Types of Studies

1. What type of study is it?

2. What are the groups/populations in this study?

3. If it is an experiment, identify the following in the context of the experiment:

a. Treatments

b.  Experimental units

c.  Control

d. Randomization

e.  Replication

f.  Blinding

4. If it is an observational study, what type of observational study is it?

Types of Observational Studies
Cross-sectional / ·  Studies that take a cross section of the population at the current time
Retrospective / ·  Studies that look back in time
·  This is sometimes done to find risk factors for certain diseases
·  Case-control studies are an example
Prospective / ·  Studies where subjects are followed into the future

5. What type of sample was (or will be) taken (SRS, stratified, cluster, systematic, convenience or volunteer)?

6. Could there be any lurking variables?

7. Can you identify any source of bias?

8. What are the parameters and/or statistics?

9. What conclusion can be made and to whom does it apply?