Ultimate Dance & Cheer - Spring Information Note
Recital Date: May 3rd, 2014
Recital Location: Sanford Pentagon, Sioux Falls SD
Recital Duration: Approx 2 hours
Recital Participants: All Cheerleaders & Dancers
Recital Groups:
Group A- Harrisburg Studio Classes
Group B- Tea Monday/Tuesday Classes
Group C- Tea Wednesday/Thursday Classes & Beresford Classes
Cheer Teams- You will perform in Group A & B Shows
Tea Competitive Dance Teams- You will perform all routines in Group B Show, and finales in all three shows
Beresford Competitive Dance Teams You will perform all routines in Group C Show, and finales in all three shows
Recital Showtimes on May 3rd:
Group A- 10:30am Show
Group B- 2:30pm Show
Group C- 6:30pm Show
**Recital Ticket Sales**
SALES OPEN = MARCH 15th, 8:00am <- MUST KNOW DATE & Website ->
Ticket Pricing= $12.55 (includes online convenience fees)
Tickets are sold ONLINE. No tickets will be available at the studios! ONLINE ONLY!!!
Who Needs a Ticket? Anyone needing a seat, lap children are free
Do Performers need Tickets? NO, they will be “Backstage” the whole time
Is it Reserved Seating? Yes, you will choose the seats at the time of purchase
Are my tickets exchangeable or refundable? No. All sales are final.
Is my ticket good for all shows? No. Tickets are only good for the show purchased.
How do I get in to the show? Please print your tickets.
Handicap Accessible Seating? YES. Please only purchase seats in this area if it is needed. If you have are purchasing 10 tickets, and only need one handicap, please consider purchasing 2 in the handicap section, and 8 in the row behind it or to the side of it. IF the handicap seats sell out fast, please know we have space set aside for wheelchairs that is NOT listed on the seating chart. Just purchase a ticket with your group anywhere on the seating chart, and the person in the wheelchair and one other person will be able to sit together in the designated space.
Show Information:
We will only be using one side of Heritage Court for seating, and will have the floor area curtained off to give the room the feel of a performance hall! It will be completely different from the Christmas Showcase. The room will be dark with just the performance area featured in lights.
Audience members will be directed to their seats 30 minutes prior to show time. We suggest all of our families be seated and ready to go 5 minutes before show time! We start our shows right on time!
Performers will stay with volunteers on one of the outer courts during the show. That area will be our “Backstage” area. Please bring a coloring book and crayons for your child to keep occupied. In the past, some people have brought Barbies and small toys, that is ok too! LABEL all of your belongings!
Parents of 2 & 3 Year olds, please come and get your dancers at intermission, and have them sit with you for the second half of the show. You’ll then bring them backstage with 4 songs to go so they can get in line for finale! (They don’t need tickets to sit with you)
At the conclusion of the show, all performers will return to their backstage area. Parents will come and get them from that area, and you are free to go! We need to clear the Pentagon very quickly after each show to prepare for the next show!
Show Etiquette:
*REMAIN SEATED DURING PERFORMANCES! If you must run to the restroom during the show, please do so in between performances. ALL performers are in the finale, so all must stay until the end of the show.
*TURN OFF YOUR PHONES – We have had our dancers actually say to us “It makes us sad to see so many people on their phones while we perform, you can see their faces lit up by their screens.” These kids have all worked so hard on their routines. Please respect ALL performers by watching their routines. This is a performance for YOU! Enjoy!
*TURN OFF YOUR FLASH- You are more than welcome to take pictures, but please, no FLASH!
*NO VIDEOTAPING- We have a professional company videotape our recitals, absolutely no videotaping is allowed. NO exceptions. Anyone videotaping will be escorted out of the show. We have had home videos end up on YouTube without parental permissions, or permission from Ultimate Dance and the choreographers of the routines. Please understand this policy, and refrain from recording on your phones (that are put away anyway, right? ) or other devices. Thank You!
*CHEERS AND CLAPPING- YES YES YES! Your kids want to hear you! Plus, it is just way more fun when the audience gets involved! Let’s hear you!
