PreAP Geometry
Mrs. Christakos
Geometry by Glencoe
Tutoring:Required Materials:
Monday & Wednesday until 3:30Textbook
*If you need to meet at another time,Scientific Calculator- TI-30IIS
please ask after class.Notebook with 5 Divider Tabs
What will we be doing?
The Geometry course builds on Algebra I concepts and increases students’ knowledge of shapes and their properties through geometry-based applications, many of which are observable in aspects of everyday life. This knowledge helps develop visual and spatial sense and strong reasoning skills. The Geometry course requires students to make conjectures and to use reasoning to validate or negate these conjectures. The use of proofs and constructions is a valuable tool that enhances reasoning skills and enables students to better understand more complex mathematical concepts. Technology should be used to enhance students’ mathematical experience, not replace their reasoning abilities. Because of its importance, this Euclidean geometry course is required of all students receiving an Alabama High School Diploma.Categories of the standards we will be focusing on are listed below:
Geometric Structure/Linear Functions and Relations
Congruence and Transformations
Similarity and Trigonometry
Quadrilaterals and Congruence
How will I be graded?
Homework/Quizzes/Class work25%
Notebook/Executive Skills5%
Grading Scale
100 – 90 A
89 - 80B
79 - 70C
69 - 60D
59 - 50F
Late/Missing Work
Assignments that are turned in late will receive a maximum grade of 70% and the student will be required to come to after school detention to make up the work. Detention for late work will be on Friday afternoons. No exceptions. Work is considered late if it is not turned in when it is collected from the class. This includes having to go to your locker to retrieve it. If you do not turn in an assignment on time, you will fill out a Pink Slip form, given to you by Mrs. Christakos.
What is expected of me?
Classroom Rules
- RESPECT. Yourself, fellow students, teachers, and all others.
- Be on time.
- Be seated. Please refrain from moving around the classroom unless you have permission.
- Be quiet.
- Be prepared. Have ALL materials BEFORE you walk inside Mrs. Christakos’ room.
- Follow directions. The first time.
Step 1: Student/teacher conference after class
Step 2: Phone call home and after school detention. Mrs. Christakos’ after school detention will meet in her room on Fridays until 3:30.
Step 3: Referral to Mrs. Corbman
Severe Case Clause
In severe cases students can move immediately to a referral. These cases include but are not limited to fighting, swearing, and cheating. In a severe case, the parent will be contacted and a conference will be requested.
Homework pass/Redo pass
Stress-free classroom environment
Math Notebook Grading Rubric
GREAT(25 pts) / GOOD
(20 pts) / ALMOST
(15 pts) / POOR
Neatness and Organization
(25 points) / Handwriting is neat. Notebook is organized in the format created in class. / Handwriting is usually neat. Notebook is organized in the format created in class. / Handwriting is not very neat. Notebook is not organized in format created in class. / Handwriting is sloppy and hard to read. Notebook information is difficult to follow and is not in correct format.
Content Accuracy
(25 points) / All information recorded is accurate. / Most information recorded is accurate / Some information is accurate, but most is not. / Information recorded is not accurate.
Required Elements
(25 points) / Table of contents is up-to-date, pages are numbered, no pages have been skipped, all titles are included, syllabus is located in the front, and all homework is accounted for. / Table of contents is up-to-date, mostly all pages are numbered and include title, no skipped pages, all homework are accounted for, and syllabus is located in the front. / Table of contents is not up-to-date, missing some page numbers and/or titles, a few skipped pages and homework, and syllabus is located in the front. / Table of contents has not been updated, syllabus is missing, pages are not numbered or titled, several skipped pages and homework.
Illustrations and Diagrams
(25 points) / Illustrations and diagrams are clear, accurate, and labeled. / Illustrations and diagrams are usually clear, accurate, and labeled. / Some illustrations and diagrams are clear, accurate, and labeled, with some missing / Illustrations and diagrams are sloppy/unclear or missing.
Quarter 1:____/100 Quarter 2:_____/100 Quarter 3:____/100 Quarter 4:____/100
Mrs Christakos’
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Room: Make sure you have all of your materials before coming to class. Walk in the classroom calmly. Make sure your pencil is sharpened and begin working on the bell work before the tardy bell rings.
Heading your paper: Head your paper on the upper right hand side:
Your Name
Tardies: If you enter the classroom after the tardy bell has rung, you are considered tardy. If you are tardy, you must sign the detention sheet before going to your seat. Detentions for tardiness will take place Friday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:30. After the third tardy, you will be referred to the office.
Ending Class: I will let you know when it is time to pack up your things to leave. Remain seated until I have dismissed the class.
Make Up Work: It is the responsibility of the student to get any work he or she has missed while absent from class. The make up work note book will be located on top of the file cabinet next to my desk. Students should copy what they have missed into their notebook and get any handouts from the appropriate file hanging on the side of the cabinet. All make up work MUST be completed within THREE days, including tests and quizzes. If the work is not turned in within those three days, the student will be assigned a make up work detention.
Notebook: All students will be required to keep a math notebook designated solely for this class. There will be five sections:
- Syllabus/Table of Contents
- Vocabulary
- Notes
- Homework
- Handouts
The math notebook will count as the entire 5% of students’ executive skills grade and will be graded once each nine weeks. The purpose of the notebook is to generate and promote good study skills and habits.
Tutoring/Conference – If you would like to request tutoring or have a quick conference with me, tell me after the class has been dismissed. Tutoring is on Mondays and Wednesdays until 3:30 p.m.
Asking Questions/Getting Help– To ask a question in class, raise your hand. I will acknowledge you by calling your name or coming to your desk. Sometimes, you may be asked to write your question down and ask it again in a moment or to meet with me after class to discuss the question.
Moving About the Classroom – If you need to go to another area of the classroom for any reason (like using the stapler), raise your hand and I will acknowledge you. When given permission, you may get out of your seat.
Fire and Severe Weather Drills – When there is a fire drill or severe weather alert, the students will leave everything at their desk and line up at the front of the classroom. When everyone is ready, I will give the okay to the class and we will walk together to the designated location. Once there, I will call roll. When the drill is over, we will return together to the classroom and resume normal classroom function.
School Announcements – When a school announcement is going to be made, the phone on the wall will ring. When you hear the phone ring, you should stop talking and listen to hear the announcement. After the announcement is finished, the class will resume normal classroom function.
Class Discussions/Lecture – During lectures and class discussions, raise your hand if you have a contribution and wait to be called upon. Sometimes I will ask you to write down your question and ask it at a later time.
Restroom - If you must go to the restroom, you can use one of your Emergency Passes (one person at a time) by bringing your pass to me. You may not ask during instructionor if you have had CCPs taken away from you during that class period. When you are given permission, you MUST sign out in the log at the front of the classroom and take the WE-2 Nation pass with you. When you return, you MUST sign back in.