Third Grade Michigan’s Digging into the Past
Lesson 2
Title: Michigan’s Regions
Unit of Study: Third Grade Digging Into the Past
G2.0.1 Use a variety of visual materials and data sources to describe ways in which Michigan can be divided into regions.
G2.0.2 Describe different regions to which Michigan belongs (e.g., Great Lakes Region, Midwest).
Abstract: Students will explore different ways to divide Michigan into regions. They will also explore different regions to which Michigan belongs.
Key Concepts: regions, cardinal directions, locations, Great Lakes, Midwest
Sequence of Activities: (approximately two 30 minute lessons)
Regions to which Michigan belongs:
1. Explain to students that a region is an area with at least one feature, or characteristic, which sets it apart from other areas.
2. Explain to students that regions can be large or small. Ask them to think of ways to divide their school into regions. If possible, make an overhead transparency of a map of your school for students to observe. Discuss student ideas. Possible regions in a school include: gym, office, classroom wing, library, and boiler room. A similar demonstration can be done of the classroom.
3. Use the United States map (included) to have students brainstorm how the United States can be divided into regions with a focus on Michigan. Make sure to discuss the Great Lakes Region as a possible choice, as well as the Midwest Region that will be used next.
4. Use the Midwest Region map to brainstorm what is similar within the states that are included. Possible answers are: similar climate, location, wildlife, land features (rivers, trees, hills), and crops.
Ways Michigan can be divided into Regions:
1. Use the computer to show many other ways Michigan can be divided into regions. Use images Michigan Regions. Discuss possible reasons for such a wide variety of maps. (i.e. Government, economic - company delivery, land features)
2. Use overhead projector or another document imager to show blank Michigan map while students use their own blank map. (map provided). Demonstrate for students where the region lines are drawn (completed map provided) for the following regions or students can make up their own regions:
1. Upper Peninsula
2. Straits
3. Northern Michigan
4. Saginaw Bay
5. Mid-Michigan
6. West Coast
7. Southeast Michigan
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT over regions is included.
English Language Arts
Instructional Resources:
Student Resources
Pencil, markers, worksheet
Teacher Resources
United States Map Name______
Brainstorm ways Michigan can be included in a United States region. Think about land features and the compass rose.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
Midwest Region Map Name______
Brainstorm what these Midwest Region states have in common.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
Use this map to guide the students in filling in the regions on their maps.
Regions within Michigan
Name ______
Name ______
This is the Great Lakes Region. Describe why Michigan belongs to this region. ______
Describe how Michigan can be divided into three regions.
1 - ______
2 - ______
3 points / 2 points / 0-1 point / ScoreI have described why Michigan belongs to the Great Lakes Region. / I have partially described why Michigan belongs to the Great Lakes Region. / I have not described why Michigan belongs to the Great Lakes Region.
I have described how Michigan can be divided into three regions. / I have partially described how Michigan can be divided into three regions. / I have not described how Michigan can be divided into three regions.
3 - ______
This work by Calhoun ISD Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.