*ALL PERFORMERS- Hair must be pulled up into a tight, high Bun. (Google “Sock Bun”)
*Use more hairspray or gel than you think you should… we want rock-hard heads ;) no flyaways!
*ALL PERFORMERS- We do “Stage makeup” for shows. Parents, have no fear, this is not to make your sweet little one look older or to doll them up… it is because of the lighting. Stage lights wash out faces, making the kids look quite pale and a tad sick. We want them to look as vibrant as they feel dancing for you all!
Blush- Pink!
Mascara- Black (dancers 4 & under…only if the child allows it, don’t fight them over it)
Eyeliner- Black
Eye Shadow- Browns/Golds (Just to add some glimmer and brighten up those eyes)
Lipstick- Red!
*This is our 9th year with Jase Video! They do a great job of getting whole group shots and zooming in. You can preorder your videos on their website, as well as order after the show. If you didn’t get a chance to order last year’s show…all of our past shows are on their website as well!
We take class and individual photos every year for recital! This year we welcome “Shalista Photography” as our photographer. We will be using an all white back drop and floor, which really makes those costumes pop! They will be beautiful!
ALL Pictures will take place at our Harrisburg Location: 520 Cliff Ave.
*Picture Schedule is attached – Picture Dates: Friday, April 25th & Saturday, April 26th
Tidbits for Pictures AND Recitals!
NO Nailpolish, NO Jewelry (plain studs are ok), NO Underwear
*All Dancers will be getting a pair of suntan tights. That is all they should wear under their costumes!
* COME 15 minutes before your scheduled Picture Time!
Your Studio Location / Your Class Day / Your Class Time / Picture Day / Picture Time in dance room / Rehearsal Time in tumble roomHarrisburg / Wednesday / 6:15 / 4/26 / 9:30am / 9:50am
Harrisburg / Wednesday / 5:30 / 4/26 / 9:50am / 10:10am
Harrisburg / Wednesday / 6:45 / 4/26 / 10:10am / 10:20am
Harrisburg / Wednesday / 7:45 / 4/26 / 10:30am / 10:40am
Harrisburg / Monday / 5:45 / 4/26 / 10:40am / 11:00am
Harrisburg / Tuesday / 5:00 / 4/26 / 11:00am / 11:15am
Harrisburg / Tuesday / 5:30 / 4/26 / 11:15am / 11:30am
Harrisburg / Tuesday / 6:15 / 4/26 / 11:30am / 11:50am
Harrisburg / Tuesday / 7:15 / 4/26 / 11:50am / 12:10pm
Harrisburg / Tuesday / 8:15 / 4/26 / 12:10pm / 12:15pm
Harrisburg / Thursday / 5:00 / 4/26 / 12:15pm / 12:35pm
Harrisburg / Thursday / 6:00 / 4/26 / 12:35pm / 12:55pm
Harrisburg / Thursday / 6:45 / 4/26 / 12:45pm / 1:00pm
Break / Break / Break / Break / Break / Break
Tea / Monday / 5:15 / 4/26 / 1:30pm / 1:40pm
Tea / Monday / 7:15 / 4/26 / 1:40pm / 1:55pm
Tea / Monday / 8:00 / 4/26 / 1:55pm / 2:00pm
Tea / Tuesday / 4:45 yellow / 4/26 / 2:00pm / 2:20pm
Tea / Tuesday / 5:45 yellow / 4/26 / 2:20pm / 2:40pm
Tea / Tuesday / 6:45 yellow / 4/26 / 2:40pm / 3:00pm
Tea / Tuesday / 7:45 yellow / 4/26 / 3:00pm / 3:10pm
Tea / Tuesday / 5:00 blue / 4/26 / 3:10pm / 3:25pm
Tea / Tuesday / 5:30 blue / 4/26 / 3:25pm / 3:45pm
Tea / Tuesday / 6:00 blue / 4/26 / 3:45pm / 4:05pm
Tea / Tuesday / 6:45 blue / 4/26 / 4:05pm / 4:25pm
Tea / Tuesday / 7:30 blue / 4/26 / 4:25pm / 4:45pm
Beresford / Tuesday / 5:15 / 4/26 / 4:45pm / 5:00pm
Beresford / Tuesday / 5:45 / 4/26 / 5:00pm / 5:20pm
Beresford / Tuesday / 6:45 / 4/26 / 5:20pm / 5:30pm
Harrisburg / THURSDAY / CHEER / 4/26 / 5:30pm / No practice
Harrisburg / SUNDAY / CHEER / 4/26 / 6:00pm / No practice
Tea / Wednesday / 6:00 / 4/25 (Friday) / 6:00pm / 6:10pm
Tea / Wednesday / 6:30 / 4/25 / 6:10pm / 6:25pm
Tea / Wednesday / 6:50 / 4/25 / 6:25pm / 6:45pm
Tea / Thursday / 6:00 blue / 4/25 / 6:45pm / 7:00pm
Tea / Thursday / 7:00 blue / 4/25 / 7:00pm / 7:15pm
DO NOT BE LATE! We are running a very tight schedule!
