Minutes for the Resource Sharing Special Interest Group held on Friday 24 July 2015 at MAV, Room 1201, Level 12,
60 Collins Street, Melbourne. 10am – 4pm
Convenor: Marie Camera (VBAY) Minutes: Julie Page (VMLT)
Agenda item
1. Opening of meeting
The convenor welcomed everyone at 10am
2. Attendance & Apologies
Present: Michael Byrne (VFPL), Bryce Albiston (OCLC), Dianne Peak (VBOR), Leonie Grant (VMVL), Narelle Seymour (VCAU), Maria Fearnley (VHOB), Gayle Faulkner (VMOR), Gabrielle Jones (VGEE), Tahnia Smith (VFPL), Josefina Abrarez (VHUM) Julie Page (VMLT), Kaye Cardin (VPRE), Nicole Johnson (VMVL), Noelia Luongo (VCML), Evi Bachelor (VWMR), Kay Hedges (VKING), Cathy Fitzgerald (VMON), Marie Camera (VBAY)
Apologies: Elinor Hateley (VWIM), Wendy O’Hara (VECA), Tracey Free (VSWN), Janet Palmer (VEGS), Anne Anderson (VFRK), Leigh Harris (VGDV), Gayle Aitken (VPEN), Margaret Tuohey (VSLIS), Belinda Merritt (VWYN), Michael Graf (VPPLS), Jenny Brosman (VYML)
3. Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes were accepted: Leonie Grant (VMVL) 2nd Dianne Peak (VBOR)
4. Business Arising
LADD Global holdings update – Marie (VBAY)
Workshop coordinated by Michael Byrne (Maribyrnong Libraries) with Brandt McCook - Collections (Port Phillip Libraries), Michelle McLean - ICT (Casey Cardinia Libraries) - and Marie Camera - Resource Sharing (Bayside Libraries) groups are investigating procedures for updating and maintaining records in the Australian National Bibliographic Database (ANBD). Discussion paper prepared by Brandt and presented by Michael to PLVN Executive in June 2015 for consideration.
TOLL/DX Courier bags for ILL stock
The Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) have advised that the agreement with LLV is that the State Government will provide up to two courier bags. Victorian Public Libraries are eligible for the second bag should they move over 4000 items in one year. This currently applies to VGEE, VPPLS, VSLIS and VWYN and VPEN have been upgraded to a larger courier bag.
Train trip to Goldfields Library for RSSIG meeting on Friday 24 October 2015
Train fare from Melbourne (return) will cost $40.32. This meeting has been approved by PLVN for city and country commuters – please present receipt at your workplace for reimbursement. BYO lunch. More information with next agenda. Public Transport Victoria Goldfields Library Corporation
5. Presentations
Karyn Siegmann – gave a presentation on Public Libraries Victoria Network (PLVN) and the Victorian Libraries 2030 Strategic Framework. PLVN also has a moderated mailing list which is open to everyone working in Victorian public libraries. Public Libraries Victoria (PLVN)
Andrew Powell & Imran Qazi – presented RFID products. RFID tags can convert from any HF format to ISO 28560 – FE recommends item identifier is locked. Unrecognised tags can set off security alarms. FE Technologies
Bryce Albiston – demonstrated OCLC WorldShare ILL. There will be documentation with all the features to follow and on-line tutorials. Bryce will keep the Resource Sharing group posted on the new developments.Watch this space! OCLC WorldShare ILL
Presentations from PLVN and FE Technologies. Please see attachments.
6. ILL items for discussion
Inter-Library Loans Policy
Darebin Library has an Inter-Library Loans Policy with their Collection Policy. Please email Kay Cardin (VPRE) if would like a copy.
Bulk loans from LOTE collections
6 items per request and provide information regarding category e.g. adult/child male/female and genre. This information is helpful when sending selections.
8. Other Business
Learning starts early by Lisa D’Onofrio - Literacy Facilitator at Go Goldfields
Clips from the Learning Starts Early: Talk, rhyme, read and play with your baby every day DVD are now online and can be viewed at: The clips star local Maryborough families and early years’ professionals and promotes the message that it’s never too early to start talking and sharing songs and stories with your baby. It also encourages Library usage and bonding via movement and rhymes. Written and produced by Lisa D’Onofrio and funded by Go Goldfields, which involves families to deliver improved literacy for children aged 0 – 8 years; building early literacy and language skills to provide a great start.
Convenor for RSSIG 2016-2018.
Expressions of interest (EOI) for role Convenor and Deputy Convenor for Resource Sharing Special Interest Group for 2016-18. Convenorship is not a difficult role and it’s both worthwhile and rewarding. Election will take place at the next meeting. Please email Marie with EOI. .
9. Next Meeting
DATE: Friday 23rdOctober 2015 at Goldfields Library Corporation Bendigo
TIME: 10.30 – 2.30pm.
TRAIN: From Southern Cross Station for Melbourne commuters
Melbourne to Bendigo - depart Southern Cross 7.42am – arrive Bendigo 9.54am.
Bendigo to Melbourne - depart Bendigo 15.03pm – arrive Southern Cross 17.11pm.