U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Office of Science Applications, Pacific Region

in support of the

North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number:

15.669 - Cooperative Landscape Conservation

15.670- Adaptive Science

Notice of Funding Opportunity

Funding Opportunity Title: USFWS/NPLCC 2016

Funding Opportunity Announcement Number:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 18, 2016 @ 4:00 p.m. PDT

I. Description of Funding Opportunity

This funding notification can also be found on the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s (NPLCC) website (link).

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) receives funds to support collaborative science and knowledge activities of the NPLCC. The USFWS Pacific Region awards these funds for financial assistance through a competitive process for projects, studies, and events that support natural and cultural resource conservation in the face of climate change and other landscape-scale stressors. The NPLCC recognizes the importance of considering both western science and traditional knowledges to advance landscape-scale conservation and sustainable resource management.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is a request for pre-proposals addressing the action listed below. Project pre-proposals should not exceed $50,000. Pre-proposals will be evaluated by a team of reviewers and a subset will be selected for further consideration. Applicants with pre-proposals that are advanced to the next stage will be required to submit a detailed proposal by May 18, 2016 for further evaluation.

All projects selected for funding must have application or occur within the geographic area of the NPLCC. Details about the NPLCC can be found at http://northpacificlcc.org/. Projects selected for funding will help implement the NPLCC Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Strategy (available here). Pre-proposals must address the following activity that was included in the 2015-2016 Implementation Plan for the Science and Traditional Ecological knowledge Strategy (available here):

Develop / improve information on how climate change and associated adaptation actions will affect linkages between ecological and human resources (including Tribal and First Nations subsistence activities and cultural resources).

The NPLCC is seeking proposals addressing this activity area that will directly benefit natural and cultural resource managers by informing policy, conservation and sustainable resource management decisions and actions. Project proposals must address natural and cultural resource managers’ needs as they work to understand and adapt to our regions changing climate and/or other landscape-scale stressors. Project proposals should be developed in coordination with end-users and decision-relevant needs/outcomes must be clearly identified.

In support of the NPLCC and consistent with Secretarial Order 3289 and other LCC guidance, awards issued pursuant to this announcement will be expected to result in various products or outcomes. USFWS Pacific Region reserves the right to make no awards under this announcement. Funding amounts awarded for selected proposals are not explicit; final amounts awarded are at discretion of the NPLCC Steering Committee and USFWS Pacific Region.

This financial assistance opportunity is being issued under CFDA number 15.669, Cooperative Landscape Conservation Program, and CFDA number 15.670, Adaptive Science. CFDA number 15.669 is authorized by the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a-742j, not including 742 d-1; Stat. 1119), as amended; The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-57); Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531-1544, 87 Stat. 884); Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 2901-2911; 94 Stat. 1322. CFDA number 15.670 is authorized by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531-1544, 87 Stat. 884); The National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-57); Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C 703-712).; Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 2901-2911; 94 Stat. 1322); The Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a-742j, not including 742 d-1; Stat. 1119), as amended.

II. Award Information

Awards are contingent on the availability of funds. A total estimated amount of $50,000 to $200,000 USFWS funding for 1 to 5 projects may be awarded under this announcement for supporting NPLCC partners and landscape conservation delivery within the geographic range of the NPLCC. Proposals must address the activity identified above. Invited detailed proposals will be eligible for up to $50,000 or potentially up to $75,000 if a joint detailed proposal is recommended.

Pre-proposals will be reviewed and initial selections made in early April 2016. Successful applicants will be notified and asked to submit a detailed proposal shortly thereafter, with detailed proposals due within four weeks of notification.

Anticipated Start and End Dates: Projects selected for funding will begin in late summer 2016. Projects should be completed within 2 years of their start dates unless the proposal specifically states otherwise and explains to why a longer period of time is necessary to complete the work.

