Guidelines for preparing a Statement of Evidence
Element / DescriptionSetting up the document
Front cover / The front cover must include:
- the Department of Defence logo
- the project title
- the state and location of the project
- the date
Format / Type the body text in 12 point Times New Roman, spaced at 1.5 lines.
Set submission on A4 paper, with a 2 cm margin on the sides and a 3 cm margin at the top and bottom of the page.
Number pages at the top centre of the page.
Number all paragraphs.
Do not use colour.
Content / The information in the Statement of Evidence needs to be comprehensive, accurate and concise. The PWC Committee can only ask questions based on the Statement of Evidence and inadequate submissions may lead to lengthy questioning by the PWC or delays in the clearance of a project.
Any submissionmust address the following:
- the need for the proposed work
- the alternatives which have been examined
- the priority of the work in relation to other planned Departmental works
- details of any cost benefit and risk studies
- details of environmental considerations
- relevant information arising from consultations and negotiations with other Departments, State and local authorities, companies, unions and the public, in relation to the proposed work
Avoid using technical terms, acronyms and statistics that may not be readily understood by the general public.
Appendices / Technical information necessary to support points in the main text of the submission should be placed in the appendices, i.e. details of unit roles, and the history of an establishment.
Confidentiality / There may be parts of the submission which are confidential and should not be published. Clearly identify these parts at the start of the submission and request the Secretariat to keep these parts of the submission confidential.
Remember / The Statement of Evidence must be sent to the PWC Secretariat on or before the day of referral. Any supporting studies (such as environmental impact statements), papers or ministerial submissions referred to in a submission should also be provided to the Secretariat at this time.
Seek EDIAD clearance of your submissionbefore continuing with the PWC process.
For more information go to
[insert full project title]
[insert project location, state]
Statement of Evidence
to the
Parliamentary Standing Committee
on Public Works
Canberra, ACT
[Month Year]
[This page intentionally blank]
Identification of the need
Project objectives
Historical background
Need for the work
Description of the proposal
Other options considered and comparative costs
Reasons for adopting the proposed course of action
Environmental impact assessments
Heritage considerations
Details of consultation carried out among relevant stakeholders
Amount of revenue to be derived from the project
Technical Information
Project location
Project scope
Details of site selection
Site description
Information on zoning and approvals
Details of land acquisition
Details of applicable codes and standards
Planning and design concepts
Water and energy conservation measures
Provisions for people with disabilities
Heritage issues
Childcare provisions
Fire protection and security measures
Occupational health and safety measures
Consultation with relevant authorities
Impact on local community
Outline of project costs
Details of project delivery system
Construction program / project schedule
Associated plans and drawings
Attachment X
[insert project title]
Identification of the need
1.What are the major features of the facilities proposal covered by the evidence (i.e. 'executive' summary of the proposal, historical background, its costs, and reasons for it, as elaborated later in evidence)?
Project objectives
2.What Defence functions or activities will the facility mainly perform or support? Which units or organisations will mainly use the facility? (See also Appendices)To which unit activities will the facility mainly relate?
Historical background
Need for the work
4.How will the proposed facility change or improve the performance of the functions or activities referred to in paragraph 2 (e.g. improvements in efficiency, having regard to functional, quality, or locational deficiencies of existing facilities - Identify the need)?
5.To what broader Defence objectives (e.g. strategic, operational or support objectives, and related capabilities) will the functions or activities referred to above contribute, and how?
6.What date is the facility to be completed? What are the main factors determining this date?
Description of theproposal
7.What are the main elements of the proposed facility (e.g. workshops, offices, accommodation etc)?
8.What is the capacity of the proposed facility (e.g. number of persons etc to be accommodated at normal/peak levels of operation, how does this compare with the capacity of existing facilities, and what are the main reasons for significant changes proposed in capacity (e.g. deficiencies in capacity of existing facilities)?
9.Where will the facility be located, and what are the main reasons for selecting this location (e.g. deficiencies in the location of existing facilities).
Other options considered and comparative costs
10.What alternative options to the proposed facility have been considered (e.g. with respect to size or scope, location, joint use with other Services, use of commercial facilities), and what are their economic or other disadvantages?
Reasons for adopting the proposed course of action
Environmental impact assessments
12.What effects will construction and use of the facility have on the community and environment (e.g. local industry, employment, land use, physical environment)?
13.What is the basis for the assessment of effects of the facility on the community?
Heritage considerations
Details of consultation carried out among relevant stakeholders
Amount of revenue to be derived from the project
Technical Information
17.The following are aspects which could be covered in this part.
Project location
Project scope
Details of site selection
Site description
Information on zoning and approvals
Details of land acquisition
Details of applicable codes and standards
Planning and design concepts
Water and energy conservation measures
Provisions for people with disabilities
Heritage issues
Childcare provisions
Fire protection and security measures
Occupational health and safety measures
Consultation with relevant authorities
34.What Departments or other organisations have been consulted about the proposed facility?
Impact on local community
Outline of project costs
36.What is the total estimated cost (and outturn cost) of the works proposed. (Note: A detailed breakdown of the cost of the main elements is provided via the confidential cost estimate submitted to the PWC Secretariat separately)
37.What cost savings are expected from the facility (e.g. reductions in current maintenance costs, disposals of existing assets)?
Details of project delivery system
Construction program / project schedule
39.Subject to Parliamentary clearance of the project…
Associated plans and drawings
Attachment X