NEWONS Membership Meeting Agenda

December 2, 20095:30 pm Registration and Networking

Rock Garden/Comfort Suites Topic: PNH Update

1951 BOND Street, Green Bay

920-497-4701 Sponsor: NEWONS

CNE offered: 1

2009 Officers and Chairs for NEWONS


President Shirley Triest-Robertson

President ElectElisabeth Yogerst

Past President Vicki Eggebrecht

Secretary Holly Mier-Spletzer

Treasurer Lisa Wright

Programs Nancy VanAlstine

Nominating Vicki Eggebrecht

Historian Karen Klarkowski

Web Site Patti Heisel

GrantsSharon Murrock, Vicki Eggebrecht

Chapter Excellence Award Connie Worzala

National Awards Monitor- Karen Klarkowski

Membership- Richelle Deist

Roberta Baxter

Community Outreach - Jennifer Kolar

Scholarships – Bonnie Hoersch


  1. Call to order- Shirley Triest-Robertson–Call to order @ 1808
  1. Reports:
  1. Secretary- Holly Spletzer –
  2. November minutes approved by 1st Connie Worzala and 2nd Ken
  3. No other new business
  1. Membership –Roberta Baxter and RicheleDeist (Richelle not present).
  2. Membership forms available at meeting and online at
  3. Provide copy of ONS card.
  4. Current members 80;New members18; Members renewed 62; Members who did not renew17
  5. Members present tonight =21; Guest=0
  6. Increase in membership fee approved at board meeting
  7. Associate membership to $35.00
  8. Normal membership to $15.00
  9. Membership renewal by January 1, 2010 then give to Lisa
  10. Membership after January 1, 2010 goes to new treasurer
  11. Late fee applies after January 31, 2010
  12. December 2009 will be our last raffle.
  13. Membership Drive- January 2010.
  14. Karen K won this years raffle with 9 referrals
  15. Reminder to utilize $50 reimbursement form
  1. Program- Nancy VanAlstine
  2. January 12, 2010 – Topic unknown and will be taken over by new program chair. New program chair will need to contact Rock Garden to arrange.
  3. Flyers continue to be available on the website
  4. CNE applications report- Beth Simoens& Lynne Schroeder
  5. Need to revisit this topic in January 2010
  6. Reps will be displayers at monthly membership
  7. May begin in January 2010
  8. Amy needs these things to give to her company
  9. W-9 form
  10. Accreditation letter which can borrowed from ONS
  11. Fall conference Update–Dale Grimmer
  12. Looking for volunteers to help with 2010 Fall Conference on October 1, 2010 at SC Grand in De Pere
  13. Need ideas for topics and speakers
  14. Sign up sheet sent around, 6 people signed up
  15. First meeting will be at the Main Event in Kaukauna
  16. Next year the fee will increase to $75 and late fee of $100
  17. Treasurer-Lisa Wright
  18. Lisa gave brief report on budget, copy not received see website or Lisa for details
  19. Nominating–Vicki Eggebrecht
  20. New Officers
  21. President: Elisabeth Yogerst (she will complete 2 terms)
  22. Vice-President: Sharon Murrock
  23. Secretary: Patti Bouchonville
  24. Treasurer: Shirley Triest-Robertson
  25. Scholarship: Rebecca Richards and Kathleen Geisen
  26. Community Outreach: Beth Simoens
  27. Programs: Dale Grimmer
  28. What’s the Buzz – Jason
  29. Web Site & Newsletter –Patti Heisel
  30. Quarterly newsletter- The following members are asked to contribute:
  31. Committee chairs
  32. Any member with something to share
  33. Would like to get one more newsletter out before end of year
  34. Grants –Sharon Murrock
  35. Member grants
  36. A total of 6 grants/year will be awarded to be used for ONS, IOL, or other Oncology related conferences.
  37. The President and VP will continue to get a grant to go to ONS or IOL.
  38. The criteria for an Oncology related conference still need to be finalized, by January 1st and posted to Website. Sharon Murrock, will try get this done and emailed to Patti Heisel
  39. Grant Recipients- Holly Spletzer for NP Scholarship and Roberta Baxter for IOL
  40. Briefly discussed “Tomorrow by Developing Nurses Today”—will be discussed further at the next board meeting.
  41. Scholarships – Bonnie Hoersch
  42. Received plaque from Fox Valley, Shirley TR will scan in and email to Patti Heisel to put on website
  43. Received “Thank you” from Nursing Graduate, this will be put on website
  44. NWTC student who received a scholarship wants to become a member
  45. Re-evaluated scholarships, new focus will be on New Graduates choosing to work in Oncology. Scholarship amount will be $1,000 and will include first year NEWONS and ONS membership
  1. Chapter Excellence award- Connie Worzala(Not Present) Nothing New
  2. If any member has done anything with or for ONS, let Connie know so she can include it in the application
  3. Deadline Aug 2010
  4. National Award Application will be put on website for members look at
  1. Community outreach activities -Jenny Kolar(Not Present)
  2. December NEWCAP
  3. Recipients for the next year
  4. Red Cross –Connie Worzala
  5. Triumph (Survivors’ Support) – Kathy Geisen
  6. David L Spodi Endowment Fund – Sharon Murrock
  7. Unity Hospice – Shirley TR
  8. Community Hospice – Lisa Wright
  9. Family with Children with Cancer – Kathy Geisen
  10. Ribbon Cancer – Connie Worzala
  11. St Vincent’s Hospital - Connie Worzala
  12. Organizations for year on the web site
  1. Historian- Karen Klarkowski(NOTHING NEW)
  2. Will be discontinued in 2010
  3. What’s the Buzz?
  4. Will be restarted by Jason
  5. Sheet sent around to fill out if you have not been featured in What’s the Buzz in the past
  1. President-Elect Report- Shirley Triest- Robinson
  2. Annual report reviewed and due Jan 2010 Shirley TR and Elisabeth Yogerst are working on this report
  3. Thank you received for ONS Foundation donationfor raffle
  4. Continue to look for Diversity opportunities
  5. Where is our Mission Statement?
  6. We currently use ONS
  7. Members voted that they would like to develop one of our own
  8. Vicky Eggebrecht started one and will look for it
  1. Next meeting--Rock Garden Supper Club on January 12, 2010
  1. Adjournment Introduce speaker –
  1. Mtg adjourned at1845, motion made by Sharon Murrock and 2ndVicky Eggebrecht
  2. Speaker Susan O’Connell, MSN, RN

