BLM 13 Assessment Rubric—Third Subtask (Writing and performing a rap song)

knowledge/skills / level 1 / level 2 / level 3 / level 4
Write a rap song that describes the festival planning process and party activities / •writes few simple and compound sentences
•includes little required information
•copies from a model
•with constant teacher support / •writes some simple and compound sentences
•includes some required information
•uses a model and makes minor changes to it
•with frequent teacher support / •frequently writes many accurate simple and compound sentences
•includes most required information
•creates new forms and makes some changes to a model
•with occasional teacher support / •always or almost always writes many accurate simple and compound sentences
•includes all required information
•creates new forms and makes significant changes to a model
•with little or no teacher support
Organization of Ideas
Outline rap song / •includes in outline little information needed for writing the rap song / •includes in outline some information needed for writing the rap song / •includes in outline most information needed for writing the rap song / •includes in outline all information needed for writing the rap song
Application of Language Knowledge
Edit song for sentence variety, le passé composé, and spelling / •proofreads and corrects final draft with constant teacher support
•begins to incorporate basic and thematic vocabulary with constant teacher support / •proofreads and corrects final draft with frequent teacher support
•begins to incorporate basic and thematic vocabulary with some precision / •proofreads and corrects final draft using a variety of resources with frequent accuracy
•incorporates basic and thematic vocabulary with frequent precision / •proofreads and corrects final draft using a variety of resources consistently and accurately
•incorporates basic and thematic vocabulary with precision
oral communication
Present rap song / •uses few of the required number of sentences to report findings and reactions
•includes few presentation criteria
•with constant teacher support / •uses some of the required number of sentences to report findings and reactions
•includes some presentation criteria
•with frequent teacher support / •uses most of the required number of sentences to report findings and reactions
•includes most presentation criteria
•with occasional teacher support / •uses all of the required number of sentences to report findings and reactions
•includes all presentation criteria
•with little or no teacher support
Comment on classmates’ rap songs / •begins to provide very simple feedback
•with constant teacher support / •begins to provide some simple feedback
•with frequent teacher support / •provides simple, accurate feedback
•with occasional teacher support / •provides detailed, unique feedback
•with little or no teacher support
Application of Language Knowledge
Use le passé composé / •uses few of the required elements (lepassé composé; basic and thhematic vocabulary)
•with constant teacher support / •uses some of the required elements (lepassé composé; basic and thhematic vocabulary)
•with frequent teacher support / •uses most of the required elements (lepassé composé; basic and thhematic vocabulary)
•with occasional teacher support / •always or almost always uses the required elements (lepassé composé; basic and thhematic vocabulary)
•with little or no teacher support

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