
Exploration Study Guide

  1. __Francisco Coronado__ claimed land in the southwest territories for Spain.
  2. Samuel de Champlain established the _French _ settlement of __ Quebec _.
  3. John __Cabot__ explored eastern Canada for __England_.
  4. Robert La Salle claimed the _MississippiRiverValley_. What country did Robert La Salle claim the land for? _France__

  1. List four obstacles to exploration.
  1. __Lackofadequate supplies____
  2. __disease and starvation_____
  3. __poor maps and navigational tools__
  4. __fear of the unknown_
  1. _Ghana_ was the earliest African kingdom. Then the kingdom of _Mali_ arose, and finally the kingdom of _Songhai_.
  2. List three motivating forces for exploration.

a.Economic (gold, natural resources, and trade)_GOLD_

b. _Religious (spread Christianity)_GOD_

c.Competition for land (claiming territories before anyone else)___GLORY____

8. List the three accomplishments of the European explorers.

A. improved navigational tools, ships, and maps__

B. claimed territories and land_

C. exchanged goods and ideas__

9. Please label the map with the correct choice.

A. England and EnglishB. France and French

C. Portugal and PortugueseD. Spain and Spanish

10. The 3 African Kingdoms( Ghana, Mali, & Songhai) became powerful by:

a) fighting each otherb) dominating trade

c) colonizing other areas c) discovering new lands

11. List the 3 African empires that were the most powerful in West Africa between 300 and 1600.

1) _Ghana_ 2) __Mali__ 3) _Songhai__

12. Which country in Europe traded with the African empires? _Portugal__

13. Europeans traded _manufactured goods_, _metals_, and _cloth_ for gold.

14. Which county first brought Christianity and European diseases to the New World? _Spain_

15.Which country spread the Christian religion and established trading posts especially in present-day Canada? _France___

16. Which country conquered and then made slaves of the American Indians? __Spain____

17. Which explorer opened a trading post and established the French Settlement of Quebec? __Samuel de Champlain__

19. What body of water provided the French and Spanish with exploration routes to Mexico and other parts of America? _Gulf of Mexico_

20. What did the English settlers learn from the American Indians?_farming techniques___

21. Which explorer claimed the southwest area of present-day United States for Spain?

__Francisco Coronado__

22. What was NOT a reason for European countries to compete for power in North America?

a. claim land as their ownc. spread of Christianity

b. gold, natural resources, and traded. learn new languages

23. Which country first brought European diseases to the Americas?

  1. Spain b. England c. France d. Portugal

24. What are the three areas of Cooperation between the Europeans and the First Americans?

  1. __Europeans brought weapons and metal farm tools___
  2. __trade_____
  3. ____crops___

25. What are the five areas of Conflict between the Europeans and the First Americans?

  1. Language differences
  2. Competition for trade
  3. Diseases
  4. Differences in culture
  5. land