Partial Funding: USFWS Pacific Region reserves the right to offer partial funding to submissions by funding discrete activities, portions, or phases of the proposed project. If USFWS decides to partially fund the proposed project, it will do so in a manner that does not prejudice any applicants or affect the basis upon which the proposed project, or portion thereof, was evaluated and selected, and that maintains the integrity of the competition and the selection/evaluation process.

Award Instrument: This program uses interagency and cooperative agreements as the primary assistance instrument. It is expected that the USFWS (and NPLCC staff) will have substantial involvement in the funded activities including possible assistance with planning; participation in meetings/workshops; assistance with communication and outreach; and assistance sharing products, data, and information. The involvement will be determined at the time of the award. In rare cases, grants may be the appropriate funding mechanism. For institutions participating within the Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units programs, these tasks may be suitable for those programs. In addition, the USFWS will serve as the primary link to the NPLCC Steering Committee and the awardee.

Acknowledgement: The NPLCC must be appropriately acknowledged in all products, tools and deliverables as well as websites, publications and tools where the project/products is described and/or made available. The NPLCC logo will be available as needed for acknowledgements.

Sensitivity of Tribal/First Nations Knowledge: The NPLCC recognizes that knowledge and data held by indigenous people may be proprietary/sensitive and that Tribes may not wish to publicly share information from studies that use a Traditional Knowledges approach. We respect the need for sensitivity and heightened awareness when working with tribal partners. Therefore, we will work with Tribes at the beginning of projects to identify issues and find a path forward that meets tribal needs as well as providing reasonable access to non-sensitive data and products.

Confidentiality: Applicants may claim all or a portion of their project submission as confidential business information. Applicants must clearly mark submissions or portions thereof which they claim as confidential. If no claim of confidentiality is made, USFWS Pacific Region is not responsible to maintain confidentiality. Note that data produced under a Federal award is subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

III. Basic Eligibility Requirements

Eligible Applicants:

All applicants are eligible. Non-federal applicants must follow the requirements shown in sections A through C. U.S. non-profit, non-governmental organizations must provide a copy of their Section 501(c)(3) or (4) status determination letter received from the Internal Revenue Service.

Applicants must ensure that activities occurring outside the United States are coordinated as necessary with appropriate U.S. and foreign government authorities and that any necessary licenses, permits, or approvals are obtained prior to undertaking proposed activities. The Service does not assume responsibility for recipient compliance with the laws and regulations of the country in which the work is to be conducted

Federal law mandates that all entities applying for Federal financial assistance must have a valid Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number and have a current registration in the System for Award Management (SAM). See Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 25 for more information. Exemptions: The SAM registration requirement does not apply to individuals submitting an application on their own behalf and not on behalf of a company or other for-profit entity, state, local or Tribal government, academia or other type of organization.

A.  DUNS Registration

Request a DUNS number online at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform. U.S.-based entities may also request a DUNS number by telephone by calling the Dun Bradstreet Government Customer Response Center, Monday – Friday, 7 AM to 8 PM CST at the following numbers:

U.S. and U.S Virgin Islands: 1-866-705-5711

Alaska and Puerto Rico: 1-800-234-3867 (Select Option 2, then Option 1)

For Hearing Impaired Customers Only call: 1-877-807-1679 (TTY Line)

Once assigned a DUNS number, entities are responsible for maintaining up-to-date information with Dun & Bradstreet.

B.  Entity Registration in SAM:

Register in SAM online at http://www.sam.gov/. Once registered in SAM, entities must renew and revalidate their SAM registration at least every 12 months from the date previously registered. Entities are strongly urged to revalidate their registration as often as needed to ensure that their information is up to date and in synch with changes that may have been made to DUNS and IRS information. Foreign entities who wish to be paid directly to a United States bank account must enter and maintain valid and current banking information in SAM.

C.  Excluded Entities:

Applicant entities or their key project personnel identified in the SAM.gov Exclusions database as ineligible, prohibited/restricted or excluded from receiving Federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain Federal assistance and benefits will not be considered for Federal funding, as applicable to the funding being requested under this Federal program.

