بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

( 2017 - 2018 )

Action Pack 12

Twelfth Grade

مكثف اللغة الانجليزية - 2017

الدورة الشتوية

عماد ابو الزمر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

( 2017 - 2018 )

Action Pack 12

Twelfth Grade

مكثف اللغة الانجليزية - 2018

الدورة الشتوية

عماد ابو الزمر

Guided Writing

Read the information in the table below, and then in your ANSWER BOOKLET , write two sentences about ------. Use the appropriate linking words such as: and, too, also, etc

Ways to reduce water usage
- take shorter showers
- wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan
- turn off the water tap while you wash your hands

There are many ways to reduce water usages such as taking shorter showers and washingyour fruits and vegetables in a pan, too. Also, another thing is turning off the water tap while you wash your hands .

Reasons that make people leave their home countries
- seek better life
- complete education
- find better jobs
- learn about different cultures

There are many reasons that make people leave their home countries such as seeking better life and completing their education. Also, another reason is finding better jobs and learning about different cultures.

What should happen to motorists who break the speed limits ?
Ban from driving
Fine for driving fast
Put in prison

There are many things that should happen to motorists who break the speed limits such as banning them from driving and fining them for driving fast. Also, another thing is putting them in prison.

How to improve your English language ?
Listen to English programs
Read English newspapers and magazines
Join English courses regularly

There are many ways to improve your English language such as listening to English programs and reading newspapers and magazines. Also, another way is joining English courses regularly to improve your English language.

Successful people
- work hard
- communicate openly
- welcome change
-learn new skills

There are many qualities for successful people such as working hard , communicating openly and welcoming change ,too . Another quality is learning new skills as well. / Successful people work hard, communicate openly and welcome change, too. ----

Why do people use the internet websites ?
Buy goods
Book holidays
Pay bills

1. There are many reasons why people use the internet websites such as buying books and booking holidays . Another thing is paying pills.

2. People use the internet websites to buy goods and book holidays as well. Also, they use them to pay bills.

3. There are many reasons that make people use the internet websites such as buying goods and booking holidays. Also, another reason is paying bills.

Watching sports live / Watching sports on TV
- noisy
- uncomfortable and expensive / - exciting
- comfortable and cheap

1. Watching sports on TV is exciting but watching sports live is noisy. Also, watching sports on TV is comfortable and cheap.

On the other hand, watching sports live is uncomfortable and expensive.

2. In comparison with watching sports on TV which is exciting, watching sports live is noisy. Moreover, watching sports on TV is comfortable and cheap but watching sports live is uncomfortable and expensive .

Characteristics of traditional education ……
- students attend classes in person
- students have more opportunities to join clubs
- students need more guidance and more direct contact with teachers
- students attend classes in a specific time and in a specific location

There are many characteristics of traditional education. For example, students attend classes in person, have more opportunities to join clubs and need more guidance and more direct contact with teachers ,too. Also, students attend classes in a specific time and in a specific location.

Disadvantages of email / Advantages of email
- less hand-writing practice
- lack personal touch / - it is easy to use
- it is fast

1. There are many advantages of email . For example, it is easy to use and fast. However, there are many disadvantages. For example, it has less hand-writing practice and lack personal touch.

2. There are many advantages of email such as being easy to use and fast. However, there are many disadvantages such as having less hand-writing practice and lack personal touch.

Mahmoud Darwish / Name
1942 - 2008 / Date (born and died)
Poet and author / Profession
- Leaves of Olives and Wingless Birds / Achievements

Mahmoud Darwish, who was a great poet and an author, was born in 1942 and died in 2008. There are many achievements for Mahmoud Darwish such as "Leaves of Olives and Wingless Birds".

