approval status of your request. *****

  1. You first need to obtain a KW Intranet username and password from your Market Center Administrator.
  2. When you are set up with your Intranet account, go to:
  3. Select KW Email from the Technology menu at the top.
  4. Click the "Sign Up" link.
  5. Username - Enter the address. The address must a minimum of 4 characters. (This name should be easily associated with your name so that clients can better recall your email address. For agent Jane Doe, would be a good choice.) Your address can be up to 16 characters long. The email address can not be a First Name only. Addresses may only consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, periods and underscores. No spaces, commas, quotation marks, or other characters. Also, we will not approve a KW email address using any of the following:
  6. KWRI
  7. KLRW
  8. KWRG
  9. KWMC
  10. agent
  11. realty
  12. realestate
  13. realtor
  14. culture
  15. kwcares (or similar)
  16. kwconnect (or similar)
  17. keller (unless the first or last name of the associate is Keller)
  18. MREA
  19. MREI
  20. Millionaire
  21. Once you have entered your address, click the Request button.
  22. EagentC tries to process email requests within twenty-four hours, but depending on the number of requests in queue, please allow up to five business days to verify your username.
  23. To verify that your account has been created, repeat steps 1-4. The Address request box will no longer be there. It will be replaced with a confirmation or denial message.
  24. If your address request is denied, you will be prompted to enter a new username request.
  25. If your address request is accepted, you will be given your email address and password. Your default Email password is the same as your KW Intranet password.


Unable to log in (UN and Password verified):

Thank you for contacting us.

I was able to successfully log in to your account this morning with the information we have on file. So the good thing is that there is nothing wrong with the account itself.

There are a few things we can do here to help you get in to your account.

1. If you need your user name and password you can get it by following these instructions:

  • Log in to
  • Go to the technology tab
  • Click kw e-mail
  • Click sign up (It will tell you what your e-mail address is here).

2. Try clearing the cache for your internet browser. I have referenced a link with step by steps for various web browsers. Choose the appropriate one and follow the instructions to clear the cache:

3. If that doesn't work check to see if you are using the most current version of your internet browser. If you are using Internet Explorer you should be using version 8. If you don't have version 8 you can get the update at the link below:

4. OR you can download Mozilla Fire Fox which is the browser that runs the most smoothly with KW applications. The most recent version is available at:

If none of these things work you may want to talk to your local tech person about the settings on your computer to make sure that there is nothing blocking you from logging in.

Mailbox full:

Thank you for your e-mail. I looked in to this for you and there are a few things we can do here to help you stop getting the messages. I logged in to your webmail account which is a webbased version of your desktop outlook. I believe that this is where the issue is stemming from. When I logged in here your quota was at 91.42%.

You can log in to this e-mail at:

The user ID and password will be the same as your desktop e-mail address. Just be aware that unlike your desktop e-mail the log in credentials are case sensitive and that you will need to include the entire e-mail address ().

When you log in here sort the e-mails by size and start by deleting the larger ones. This will free up a lot of space. If there are any e-mails that you need then you can save them to your computer and delete them off of the server.

If there are any important e-mails that you want to save I would suggest creating a folder on your desktop and saving them there. This way you will still have them for reference but your inbox will not get crowded.

You can also specify a number of days for an e-mail to stay on the webmail server. It won't delete it from your desktop outlook but will keep the web based version of outlook from filling up.

Below are instructions for enabling this option for Outlook 2003.Instructions may vary for later versions of Outlook.For exact instructions for your version of Outlook, click on Outlook's Help function and search for "copy on server".
1. In Outlook go to Tools > Email accounts
2. Choose Edit or Change Existing mail account
3. Select account
4. Choose Change
5. Choose More Settings
6. Choose the Advanced Tab
7. Under “delivery” check the "Leave a copy of messages on the server box".