Parents will not be allowed in the room for pictures. We get those best smiles when there isn’t pressure from lots of eyes watching Thank You!
I’m so excited to announce the launch of our new and improved website! You will find studio policies, open class listings, and general information with ease! We also have a new online registration system. We are almost all set up to begin taking online payments. Yaa! You’ll have a parent portal that allows you to see which classes you have registered for, read notes, and more….and a bonus, once you are in the system.. you’re IN! No more confusing paperwork!
Check it out:
SUMMER 2014 TUMBLE, DANCE, & Themed Parties!
We are running 6-week sessions this summer for dance & tumble.
These are great classes for new and old students who want to refine their skills.
Our summer classes will be held at our Tea & Harrisburg Locations.
Princess Party, Jungle Jive, & Hip Hop Heros:
You won’t want to miss our three day mini sessions! Each session has a unique theme where kids will learn a routine based on that theme, do crafts, have snacks, and have an all around great time! These mini sessions run three days in a row, for 2.5 hours. They are $45.00 per person.
Please check out our website for dates and schedules:
2014-2015 Classes:
The Fall Schedule will be announced online and on our website in May!
Once announced, you will want to register quickly and tell your friends to register.
Historically, our classes have filled within weeks!
A note from Mary Pat:
I cannot wait to keep our program growing! And by growing, this year I mean…. In depth and quality! Our teachers are going through extensive training to meet the needs of our dancers, tumblers, and cheerleaders. We are so excited to step it up a notch, and bring the quality you all deserve, while still having fun and exciting classes.
For all of you who have remained loyal and supportive, I THANK YOU! This year has been quite a roller coaster of changes, some not the greatest and some that are setting us up to launch full speed ahead into the top notch studio I know we are. With the new website, registration systems, book keeping systems, and all of that behind the scene stuff coming together, my focus can be where my heart is… on every child that enters the door. I cannot wait to see the growth and development of Ultimate Dance & Cheer, and hope you continue to join us on this ride. We are thankful for you, and we value you.
I can’t express enough how much it means to me that you have chosen Ultimate Dance & Cheer. There are a lot of options in town, yet you chose us. I want you to know that it remains my top priority to keep UDC a family-first studio. I make every effort to keep prices affordable for as many possible. I choose to keep songs, costumes and moves all age appropriate and conservative. Your kids matter to me! Every child has a story, every child is important. Thank you for choosing us!
I may not be the best at keeping up with e-mails (you can nod in agreement) but please know I am trying, and implementing new ways to streamline the hundreds I receive! This studio has been my “baby” (you could call it my fourth child… that has grown faster than the other three!) I have been the only one behind the scenes doing the “work”: scheduling, website creating, facebook page updating, emailing, choreographing, teaching, bill-paying, invoice creating, costume ordering, competition registering, and many other things. The past year has quickly changed all of that, I’ve had to outsource some help, and with that comes the challenge of training! I cannot wait for what the future holds as it is getting closer and closer to me being where I want to be…in the studio with the kids and my staff. The future is bright at UDC! Thanks for joining us on this ride!
~Mary Pat Norgaard