Hamburger Rubric – Research Project : LA 7/ELD

Name: ______

Getting Started (1) / Work in Progress (2) / Standard Work (3) / Deluxe Work (4)
Overall, the project shows little effort and poor planning.
·  The research project is missing the conventions outlined in the prompt.
·  Thesis statement attempts to answer the research question and has an argument with reasons.
·  NoodleTools notecards, outline and bibliography are attempted.
·  Class and independent articles lack connection to the argument and question of the project.
·  Bibliography and citations show misunderstandings.
·  Grammar and spelling lack effort. / Overall, the project is hastily put together and with more time, could have been standard work.
·  The research project follows the conventions outlined in the prompt.
·  Thesis statement answers the research question and has a good argument with reasons.
·  NoodleTools notecards, outline and bibliography are complete.
·  Class and independent articles support the argument and question of the project.
·  Bibliography and citations show effort.
·  Grammar and spelling is adequate. / Overall, the project is good and minor parts of the project are missing or incomplete.
·  Research project adequately follows the conventions outlined in the prompt.
·  Thesis statement answers the research question and has a strong argument with reasons.
·  NoodleTools notecards, outline and bibliography are thorough and complete.
·  Class and independent articles support the argument and question of the project.
·  Bibliography and citations are correctly formatted and organized.
·  Grammar and spelling is strong. / Overall, the project is complete and shows a lot of effort.
·  The research project clearly follows the conventions outlined in the prompt.
·  Thesis statement clearly answers the research question and has a strong argument with reasons.
·  NoodleTools notecards, outline and bibliography are very thorough and complete.
·  Class and independent articles fully support the argument and question of the project.
·  Bibliography and citations are correctly formatted and organized.
·  Grammar and spelling is very strong.

I believe my grade for this project should be a ______because …