Survey for TIST participants
ID #:______Date:______Interviewer Name:______(your name)
Name of person being interviewed: ______Mobile number: ______
District: ______Cluster name of person being interviewed: ______
TIST Small Group # of person being interviewed: ______Village: ______
A. Demographic and Basic Information
1. Name of the head of the household: ______
2. Gender of the head of the household: Male/Female (circle one)
3. Marital status: single/married (circle one)
4. Number of people living in the house: ______
5. Details of people living in the house: (Please fill out the table below, including the person being interviewed. Use blank paper on last page if there are more people living in the house).
Name / Gender (M/F) / Age(Years) / Literate (Yes/No) / Education:
U-University / Occupation:
T- temporary work/day laborer
P- permanent job other than farming
F- farming
U – Unemployed
O – Other, please list
1 / (Person being interviewed)
6. How many hours does it take to travel to: (write a number in each blank)
a. School: ______hours
b. Hospital: ______hours
c. Market: ______hours
d. Water source: ______hours
e. Paved Road: ______hours
f. Small Group meeting: ______hours
g. Cluster meeting: ______hours
7. What is your personal monthly income? (circle one)
a. less than 1,000 KSh per month
b. 1,000 – 5,000 KSh per month
c. 5,000 – 15,000 KSh per month
d. 15,000 – 25,000 KSh per month
e. more than 25,000 KSh per month
8. What is your land tenure/ownership status? (circle one)
1)Freehold with registered deed
2)Freehold under customary tenure
3)Community Land
4)Leased out
6)Other: ______
9. Please fill out table below: (please indicate the amount of acres for each)
Total land size (acres) / Crop production (acres) / TIST tree-planting activities (acres) / Livestock production (acres) / Housing (acres) / Other:______
10. Present ownership of animals (write the number of animals in the blanks)
______Cow / ______Goats / ______Chickens / ______Rabbits______Horse / ______Donkey / ______Sheep / ______Other
11. Where do you get firewood from? (please fill out the table below)
Location / Yes/No / How many bundles per week? (bundles/week) / How much time does it take? (hours/week) / Who gets firewood?M- man
W- woman
C- children
HL – Hired labor
Harvest from land
Gather from forest
Buy from market
12. What kind of stoves do you use?
Stove Type / Number(Write number of stoves) / TIST Stove?
(Write Yes or No) / Fuel Type:
F – Firewood
C – Charcoal
G – Gas
K – Kerosene
O – Other (please specify) / How much fuel do you use per week with this stove?
Firewood: write number of small or large bundles
Charcoal: write number of small or large debes
For Gas or Kerosene: write number of liters
3-Stone Fire
Stationary Mud
Portable Manufactured
B. Membership Information
13. When did you join TIST? ______(month and year)
14. How often do you attend Small Group meetings? ______times per month
15. How often do you attend Cluster meetings? ______times per year
16. What prevents you from attending TIST meetings? (please write exactly what they say) ______
17. Have you had a leadership position in your TIST Small Group or Cluster Group? Yes/No (circle one)
18. Please list your TIST leadership positions (Fill out the table below, using these position titles: SG Leader, SG Coleader, Cluster Leader, Cluster Coleader, Accountability Person, Trainer, Quantifier, or other)
Position Title / How long have you served in this role (total months)?19. If you have not had a leadership position, why? (please write exactly what they say) ______
20. What kind of trees do you grow for TIST and how many of each? (fill out the table below)
TIST Trees Grown / How many trees? / TIST Trees Grown / How many trees?Fruit trees / Medicinal trees
Nut trees / Trees for fuel wood
Trees for fodder / Other trees
Trees that will be harvested for timber / Total TIST trees
C. Benefits from TIST activities
21. Have you received additional income from TIST activities? Yes/No (circle one) (If they answer no, skip #22)
22. What do you spend your added income from TIST activities on? (fill out the table below; if they respond “no,” please write “0” in the last column)
Yes/No / How much? (ksh over past 12 months)Education (school fees, school materials, etc.)
Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, irrigation, seeds, etc.)
Food (from market or neighbors)
Non-food items (TV, bicycle, radio, DVDs, etc.)
23. Which of these have you personally been able to do because of your work in TIST? (please fill out the table below; if they respond “no,” you do not need to fill out the last three columns for that activity)
Activity / Yes/No(write Y or N in the boxes below) / How much since joining TIST?
(make sure you are asking the correct value unit shown in the boxes below) / Value
(ask the questions listed in the boxes below; you do not need to ask anything if the boxes below are blank) / Use
(ask the questions listed in the boxes below; you do not need to ask anything if the boxes below are blank)
Receive carbon stipend/tree payment / ______ksh
Receive incentive/ tea money for TIST work as a Quantifier, Trainer, or other role / ______ksh
Harvest fruits / ______kg / How much is 1 kg at market?
______ksh / How much did you sell? ______kg
How much did you use for food?
Harvest nuts / ______kg / How much is 1 kg at the market?
______ksh / How much did you sell?
How much did you use for food?
