AP U.S. HistoryChapter 19 Summary: From Crisis to Empire

  1. The Politics of Equilibrium

a.Federal jobs

i.Huge increase in number

ii.Awarded to party loyalists


c.Pendleton Act

i.Set guidelines for appointments

ii.Public service improved

d.Republican party splits


  1. Supported Democrat Cleveland
  2. Disliked ______in Republican party


  1. Favored spoils system
  2. Chester Arthur


  1. Favored merit system
  2. James ______
  1. Farmers and Workers

a.Farmers organize to oppose wealthy

b.Patrons of Husbandry ______

i.Mysterious rituals

ii.Blamed ______

iii.Created cooperative enterprises

c.Farmers’ Alliance

i.Took political stands

ii.Advocated free ______

d.Farmers’ Alliance forms People’s Party

i.Platform included ______income tax, eight-hour workday, and immigration restrictions

ii.Were known as Populists

e.Free Silver

i.Unlimited coinage of silver


  1. William Jennings Bryan

a.Very eloquent speaker

b.______; embraces free silver

c.Ignored Populist nomination

d.First candidate to “stump” for himself in a ______campaign

e.Carried the South and the agrarian west in the Election of 1896

  1. Stirrings of Imperialism

a.Americans follow European lead

i.Wanted to become a world power

ii.Economic competition


b.James ______

i.Wanted to expand influence in Latin America

ii.Conference encourages ______

iii.Customs union and system for settling disputes rejected

c.U.S. asserts power in foreign affairs with a dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain

d.Alfred ______argues for a modern navy

  1. Building Support for Imperialism

a.America eyes ______

i.Seen as a good Pacific base

ii.Severe depression hurts Hawaii; America intervenes

iii.Queen ______overthrown

iv.U.S. annexes Hawaii

  1. The Spanish-American War

a.Americans call for war against Spain

i.U.S.S. Maine explodes in ______harbor

ii.Yellow Journalism

iii.Aggressive nationalism in Republican party

b.War in Cuba

i.Well-organized ______effort

ii.Army mobilization poorly conducted

  1. Unsanitary conditions in camps
  2. Epidemics kill many

iii.______attack Kettle Hill then San Juan Hill

c.War Against the Philippines

i.Dewey quickly defeats ______warships

ii.Rebel leader Emilio ______

  1. First fights on the side of the Americans
  2. Becomes suspicious and then fights against the Americans
  1. The Spanish-American War Ends

a.Treaty of Paris of ______

i.Ends Spanish-American War

ii.Cuba becomes independent

iii.U.S. acquires Puerto Rico and ______

iv.U.S. pays Spain $20 million for the Philippines

  1. After the Spanish-American War


i.Aguinaldo attacks Americans

ii.Americans set up ______camps

iii.Taft reforms education, health, transportation, etc.

iv.Americans allow greater ______

b.Platt Amendment

i.Cuban debts had to be low

ii.U.S. could intervene in Cuba to protect it

iii.Cuba had to allow U.S. to buy/lease naval stations

  1. American Diplomacy in Asia

a.Theodore Roosevelt becomes ______after McKinley’s assassination

b.The Open Door Policy

i.Created to allow global trade with China despite spheres of influence
