Tyler City Council
Monday, June 12, 2017
Tyler Fire Hall
7 p.m. (Approved)
Members present, Mayor Gregory Peter, Council members Tim Sanderson, Scott Dressen and Kenneth Jensen, City administrator Robert Wolfington, City Attorney Glen Petersen and Police Chief John Spindler. Also present Mark Wilmes, Dave Haroldson, Troy Tommeraasen, Neil Witte and Teresa Schreurs.
Not present: Erick Harper.
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.
Agenda – Motion by Tim Sanderson, second by Scott Dressen to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Minutes – Motion by Kenneth Jensen, second by Tim Sanderson to approve the minutes for the May 1, 2017 Council Meetings with the correction of removing one of two reference to John Spindler in attendance. Motion carried.
Public Express – Troy Tommeraasen informed the City Council the Fire Department was interested in donating two basketball hoops for the Pool Park. Tommeraasen said Buffalo Ridge Concrete was donating concrete for the project and if the City Crew could help install them, they would move forward with the project. Motion by Scott Dressen to approve proceeding with the basketball hoops, second by Gregory Peter. Motion carried.
Tommeraasen also requested the city consider spraying the baseball and softball fields for weeds in the spring and the fall. He said it has become an issue of concern. Administrator Wolfington said the city is working on that project.
Neil Witte provided an update on the pool. Witte is the co-manager of the pool for the 2017 season and said things are going very well with a large number of lessons already planned and good turn outs for each day the pool has been open. Witte said one concern is the heaters in the pool, he said the heaters aren’t working well and the city should consider replacing them with more efficient and effective heaters.
Small Cities Grant Program - Teresa Schreurs of DSI presented information on the Small Cities Grant program. Schreurs went through the different elements of the program and said DSI could work with the City of Tyler in applying for and ultimately implementing the program. Motion by Gregory Peter, second by Scott Dressen to approve the first portion of the project, assessing the interest in the community. Motion carried. Following that portion the Council will consider applying for the grant.
Blight Property – Administrator Wolfington said the council will be receiving information on a proposed change to the administrative citation process that could help with blight enforcement. Attorney Glen Petersen wasn’t present so the issue was tabled until the next council meeting.
U-turn Policy – Administrator Wolfington presented proposed changes to the City Code to clarify U-Turns in the downtown district. The issue was tabled until the next Council Meeting.
Correspondence – None
Council Comments – None
Police Report – John Spindler presented the Police Report. Spindler also presented the Council with a job posting for a City Officer. The closing date on the position advertisement would be June 29.
Administrator’s Report – Administrator Wolfington stated he would be attending a meeting in Willmar on potential funding sources for Roads and Infrastructure.
Wolfington also updated the Council on the Lion’s Club plan to renovate the Band Shell in Tyler.
Financial Report – Motion by Gregory Peter, Second by Tim Sanderson to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Kenneth Jensen to adjourn, second by Gregory Peter, Motion carried.