ONS Vision
The vision of the Oncology Nursing Society is to lead the transformation of cancer care.

ONS Mission
The mission of the Oncology Nursing Society is to promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care.

Core Values of ONS and Affiliated Corporations
When all else changes, values endure. Values are our organizations' guiding principles. They represent our core beliefs for the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) and its family of affiliated corporations, including the ONS Foundation, Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation, and OES. The ONS values serve to guide our leaders and members. All are encouraged to assign their personal meaning to each of these words, for values are beliefs, both personal and collective. The explanatory phrases with each value are meant as guides for understanding. These phrases should neither limit the intent of the value nor serve as a definition.

Goals / Strategic Plan 2010

  1. Encourage and invite new graduate nurses into the world of Oncology by awarding them scholarships for working in the area of oncology.
  2. Contribute to community outreach by encouraging members to bring donations money to each meeting to be donated to a designated charity which will be listed monthly membership on flier including charity’s needs.
  3. The chapter will contribute $100.00 each month in conjunction with member donations.
  4. Explore new ways to recruit & retain members.
  5. Continue to allocate resources that give continuing nursing education to our membership, i.e. programmed modules as groups, CD programs, and ONS sponsored programs.
  6. Continue to support national ONS activities
  7. Support ONS Foundation raffle for congress
  8. Support other requests from ONS to donate financially $500.00 –bi-annually
  9. Increase participation in national organization by
  10. increasing membership voting in national elections,
  11. nominating chapter members for national awards
  12. Encouraging chapter members participate at national conference.
  13. To maintain a quarterly newsletter for our chapter members.
  14. Explore new ways to support the financial needs of our organization.