D.  Cost Sharing or Matching:

Cost sharing or matching is not an eligibility requirement but is highly desirable to support the collaborative goals of the NPLCC. Therefore, cost leveraging is considered within the evaluation criteria. Both federal and non-federal sources of cost sharing, including contribution of in-kind services, can be considered in meeting the leveraging and partnership criterion. Letters of concurrence from partners are required for invited detailed proposals only.

IV. Application Requirements

To be considered for funding under this funding opportunity, you must first submit a Pre-Proposal as described in Appendix A.

Following review and evaluation of the Pre-Proposals, selected applicants then will be invited to develop Detailed Proposals following guidelines given in Appendix B. Detailed proposals will not be accepted from investigators other than those invited as part of this process.

To be considered for funding under this funding opportunity, an application must contain:

1)  Pre-Proposal Application Requirements: Appendix A- Pre-Proposal Guidelines provides a description of required summary, narrative and budget information required for application. You must submit a Pre-proposal to be considered for funding under this funding opportunity.

2)  Detailed Proposal Application Requirements: Appendix B- Detailed Proposal Guidelines provides a description of additional required narrative and attachments if your Pre-proposal is selected by the review team for further consideration.

3)  Additional Application Requirements: Appendix C – Additional Application Requirements describes additional forms and information that will need to be submitted if you are contacted following review of the Detailed Proposals. The timing for this information request will likely be in May 2016. Do not submit the forms until you have been contacted by NPLCC staff and the information requested.

Failure to provide complete information may cause delays, postponement, or rejection of the application.

V. Submission Instructions

Pre-proposals are to be submitted electronically to . Pre-proposals are to be received before March 18, 2016, 4:00 pm PDT. For consideration in the NPLCC review process, applicants must prepare and submit a Pre-proposal as described in Appendix A.

Successful applicants through the Pre-proposal process will be invited to complete a Detailed Project Proposal (as described in Appendix B). Applicants who did not submit a pre-proposal and/or who did not get an invitation to develop a Detailed Project Proposal will not be considered.

Invited Detailed Proposal Packets are to be submitted electronically to or through RFP Manager if instructions are provided to use RFP Manager when an invitation is sent to prepare a Detailed Proposal. The principle investigator has the lead for the project and the proposal must include all pertinent information from the parties involved in the project.

Format all of your documents to print on Letter size (8 ½” x 11”) paper. Format all pages to display and print page numbers. Where possible, save scanned documents in .pdf format.

If your project has tentatively been selected for funding, forms and additional information described in Appendix C is required to be submitted before your application can be approved for funding.


Pre-proposal Submission Deadline: Pre-proposals are to be received before March 18, 2016, 4:00 pm PDT.

Detailed Proposal Submission Deadline: Invited Detail Proposal Packets are to be received before May 18, 2016, 4:00 pm PDT

Intergovernmental Review: Before submitting an application, U.S. state and local government applicants should visit the following website (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants_spoc/) to determine whether their application is subject to the state intergovernmental review process under Executive Order (E.O.) 12372 “Intergovernmental review of Federal Programs.” E.O. 12372 was issued to foster the intergovernmental partnership and strengthen federalism by relying on state and local processes for the coordination and review of proposed Federal financial assistance and direct Federal development. The E.O. allows each state to designate an entity to perform this function. The official list of designated entities is posted on the website. Contact your state’s designated entity for more information on the process the state requires to be followed when applying for assistance. States that do not have a designated entity listed on the website have chosen not to participate in the review process.

Funding Restrictions: Funding for construction projects are not allowed through this funding opportunity.

NOTE: In the event a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Program submits a proposal and is awarded funding, if they intend to issue a subaward or contract, they MUST go through the applicable standard procurement process and cannot use this announcement for their competitive announcement requirements for subawards.

VI. Application Review

Criteria: To be considered for funding, applications must submit a Pre-proposal and then a Detailed Proposal, if invited. All Pre-proposals and Detailed Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated using the evaluation criteria in Appendix D.