Course title / Venue / Date / Cost
An Introduction to Clinical Supervision; from Principles to Practice / Ty Elis training facility / 30 September / 1 October
28 & 29 October
25 & 26 November
2:00 – 8:00PM / £750
Total: / £750
Telephone: / Mobile:

Payment: Please make cheques payable to Tŷ Elis (Porthcawl Counselling Service) or a BACS transfer, details on request.

Please note: For all fee paying courses, your booking cannot be accepted unless it is accompanied by full payment.

Additional Requirements: Please contact us if you have any special requirements for the course.

I have specific additional requirements as follows:

Please Specify

Please return to: Val Davies, Administrator, Tŷ Elis (Porthcawl Counselling Service, 14 Victoria Avenue, Porthcawl CF36 3HG or e-mail:

Tel: 01656 786486

Registered Charity Number: 1098986 Company No. 4756994