Short History of St. Margaret Mary Church

The roots of St. Margaret Mary Parish were established when a small building measuring 18 feet wide and 35 feet long was built about 1930. Much later, the building was extended another 16 feet to provide space for a sleeping cubicle, sacristy and a furnace. This larger structure served as the church building for over 30 years. Beginning in the early 1930s, Capuchin priests traveled from St. Labre Indian Mission to celebrate Mass whenever possible.

The first resident pastor, Fr. Wally Balduck, was assigned to Colstrip in June 1974. The parish complex was so run down and neglected that Fr. Wally said to himself, “In 2 weeks these folks may be looking for someone else because I ain’tno pioneer!” (sic) However, the small parish community of approximately 40 active families worked together for a few months to make much needed repairs and improvements on the property. As a result of their care and collaboration, Fr. Wally was able to call Colstrip his home.

To meet the growing needs of the community, a new church building project began in early May, 1978. By October, the work had been completed and the church was dedicated by the new Bishop, Thomas Murphy.

During expansion of the power plant,Colstrip experienced a population boom with the construction of Units 3 and 4. The parish also grew in size and had no space to conduct classes for religious instruction or hold social events. So the parish set out to expand once again by acquiring additional land at the rear of the old church property. This expansion project was completed in March, 1981. Then on May 24, 1983 Bishop Thomas Murphy used the occasion of his visit to celebrate Confirmation to establish St. Margaret Mary as an independent parish of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings.

In succeeding years, the needs of the community continued to grow. Plans for another building on Water Street were finalized and grounding-breaking began in 1995. The Last Mass and Transfer Ceremony occurred with much joy, pride and excitement, Fr. Kevin Covert celebrated the First Mass in the new church building in May of 1996. Bishop Anthony Milone dedicated St. Margaret Mary in its new location in October of 1996.Through the generosity and dedication of its parishioners, the loan for the church building was paid off in 2010.

In the last 20 years or so, the wider population of Colstrip has steadily declined. While there is no longer a resident pastor, a priest who serves as Pastoral Administrator for parishes in Forsyth and Hysham is also assigned as a sacramental minister for St. Margaret Mary and Bishop Warfel has appointed a Parish Life Coordinator to provide pastoral leadership to the community.

Pastoral Leaders 1930-present

1930-1932Mission of Immaculate Conception, Forsyth

1931Named St. Margaret

1932-1956Mission of St. Benedict Labre Indian Mission, Ashland

1946Named St. Margaret Mary

1951-1953Rev. Harold Higgins, OFM Cap.

1956-1957Rev. Ludgar Jankowski, OFM Cap.

1957-1958Not listed in the Official Catholic Directory

1959-1973Mission of St. Benedict Labre Indian Mission, Ashland

1959-1961Rev. Chris Hafner, OFM Cap.

1961-1962Rev. Pius Pulvermacher, OFM Cap.

1963-1964Rev. Emmett Hoffman, OFM Cap.

1965-1965Rev. Fabian Fehring, OFM Cap.

1965-1967Rev. Joachim Strupp, OFM Cap.

1967-1968Rev. Bruno Backes, OFM Cap.

1969-1973Rev. Reginald Lawrence, OFM Cap.

1973-1974Rev. Reginald Lawrence, OFM Cap. in residence

1974-1982Rev. Walter Balduck, OFM Cap.

1982-1987Rev. Roger Veik, OFM

1983Officially elevated to parish status on May 24

1987-1987Rev. John Sexton

1988-1994Rev. James wolf, OFM Cap.

1994-1996Rev. Kevin Covert, OFM Cap.

1996-2010Mr. William Medved, Parochial Administrator

Mission of Immaculate Conception, Forsyth

1998-2004Rev. Jerry Connolly, Sacramental Minister from Forsyth

2004-2006Rev. Gary Norman, Sacramental Minister from Forsyth

2006-2010Rev. William D’Souza, Sacramental Minister from Forsyth

2010-2011Rev. Michael Schneider, Pastor, from Forsyth

2011-2012Rev. Tony Ozimek (1/2/11-6/30/12)

2012-2014Reverends Robert Oswald and Samuel Spiering, Sacramental Ministers from Miles City

2012--Sheila Murphy installed as Parish Life Coordinator (12/11)