8.Choose to keep copy of messages on server for only 10 or so days otherwise mailbox will fill up.
Also remember that anything in your bulk email folder will not download from Webmail to an Outlook client. In Webmail you can change the Spam Filter setting to a lesser degree to eliminate most emails from going into the Bulk folder.Click here for more on adjusting your spam filter settings in KW Webmail.

Mailbox at okay quota:

Thank you for your e-mail. I looked in to this for you and it appears that your e-mail account is at an acceptable quota as of this morning.

To prevent receiving messages such as this in the future you can specify a number of days for an e-mail to stay on the webmail server. It won't delete the message from your desktop account but will keep the web based version of outlook from filling up.

Below are instructions for enabling this option for Outlook 2003. Instructions may vary for later versions of Outlook. For exact instructions for your version of Outlook, click on Outlook's Help function and search for "copy on server".

  1. In Outlook go to Tools > Email accounts
  2. Choose Edit or Change Existing mail account
  3. Select account
  4. Choose Change
  5. Choose More Settings
  6. Choose the Advanced Tab
  7. Under delivery check the "Leave a copy of messages on the server box"
  8. Choose to keep copy of messages on server for only 10 or so days otherwise mailbox will fill up.

Also remember that anything in your bulk email folder will not download from Webmail to an Outlook client. In Webmail you can change the Spam Filter setting to a lesser degree to eliminate most emails from going into the Bulk folder. Click here for more on adjusting your spam filter settings in KW Webmail.

If you continue to receive these messages let me know and I will be happy to help you further.

No Roles (e-mail deletion):

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

The reason you're getting this message is because you don't have any roles attached to your KW Intranet Profile and as a result you're not allow to view content that is associated to this role. When associates do not have any active roles then they will not appear in your KW Intranet Office Roster either.

You will need to have your MCA give you an active role. I have provided a step by step that you can forward to them.
To add roles to an associate’s Intranet Profile please follow the instructions I have included below:
1. In your WinMORE system please locate their profile
2. Be sure that an "A" for active is selected in their profile
3. Click SAVE (regardless of whether or not you have made any changes/updates)
4. Clicking SAVE will reset the roles and then you should be able to immediately view them in your Intranet Office Roster again

E-mail removed due to inactivity:

Thank you for contacting us today.

It is possible that because it has been 2 or three months since you logged in to this account it was removed. If an agent goes longer than 90 days without logging in to their account it will be removed and returned to the pool of available user names. I have restored the account now. The default password will be the same as your intranet password. Please note that any e-mails sent to this address before and during the deactivation period will not be accessible.

There are 2 things that you can do that may help you to keep this from happening:

1. You can set yourself a reminder on your calendar to log in once every 2 weeks or so.

2. You can set up e-mail forwarding to another account.

To set up e-mail forwarding use the following instructions:

1. Log in to

2. Go to the “Technology” tab and select KW Email from the drop-down list.

3. Under the KW Email address section, click on the forwarding link and follow the prompts to add, edit or remove your forwarding email address.

Set up Outlook:

Thank you for contacting us today!

To set up your outlook follow the link below and choose the appropriate version of outlook for the correct step by step:

Because KW does not provide outgoing e-mail we can not provide you a server name for outgoing e-mail.

What you can do here is use what is called a third party SMTP server. The most commonly used third party SMTP servers are Yahoo and Gmail but you must have an account with one of these providers to get them to work. You can use the following links to obtain the correct SMTP information for them:



If you do not use Gmail or Yahoo you can contact your e-mail provider directly to obtain their specific SMTP information.

Retrieve e-mail user name and password:

Thank you for contacting us.

Just to make sure I did verify that your e-mail was up and running properly this morning. I was able to successfully log in.