Harvest fodder / ______sacks / How much is 1 sack at market? ______ksh / How much did you sell? _____sacks
How much did you use for your own livestock? ______sacks
Harvest firewood from sustainable woodlots / ______small or large bundles (circle either small or large) / How much is:
1 small bundle at the market?
1 large bundle?
______ksh / How much did you sell?
______(small/large) bundles
How much did you use for fuel?
______(small/large) bundles
Keep more animals because of extra fodder / ______goats
______cows / How much is:
1 goat:______ksh
1 liter of goat milk ______ksh
1 chicken:______ksh
1 chicken egg:____ksh
1 cow:______ksh
1 liter of cow milk: ______ksh / How much did you sell?
______liters of goat milk
______chicken eggs
______liters of cow milk
How much did you use for food?
______buckets of goat milk
______chicken eggs
______buckets of cow milk
Produce extra tree seedlings for neighbors or market / ______seedlings (total seedlings)
______seedlings (indigenous) / How much is 1 seedling at market?
______ksh (indigenous) / How many did you sell?
How many did you use for planting on your land?
______seedlings total
______indigenous seedlings
Start keeping honey bees / ______kg of honey / How much is 1 kg honey at market?
______ksh / How much did you sell?____kg
How much did you use for food?
Start fish ponds / ______fish harvested / How much is 1 fish at market?
______ksh / How much did you sell?
How much did you use for food?
Produce compost manure for your fields / sacks of compost manure / How much is onesack of compost manure at market? ______ksh / How much did you sell?
How much did you use for planting?
Start a business / What kind? ______
How many people work there? ______
Use less firewood because of an efficient TIST stove / How much less firewood do you use per week? ______small/large bundles
Built relationships with other TIST members / How have these relationships affected your life?
24. Have TIST activities had any negative impacts on your lives? Yes/No (circle one)
If yes, how? (please be as specific as possible; if an answer is unclear, ask them to clarify) ______
25. How can these negative impacts be avoided in the future? (please write exactly what they say; if you do not understand what they mean, ask them to clarify)
26. What health topics have you been trained on through TIST activities? How many times? (Write a number in the blank next to each topic)
a. HIV/AIDS ______
b. Malaria ______
c. Hygiene______
d. Clean drinking water______
e. Fuel-efficient cooking stoves______
f. Nutrition______
g. Other:______
27. How has this training on health topics affected your life? (please write exactly what they say; if you do not understand what they mean, ask them to clarify)
D. Specific questions on Conservation Farming and food security
28. Have you been trained on Conservation Farming techniques through TIST? Yes/No (circle one)
(If yes, go on to question 29. If no, SKIP to question 31)
29. Did you use conservation farming methods last year? Yes/No (circle one)
30. What were the five main crops grown on your land last year: (fill out the table below)
Crops (Type) / Total Production (kg or sacks?) / ValueHow much is 1 kg/sack in the market? / Did you use conservation farming practices for this crop?
(Write yes or no) / How did using these practices affect your crop yield compared to when you did not use conservation farming practices?
(circle decrease, no change, or increase; then write in the amount)
1. / ______kg/sacks / ______ksh / Decrease/no change/increase
By ______kg/sacks
2. / ______kg/sacks / ______ksh / Decrease/no change/increase
By ______kg/sacks
3. / ______kg/sacks / ______ksh / Decrease/no change/increase
By ______kg/sacks
4. / ______kg/sacks / ______ksh / Decrease/no change/increase
By ______kg/sacks
5. / ______kg/sacks / ______ksh / Decrease/no change/increase
By ______kg/sacks
31. What other benefits does conservation farming provide? (please write exactly what they say; if you do not understand what they mean, ask them to clarify)
32. Have using conservation farming methods had a negative impact on your life in anyway? Yes/No (circle one)
If yes, how? ______
How can these negative impacts be avoided in the future? ______
33. Did you buy any food from the market last year? Yes/No (circle one)
34. If yes, then for how many months?______
35. How much money do you spend on food from the market each month? ______ksh
36. What kind of foods do you buy from the market?
37. Please tell me whether the following sentences are “not at all true,” are “somewhat true” or are “very true” as a result of your participation in TIST programs: (please place an X in the appropriate box)
Perceived impacts / Not at all true / Somewhat true / Very trueMy children are healthier because of my participation in TIST
I make more money because of TIST
My family has more food to eat because of TIST activities
I have more ways to make money because of TIST activities
I use too much land planting TIST trees and not enough for food or livestock
I spend more money on education for my children
I spend more money on improving my house
My children go to school more often
My family can afford to go to the doctor when we need to
I am too busy with TIST to do important things I need to do
My friends and family are not happy that I am a TIST member
I lose money participating in TIST
I have made friends that support me through TIST
I feel more confident in myself because of my participation in TIST
TIST has improved the community
Perceived impacts / Not at all true / Somewhat true / Very true
My family has less food to eat because of TIST
TIST activities have improved soil conditions in my village
I know more about health because of TIST trainings
37. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about how TIST has affected your life? ______
38. What TIST seminars have you attended? ______
39. What impacts have TIST seminars had on your life? ______
Thank you!
Notes for Interviewer:
(Please write any additional information that you think is important about this interview that was not included in the questions above).