TwistStars Team Rules for Sub-Adv. & Advanced Team

All SA & Adv. ( or Intermediates that workout on the SA & Adv. schedule must read and review these team rules----If you wish to be a TwistStars Team member you must sign that you understand and agree to follow these rules.

All problems or cases of not following the rules will be handled on a case by case basis because you are all different and at different levels and experience.

Coaches may scratch athletes from a meet at any time, due to poor attendance, not completing passes or routines, being disrespectful, or being injured.

  1. Team members will keep their journals up to date. They will include the following in their journals. You will need make time to do your journals. Coaches will give you time to write in your journals sometimes but not all of the time.


  • Pass goals, new skill goals, long term goals, goals for up coming meets, goals for nationals, goals for the level or DD you wish to be next year.
  • Summary of practice
  • Things that you need to work on
  • Skills that need to improve
  • Strength and conditioning that you wish to do better
  1. Be prepared to start practice on time. You can bring a small bag into the gym and leave at the end of the rod floor or on the shelves by tramp. No cell phones in the gym. If you wish to video tape something just ask. Do not leave the gym floor without permission.
  2. Hair should be up and in a bun
  3. Must wear a leotard or step in.
  4. T-Shirts come off after stretch and conditioning.
  5. No shorts on Saturday.
  6. Always have extras in your bag.
  7. Keep tape in your bag.
  8. Attendance

I promise to attend all scheduled practices . If I have conflicts due to other activities I will discuss them with Gail and schedule other times that are available.

When I cannot attend practice due to illness, or important school or family events I will let Gail know by email. Please send an email so I have a copy of it. When poor attendance is becoming a problem the coaches will discuss it with you and your parents.

  1. Conditioning

I promise to do all of my conditioning and stretching to the best of my ability. I realize that cheating only hurts me and keeps me from achieving my goals. If I miss a team practice and come at a class time I will find out what the conditioning was and do it during that class time.

  1. Injuries

If you are hurt and under doctors care we will follow doctors orders. When you go to the doctor please ask them to be specific about what you can and cannot do. Always ask if you are allowed to come in to condition.

If you are experiencing pain for more than two weeks; you will not be allowed in the gym until you seek medical attention. Please try your best to go to a specialist. If you have long term pain you need to see a specialist.

  1. Conduct in the Gym

Always be Courteous, respectful, to Coaches, teammates, and staff.

What does Respectful mean

  • Pay attention when coaches are not talk to others when coaches are talking
  • No smart answers or arguing. Do not argue. If you cannot do something that is asked talk to your coach in a courteous and respectful manner. It would be best to approach the coach and talk one on one.
  • Be prepared to take your turn in a timely manner. You should not be talking or joking one minute and trying to tumble the next.
  • If you need to sit out a turn you can do so but you must move away from the group and should not talk to the others while you are taking a turn to rest.

Remember why you are in the gym. You are not here to show off or win a popularity contest, YOU ARE HERE TO TRAIN. It is nice when training is fun but it will not be fun all of the time. Sometimes it will be hard, scary and frustrating.

  1. Challenge Yourself
  2. Team Travel--- Follow the team rules when you travel
  3. Time to be in your rooms
  4. Rules about pool and hot tubes
  5. Being sensible about activities before and after competition


I have read the above rules and will do my best to follow them Yes_____ No_____

Coaches Rules

  • Always be prepared to run the practice
  • Use written workouts sometimes
  • Have a fun workout at least once a month
  • Attend clinics, classes and search online to update our knowledge
  • Network with other coaches
  • Know all of the rules, rule changes, and DD of the USTA and USA TT
  • Know the skill level of each athlete
  • Make sure athletes are entered into competitions in the correct level and age group in a timely manner.
  • Prepare athletes for competition