Summary of Almonte Discussion
Turning complacency into action
Issue / Challenges / Opportunities / CommentsEducation / Labelling of kids / “your kids” needs to become “our kids”
Lack of understanding of what abuse is
Lack of consistency within and across school boards re VAW education / Make sure programs available to all students and that all students know about special events like conference
Engage school boards
Engage parent councils
Expand teacher training program `Woman abuse affects our children`` / Àlready developed by ETFO
Roots of empathy a good prevention education program
Use power and control wheel as education tool
Start education early – kindergarten, primary grades
Healthy relationships program
Increase presence of community in schools
Engage Algonquin College
Use social media
White Ribbon campaign
Ongoing misogyny / Gender stereotypes
Men`s Sheds
Re-introduce Ì am a Kind Man campaign / First Nations program – part of NFF
Community involvement / People lack tools
People afraid to butt into other people`s business
Fear of repercussions if you get involved
People don’t want to admit VAW happens in their community
Build on sense of community that already exists / Strong community relationships already exist
Education and awareness campaigns / Maybe NFF?
Create a cultural/mind shift and model it
Develop community literacy about VAW
Build skills in community to identify, talk about and respond to VAW / NFFs?
Change shock into awarenss / “How can this happen here?”
More community forums / Make them regular (quarterly) events
Focus on building community where abusive behaviour is not acceptable
Make VAW part of standard government process / On agenda of all council etc meetings
Hear stories from survivors so other women can learn
Make it a public health issue
Ask (are you safe), Talk (about resources) Act (as she needs)
Create community hubs / Use places it is safe for women to be: eg. schools
Start a Where is the Love campaign
Civil disobedience for change – rage into action
Community feasts / Where VAW can be talked about, people can connect
Wear purple on May 6; raise awareness
Prevention / Supports for young men
Lack of funding
Prevailing attitudes of misogyny
Belief it “doesn’t happen here”
Begin open dialogue: this is something this community talks about
Raise awareness through public education / Billboards, media campaign
Family law / Bad custody and access orders
Conflicts between family and criminal court orders
Supervised access centre not adequate
Education for judges and lawyers / And others – mediators, parent coordinators etc.
Distance / Police response times / Dead zones for police radios, huge patrol areas
Transportation / Use school buses as public transportation / In northern Scotland, the mail carriers can transport people
Volunteer drivers / Drivers would have to be trained and screened
Phone tree / Drivers would have to be trained and screened
Rural Ontario Institute / Transportation ideas
Free up gas tax money
Hard for women to get away from abuser
Criminal law / No mandatory education for judges / Lawyers also need education
Minimal sentences for abusers / Lack of understanding of rural realities when sentencing or setting bail conditions
Lack of funding for PAR program
Engage politicians to make change in legal systems
Get a dedicated DV/SA Crown in the community
Increase funding for VWAP
Expanded use of situation tables
Inadequate bail arrangements / Need alternatives that reflect rural realities
Women do not trust criminal system
Lack of bail support programs / Eg. John Howard or Salvation Army
More education for sureties before they agree
More preparation of victims by Crown
Electronic monitoring
Restorative justice / Lanark County project that just received funding
Women’s safety / Lack of information about services/agencies
Community/neighbourhood watch
Create a systems navigator or case manager for women
Implement a risk assessment process
Lack of shelters in communities
Look at models from New Zealand
Poverty / Limits options
Lack of affordable housing / Criteria for subsidized housing very detailed – woman has to prove a lot
Lack of employment for women / Women feel financially stuck with the abuser
Farming culture / Women can’t leave business or animals
Funding / Siloed – does not encourage collaboration
Collaborative, flexible funding / Use Advisory Committee as funding hub
Funding decisions based on urban realities
Need to fund prevention activities
Funding for public education
Services / Lack of funding = lack of services = focus is on response rather than prevention
Lack of services for men
Lack of services outside 9 - 5
Services often fragmented
Create a safe apartment service
Increase info sharing among existing services
Create foster care program for pets and farm animals / Connect with SafePet
Provide DV training for services that are not DV focused (eg OW, social housing)
Expand role of crisis line so people can call for information
Media / Lack of community media
Who else needs to be at the table? / Head/local Crown
Mental health professionals
Addiction services
Youth / Young men
Corporate partners
Education sector / School board, principals, parent councils, guidance counsellors
Legal sector / Judges. JPs, lawyers
Services for abusers / John Howard, Salvation Army
Probation and parole
Ethnic communities
Indigenous communities
Ordinary people
Workplaces / Employers, unions
Elizabeth Fry Society
Big Brothers/Sisters
Office of Children’s Advocates
Youth service providers
4H clubs
Restorative justice organizations
Health care / Public health, doctors, dentists, dental hygienists