/ 1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, California94132
Phone: (415) 338-1093
Fax: (415) 338-2493

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Human and Animal Protections

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Animal Subjects Annual Continuation Form

Principal Investigator /Project Information:

Principal Investigator: / IACUC Protocol number:
Expiration Date:
Title of Project:

The Animal Welfare Act and SFSU IACUC Policy require annual review and approval of animal use protocols. In order to continue this protocol for another year, you must complete this form and return it to the IACUC Office. Please respond to the following items to ensure that your protocol is current.

Failure to return this form to the IACUC will result in suspension of your animal protocol.

1. Animal Subjects

a) Total approved sample size:

b) Total number of animals used to date:

2.Do you want the above animal use protocol continued? (If "no" your protocol will be terminated)

3. Discuss the status of the research described in the current protocol: If the project is active, provide a short paragraph(as an attachment) regarding progress toward the specific aims of the protocol. If experiments under the protocol have notbeen conducted this year, please explain why the protocol needs to remain active.

4. Summarize any unforeseen or unanticipated problems or adverse events that occurred during the past year.

5. Summarize all modifications (amendments, revisions) made to the original protocol during the past year. Have there been any changes in the approved project with respect to: experimental procedures, the animal model, animal pain or discomfort?

6. Are any minor changes planned for this project? (e.g., substitution of a qualified student or technician;

addition of a faculty collaborator; addition of another strain of the same species; change in sex of animal

to be used; addition of sample collection times; additional noninvasive sampling) Please note that major changesrequire submission of a new application. (e.g., change in purpose or aim of study; change in PI; change in species; increase in animal numbers; addition of surgery; addition of a painful procedure)

7. Has the availability of alternatives to the use of animals changed in the past year?

8. If any new research personnel have been added, include their names, qualifications, training, and a copy of their CITI course completion certificates.

Signature of PI: ______Date: ______

IACUC approval: ______Date: ______

First notice is sent 2 months prior to the deadline. Extensions of this deadline cannot be made. The IACUC strongly recommends submitting this form at least 1 month before the deadline.