Najeeb Mahfouth / Name
Cairo , 1911 / Place/ Date of birth
Cairo, 2006 / Place/ date of death
Novelist / Proffession
- Awarded the Nobel Prize for literature
- Father of modern Arabic Literature / Achievements

Najeeb Mahfouth, who is a great novelist, was born in Cairo in 1911. He was awarded Nabel Prize for Literature and considered the father of modern Arabic Literature. Also, he died in Cairo in 2006.

Write two sentences about Qasir Bashir

JordanianDesert / Location
beginning of the 4th century / Date of construction
protection of the Roman borders / Purpose of building
huge towers, 23 rooms / Description of the building

Qasir Bashir , which is located in / situated in the JordanianDesert, was built / constructed at the beginning of the 4th century. It was built to protect the Roman borders. Also, it has huge towers and twenty-three rooms.

Disadvantages– The Internet of Things / Advantages – The Internet of Things
- everything you do is tracked / Privacy / - monitor health and activity.
- fridges advise on healthy eating
- more time to relax / Health
- criminals could get control of your personal information
- criminals could take over the whole system / Security / - driverless cars automatically avoid crashes
- traffic controlled more efficiently
- no more traffic jams / Transport
- computers sometimes fail
- consequences could be terrible / Safety / - control washing machines, cookers, ..etc. with your phone.
- lights and heating go on and off automatically ( saving energy ) / At home
- many thousands of jobs are lost / Employment / - smart TV automatically download your favourite shows.
- music system play music to suit your mood / Leisure

1. Lights will go on and off automatically. In this way, / Therefore,/ Consequently,/ As a result, we will save energy.

2. On the one hand, life would be easier. On the other hand, we will have less privacy and security.

3. Driverless cars automatically avoid crashes. However, their computers sometimes fail and the consequences would be terrible.

4. Although the "Internet of Things" will make our life easier and more comfortable, it will make many problems to privacy, security and safety.

Guided Writing

كيفية تكوين الجمل

Alkindi / Al-Kindi / Name
AlKindi was born in 801 BC / 801 CE / Date of birth
AlKindi died in 873 BC / 873 BC / Date of death
He was a physician . / Physician, … , .. / Profession - occupation
He was interested in botany / botany / interests
Also, he made ground-breaking ….. / ground-breaking discoveries / achievements
His legacy is ........ / instructions and advice / legacy
There are many ways ..... such as –v-ing / Listen - use ...... – find ---- / ways to .....
There are many things ...... such as +V-ing / Ban.....- put ...... - fine ...... / What ...... ?
There are many ways ...... such as + V-ing / Listen .... – read ...... / How ...... ?
There are many reasons that make ...... such as +V-ing / Buy ...... - book ..... pay ...... / Why / Why do ...... ?
There are many ways ...... such as + V-ing / Listen ...... / The ways ......
There are many advantages of .... such as being ...... / easy ...... , fast / Advantages of ......
There are many qualities of ...... such as having .....
The king Hussein ...... has ...... / Excellent reputation – lower costs / The King Hussein Centre
There are many achievements for Ali ..... such as + V-ing
Ali Bin Nafi' established ...... , ...... and ...... / Established...... – introduced ..... / Ali Bin Nafi'
Landline phones are old , large and heavy . / Old – large and heavy / Landline phones
Tablet computer is light and heavy . / Light and heavy / Tablet computer
...... is located in Amman / Amman / Location
...... has radiotherapy machines / Radiotherapy machines / Facilities
It was constructed in 1970 / 1970 / Date of construction
It was built in 2001 / 2001 / Date of building
It was built to protect the Roman borders / Protection of the Roman borders / Purpose of building
It lasted two years / Two years / Duration
It has huge towers and twenty-three rooms / Huge towers – 23 rooms / Description of the building
There are many qualities for successful people such as +V-ing / Work hard ..... – welcome change / Successful people
There are many characteristics...... For example, students ...... / Students attend.... – students have... / Characteristics of ......
Watching sports on TV is exciting, ...... and ...... / Exciting , comfortable and cheap / Watching sports on TV