El Camino College Foundation
Executive Committee Meeting
August 21, 2007 Adm 127
In Attendance: Bob Amos, Tom Cohenno, Stan Dunn, Derf Fredericks, Mike Goguen,
Don Greco, George Nakano, Virginia Pfiffner, Harold Tyler, Dana Ward and Rob White
Staff: Sue Cody, Katie Gleason and John Means Recorder: Sue Burin
Review pending Action Items from July 17, 2007 Finance/Executive Committee Meeting
1. Staff to work on position for Program Coordinator – completed and ad posted to Monster.com. Don Greco reviewing resumes.
2. Review letterhead – Pending.
3. Staff to update non-profit version of QuickBooks. Completed by Sue Cody.
4. Distribution Committee to discuss Madden Endowment. Pending.
Reviewed minutes of July 17, 2007 Finance/Executive Committee meeting. Add George Nakano to those in attendance.
MOTION made by Virginia Pfiffner to accept corrected minutes of July 17, 2007 Finance and Executive Committee meeting. Seconded by Don Greco. Motion passed.
Director of Development – Katie Gleason
o Gifts-to-Date – Gleason reported gifts received as of July 1 are $83,615.
o Reviewed 2007 – 2008 Budget. Discussion ensued and changes made.
MOTION made by Harold Tyler to accept the revised 2007 – 2008 Budget. Seconded by Rob White. Motion passed.
o Joy Bender Scholarship – one of the recipients left the program and another student was selected to receive the balance of the scholarship.
o Gleason discussed the benefits of Sue Cody attending the NCCCF Symposium. Committee discussed and agreed.
Finance – Mike Goguen
o Mike Goguen reviewed the financials ending July 31, 2007.
o Sue Cody reviewed her Notes to the Financial Information and Foundation Scholarship Program Report. Discussion ensued.
o Bob Amos reviewed the Commonfund Institution Summary. Joe Mulford is scheduled to l attend the September Finance/Executive Meeting.
o Rob White recommended that the Investment Committee review the investment strategy for the long-term funds.
Policies and Procedures – George Nakano
o George Nakano presented a final draft of the Code of Ethics policy. Discussion ensued with a recommendation to bring it to the full board for acceptance.
MOTION made by Don Greco for recommendation to the full board to accept the Code of Ethics policy as presented.. Seconded by Derf Fredericks. Motion passed.
Development Committee – Tom Cohenno
o Tom Cohenno reviewed the minutes of the Development Committee meeting August 16, 2007 and then presented the updated 2007 – 2008 Planning Calendar. Discussion ensued.
President’s Summary – Bob Amos
o Board Retreat will be held at the September 20 board meeting, Don Rickner will facilitate. Discussion ensued.
Board Concerns and Issues:
o Discussion ensued regarding the Foundation’s contribution to the Lou and Susan Garcia Memorial Scholarship. It was agreed that we would match contributions to the Garcia Scholarship up to $15,000. Gleason to work with Garcia family to determine the specific criteria and award.
MOTION made by Don Greco to match contributions to the Lou and Susan Garcia Scholarship up to $15,000. Seconded by Harold Tyler. Motion passed.
o Board Development – Derf Fredericks is working with board members to complete committee assignments.
o Don Greco to review the “Commitment letter” and provide changes.
Executive Committee Meeting
August 21, 2007