Follow the step by step below to retrieve your e-mail address information:

1. Log in to

2. Go to the technology tab

3. Click kw e-mail

4. Click sign up (It will tell you what your e-mail address is here).

There is no way to have your e-mail password sent to you. But what you can do is reset the password or sync it to your intranet password by following these steps:

1. Repeat steps 1, 2 and three as above

2. Click reset password

3. Choose either option 1 (sync password) or option 2 (change password)

Retrieve E-mail Password ONLY:

There is no way to have your e-mail password sent to you. But what you can do is reset the password or sync it to your intranet password by following these steps:

1. Log in to

2. Go to the technology tab

3. Click KW e-mail

4. Click reset password

5. Choose either option 1 (sync password) or option 2 (change password)

You should also clear your temporary internet files. Please use this URL below and choose the step by step based on the browser that you're using:

Vacation Message:

Thank you for contacting us today!

This one is a little tricky because it's not called "out of the office" as it is in some other e-mail clients. It is actually called vacation message.

Here's how to turn your Vacation Web Mail Auto responder ON:

1. Login to Web Mail

2. Select the Vacation icon underneath 'Mail' in the left-hand navigation

3. Read the text at the top of the page explaining how the auto responder works.

4. Select "Set/install vacation notice."

5. The subject heading and body of the message are populated with a standard message. If you would like to edit the subject heading or body of the text message, feel free to create your own text.

6. In order to submit your changes or turn your vacation setting on, enter your password in the field provided, and select "submit."

What is the ALIAS field?

Auto responder will ONLY go out to those incoming emails specifically addressed to your email address. If you have a non-KW account that is forwarding TO your email account and you would like the auto responder to go out to those incoming forwarded messages as well, please enter that account name under the ALIAS field.

You turn the vacation message off by clicking 'Vacation' then clicking the radio button to 'Unset/remove,' enter your password at the bottom, and click 'Submit.'

Note: if you click the Vacation button and the screen opens with the radio button on 'Set/Install' this means the vacation notice is off. Also note that the default message is returned to the message window after you remove your vacation notice.

Hope this helps!

E-mail forwarding:

If you would like to add/remove forwarding to your e-mail account follow the steps below:

1. Log in to

2. Go to the “Technology” tab and select KW Email from the drop-down list.

3. Under the KW Email address section, click on the forwarding link and follow the prompts to add, edit or remove your forwarding email address.

Commercial E-mail Forwarding:

Thank you for your e-mail.

To forward your email address, please login to and go to the Commercial tab.

Once inside the Commercial tab, go to the left menu to click Commercial Email Signup.

In the drop down menu, select and click on "Submit".

Now click on Forwarding Address.

Here you can add a forwarding email address or Remove your forwarding email address.

E-mail forwarding Problem:

Your KW mailbox is functioning normally. You are currently forwarding to ****. In order to fully test your email forwarding you will need to first remove the forwarding then send a test message to then check your mail at If you receive your test messages then your KW mail is functioning normally and the problem is most likely on the side of the forwarding address. Please let us know if you do not receive the test messages so we can review this issue for you further.

Also note that if you are forwarding the e-mail will bypass your inbox and go directly to the forwarding inbox.

E-mail Forwarding problem Explanation:

Thank you for contacting us.

The short answer as to why this is happening is, because the email servers on their systems are being abused to send junk email and those receiving this junk email are, rightly, complaining. For those who may need to respond to users' questions, here is an attempt at an explanation that might help.

In the last two years, a form of doing business on the Internet has emerged that takes advantage of two features of the Internet.

One is the ease of gathering (or simply buying from someone else) literally millions of email addresses. Your email address is exposed when you post to Usenet newsgroups,fill out forms on web pages, and can be even be "harvested" from your own web pages when you use "mailto:" links in HTML files.

The second feature these businesses are taking advantage of is the extremely low cost and simplicity of sending "email spam" or "junk email", to millions of email addresses. This is used to advertise products and services, and promoting illegal multi-level marketing and fraud schemes. Often this is done by getting a free "trial" account with a large Internet Service Provider (ISP) and sending a batch of email just once before abandoning the account. No matter how it is sent, unsolicited junk email is an extremely annoying practice that is growing rapidly and generates angry complaints from many who receive it.