Program Review Proposal for Bainbridge
Possible Team:Gordon Linse, Consultant
Valerie Lynch, PSESD – Facilitator
Kelly Goodsell, PSESD
Laura Matson, PSESD
Rita Reandeau, Director, Office of Special Education, South Kitsap School District
( or 360/443-3625)
Major Questions:
- How can the Bainbridge Island School District provide a coherent and effective model of services for students requiring additional support to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum?
- How can the Bainbridge Island School District provide a coherent and effective special education model of services for students with disabilities who require additional support to participate in and benefit from the general education curriculum and special education?
Questions / Activities / Who / Completion Date / District Support Needed
1. What models are used in terms of content and services for:
- Special education?
1.2 Staff survey
1.3 Focus groups
1.4 Other interviews
1.5 Develop an intervention/services map for the school district /
- District descriptive materials about MTSS/RTI services and the special education program
- Copies of district and/or school services maps, if available
2. What interventions are available for students (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3/Special Education)? / 2.1 RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubric
2.2 Staff survey
2.3 Focus groups
2.4 Interviews
2.5 Intervention/Services map
3. What curriculum and materials are we using for:
- Special education?
3.2 Survey of staff
3.3 Focus groups
3.4 Develop curriculum map using information from the district, Integrity Rubric, and staff survey information / Team
Val /
- Copies of district and/or school curriculum maps, if available
4. What is the continuum of services available to:
- Students needing additional support?
- Students in special education?
4.2 Staff survey
4.3 Focus groups
4.4 Interviews
5. What strategies are used to determine the level of support a student requires for:
- reading,
- math, and
- behavior?
5.2 Staff survey
5.3 Focus groups
5.4 Interviews
5.5 During observations, select one or two students or small group and review progress monitoring data (MTSS/RTI) or IEP and progress monitoring data (special education) /
- Observations: intervention groups & students with mild disabilities
- Copy of district procedures to allocate paraeducators
- Data of paraeducator allocations over the past 5 years
6. How are decisions made regarding interventions/placement for students requiring:
- MTSS/RTI support?
- Special education?
6.2 Focus groups
6.3 Interviews
6.4 Intervention/Services map
6.5 During observations, select one or two students or small group and review progress monitoring data (MTSS/RTI) or IEP and progress monitoring data (special education)
7. How does Bainbridge Island compare with other districts in the region in terms of:
- MTSS/RTI support?
- Special education?
- Report card data
- Other state data
- RTI Essential Components Integrity Rubricdata
General Activities
- Focus Group Meetings:
- Related services staff
- Interventionists
- Special education teachers
- Paraeducators
- Surveys:
- Special education teachers
- Interventionists
- Principals
- Related services staff
- Observations:
- Intervention groups
- Special education programs – students with mild disabilities
- Meet with principal at some point during program visitations
- Interviews
- Faith Chapel, Superintendent
- Peter Bang-Knudsen, Assistant Superintendent
- Bill Mosiman, Director of Instructional Support Services
To Do’s for Bainbridge Island Program Review
Send Bill a copy of the matrix for review (by 1/15/14)
Talk with Bill & others to finalize matrix and determine whether to proceed
Pre-survey note/meeting for staff explaining the purpose of the program review and activities, including survey, program observations, and focus groups
Gather any written information regarding the intervention services/special education in Bainbridge, curriculum/intervention/services maps, scope & sequence, protocols, templates….
Determine potential dates for on-site visit
Finalize comparison districts
Contact possible team member(s)
Create draft on-site schedule
Develop a survey – Survey Monkey or directly from Val
Comparison Districts:
- Mercer Island
- Vashon Island
- Franklin Pierce
- Issaquah
Quick Facts
- 7 schools – Bainbridge High School, Woodward Middle School (7-8), Sonoji Sakai Intermediate School
(5-6), Commodore Options School (Eagle Harbor High School [9-12], Mosaic Home Education Partnership [K-8], Odyssey Multiage Programs [1-8]), Captain Johnston Blakely Elementary (K-4), Ordway Elementary (K-4), Captain Charles Wilkes Elementary (K-4) Where is preschool located?
- Is there a particular focus: reading, math, and/or behavior?