Twin Leaves and Thistle Top

This lace work in this pattern interests the more experienced knitter but the directions are written to coach the the less experienced knitter. Fully 75% of it is simply K4, P2. After the pattern set up round, the only directions needed are for the center panel and underarm shaping; the rest of the stitches are worked exactly as presented on the needle.

The Leaf Panel TABLE organizes the directions into easy sections and which are all read just like standard text--from left to right and top to bottom. The table for the center lace panel is first included on page 5 with hints and explanations on how to work it. All three tables, including a repetition of the Leaf Panel, are grouped together on page 7 for easy reference.

Leaf Panel

(54 stitches, all sizes)

A / B / C / D / E / F
(or Thistle Pattern) / G / H / I / J
Rounds/ Rows
2 / K2 / K6, DD, YO, K1, YRN / P2 / Repeat C / P2, K2, P2 / (no)YO, K1, YO, SK2P, K6 / P2 / Repeat G / K2
4 / K2 / K4, RSDD, K1, [YO, K1] twice / P2 / Repeat C / P2, K2, P2 / K1, [YO, K1] twice, SK2P, K4 / P2 / Repeat G / K2
6 / K2 / K2, RSDD, K2, YO, K1, YO, K2 / P2 / Repeat C / P2, K2, P2 / K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, SK2P, K2 / P2 / Repeat G / K2
8 / K2 / RSDD, K3, YO, K1, YO, K3 / P2 / Repeat C / P2, K2, P2 / K3, YO, K1, YO, K3, SK2P / P2 / Repeat G / K2
ROUNDS / P2 / K10 / P2 / K10 / P2, K2, P2 / K10 / P2 / K10 / P2
ROWS / K2 / P10 / K2 / P10 / K2, P2, K2 / P10 / K2 / P10 / K2

Start working table on Round 1: (Odd # Rounds on table above)

Round/Row 2: In this Round/Row, the yarn overs are notated and worked differently than in all the others as follows:

YRN = wrap yarn all the way around the needle. Bring yarn from back of work to front, around top of needle, to the back and then front to again.

(no)YO = Work the purl, then the knit stitch. DO NOT move yarn from front to back between the two stitches. A yarn over is created without any additional wrapping or carrying of the yarn as is the case for the rest of the YOs in the chart.

Yarn Overs – the term “yarn over” or “YO” is often used for both the name for a hole intentionally created AND as a specific direction as to how to create that hole, even when different processes are needed. Since this can be confusing for less experienced knitters, this pattern uses a different notation for each different process. Directions relevant to working the YOs in this pattern are included here.

YO, K1, YO sequence in Leaf Panel – EXCEPT for Round/Row 2 – you will always be working the K1 into the K1 of the previous Round/Row. Check for this alignment to make sure you are working the lace correctly.

Leaf Panel, Columns B and J – Note that these stitches are worked as knits on even ROUNDS and purls on odd Rounds, but always worked as knits in all ROWS.

Rounds and Rows – Note that the odd numbered lines of the table have two different directions—one for rounds and one for rows. You begin working in the round and directions will specify rounds until the work is divided into back and front at which time directions are given in rows. For much of the time there is no difference between the two but there are a few significant places where it does matter.

Care Instructions: Follow instructions on yarn band. If using Caron Spa DO NOT press or iron it. Doing so will ‘kill’ it.


K – knit

P – purl

PM – place marker

SM – slip marker

YO – yarn over

YRN – yarn around needle

(no)YO – work a purl, then a knit without moving yarn, a YO is created

S1K – Slip 1 knit wise

SSK – Slip, slip knit – one at a time, slip two stitches knit wise from left to right needle, then knit together through the back

SKP – Slip one, Knit one, Pass slipped stitch over knit stitch

K2tog – knit two stitches together

Double decreases: (three stitches decreased to one)

SK2P – (left slanting double decrease)

slip 1 stitch knit wise,

K2 stitches together,

pass slipped stitch over the two stitches knit together

RSDD – (right-slanting double decrease)

SSK, slip remaining stitch from SSK back onto left needle, bring the second stitch on left needle over SSK stitch, return that stitch back to right needle

LSDD – (left-slanting double decrease)

K2Tog, slip to left needle, pass left stitch over decreased stitch, pass back to right needle

Yarn Overs – the term “yarn over” or “YO” is often used to mean both the name for a hole intentionally created AND as a specific direction as to how to create that hole. American patterns in particular tend to use only the “YO” notation throughout, even when different processes are needed. Since this can be confusing for less experienced knitters, this pattern uses a different notation for each different process, all three of which create similar holes. Directions relevant to working the YOs in this pattern are included but if interested in further information you can request our YO Tutorial for a much fuller explanation of how, when to use which method and for working YOs in general.


Twin Leaves and Thistle Top – All rights reserved 2013 by Elyse Coleman. Please enjoy for private knitting only. Pattern not to be resold or used to produce items for sale.