May 2010











Chapter No. / Name of the Chapter / Page no.
1 / Promotion Policy – Subordinate to Clerical / 3
2 / Personal Segment Liability Products / 6
3 / Personal Segment Advances : Home Loans / 17
4 / Personal Segment Advances : Car Loans / 30
5 / Personal Segment Advances : Education Loan / 36
6 / Personal Segment Advances : Pension Loan / 39
7 / Personal Segment Advances : Personal Loan / 41
8 / New Technology Products - Computers / 45
9 / New Technology Products – CBS / Mobile Banking / 50
10 / New Technology products – RTGS / NEFT / 54
11 / Safe Deposit Lockers / Custody / Fixed Assets / 56
12 / SME Products / 58
13 / Agriculture Segment – Loan Products / 60
14 / Basic Computer Awareness / 63
15 / General English Language / 70





(i)Eligibility :- Permanent full-time employees with 5 years’ service as on 1st April of the promotion year. However, service put in as a permanent part-time employee prior to full-time appointment will be reckoned proportionately by notionally converting part-time service into full-time service, in case such a full-time employee has less than 5 years’ service as on 1st April of promotion year. (Temporary service will not be reckoned)

(ii)Minimum Qualification :- Matriculation or equivalent examination on 1stApril of the promotion year.

(iii)Upper age limit :- 55 years as on 1st April of promotion year.

(iv)Number of chances :- Till he completes 55 years of age.

(v)Allocation of marks :-

(a) Written test

- General Banking - 30

- English language - 10

- General Awareness - 10

(100 Ques. 90 mins. ½ mark each)- 50

(b) Written test on computer aptitude - 25

(50 Ques. 45 mins. ½ mark each)

(c) Additional Qualification (graduation) - 5

(d) Performance Appraisal .- 10

(e) Personal Interview - 10

Total Marks 100

(vi) Qualifying marks :-

Written Test :- Minimum 40% in written examination and also 40% minimum marks in computer aptitude test.

Personal Interview :- Minimum 40% (i.e. 4 marks out of 10 marks for

General and SC/ST).

(vii)Zone of Selection:-Based on the performance in the written test on both Banking, English, General awareness and computer aptitude, candidates will be called for interview in the ratio of 3 candidates for every two vacancies, in the descending order of merit. This will form the zone of selection.



(i)Eligibility :- Permanent full-time employees with 8 years’ service as on 1st April of the promotion year. However, service put in as a permanent part-time employee prior to full-time appointment will be reckoned proportionately by notionally converting part-time service into full-time service, in case such a full time employee has less than 8 years’ service as on 1st April of promotion year. (Temporary service will not be reckoned).

(ii)Minimum Qualification :- VIIIth standard passed as on 1st April of the promotion year.

(iii)Upper age limit :- 55 years as on 1st April of the promotion year.

(iv)Number of chances :- Till he/she completes 55 years of age.

(v)Allocation of marks :-

(a) Written test

- General Banking -30

- English language -10

- General Awareness -10

(100 Ques. 90 mins. ½ mark each)


(b) Written test on computer aptitude - 20

(40 Ques. 45 mins. ½ mark each)

(c) Performance Appraisal - 10

(d) Personal Interview - 20

Total Marks 100

(vi)Qualifying marks :-

Written Test :- Minimum 40% in written examination and minimum 30% in computer aptitude test.

Personal Interview :- Minimum 40% (i.e. 8 marks out of 20 marks for General and SC/ST candidates).

(vii) Zone of Selection:- Based on the performance in the written test on both Banking, English, General awareness and computer aptitude, candidates will be called for interview in the ratio of 3 candidates for every two vacancies, in the descending order of merit. This will form the zone of selection.

General Guidelines:- (Applicable for both Merit and Normal Channels)

(i) Placement will be need based anywhere in the Circle.

(ii)Eligibility criteria viz. age, minimum service, minimum qualification additional qualification for the promotion under both the channels will be as on 1st April of promotion year.

(iii)All newly promoted cashiers if they pass SSC will be converted as clerks after 2 years of satisfactory service as cashiers. This exercise will be done on 1st August of each year.

(iv)All the existing Record Keepers, Record Keepers-cum-Cashiers, Godown Keepers, Bill Collectors and Cashiers promoted from Subordinate cadre who have completed two years of service and are matriculate (S.S.C.) as on 1st August, 2008 will be converted as clerks by the controlling authority subject to their satisfactory work. If an employee is not willing to be converted as clerk, he has to furnish a written request to the Branch Manager/Head of Department within 7 days after receipt of conversion letter. The controller’s decision in this regard will be final.

( C ) For promotion from subordinate to clerical cadre

  • Matriculates will be eligible for Merit channel while 8th standard pass will be eligible under Normal channel.
  • Upper age limit increased to 55 years of age.
  • Matriculates on promotion will be designated as clerks and 8th standard pass will be designated as cashiers.
  • Number of chances:- Till he reaches 55 years of age.
  • Eligibility criteria viz. age, minimum service, minimum qualification, additional qualification for the promotion under both the channels will be as on 1st April of promotion year.
  • The written examination will be held on General Banking, English language, General awareness and computer aptitude. The Pattern of the written examination will be advised separately.
  • All newly promoted cashiers if they pass 10th standard exam will be converted as clerks after 2 years of satisfactory service as cashiers as on 1st August of each year .
  • All the existing Record Keepers, Record Keepers-cum-Cashiers, Godown Keepers, Bill Collectors and Cashiers promoted from Subordinate cadre who have completed two years of service and are matriculate (S.S.C.) as on 1st August, 2008 may be converted as clerks by the controlling authority subject to their satisfactory work. If an employee is not willing to be converted as clerk, he has to furnish a written request to the Branch Manager/Head of Department within 7 days after receipt of conversion letter. The controller’s decision in this regard will be final. The converted employees will have to perform the duties of clerk or cashier or both clerkcum-cashier as per requirement of the Bank.


TEST – 1

01 As per Savings Bank Rules- Minors who can adhere to uniform signature and are not less than 10 years old, can open Savings Bank Accounts in their single name and can maintain a maximum balance of:

a) Rs.20,000/- b) Rs.50,000/- b) Rs.10,000/- d) Rs.2,00,000/-

02 The Maximum deposit in the minor’s a/c under guardianship can be up to-----:

a) Rs. 50000/- b) Rs 1.00 lac c) Rs 20.00 lac d) Rs 5.00 lac

03 What is the minimum cash amount that can be deposited in a Savings Bank


a) Rs.1/- b) Rs.5/- c) Rs.10/- d) Rs.50/-

04 What is the minimum permissible amount for withdrawal from a Savings Bank


a) Rs. 5/- b) Rs. 10/- c) Rs. 50/- d) Rs. 100/-

05 What is the minimum average balance required to be maintained in a current

account by Non-Individuals in Rural Areas & Other Areas

a) Rs.2500 & Rs. 5000/- respectively b) Rs. 5000 & Rs. 10000/- respectively

c) Rs.2000 & Rs. 5000/- respectively d) Rs.1000 & Rs. 5000/- respectively

06 What is the minimum average balance required to be maintained in a current

account by Individual in Rural Areas & Other Areas

a) Rs.2500 & Rs. 5000/- respectively b) Rs. 5000 & Rs. 10000/- respectively

c) Rs.2000 & Rs. 5000/- respectively d) Rs.1000 & Rs. 5000/- respectively

07 What is the minimum average balance required to be maintained in a non cheque book operated Saving Bank account in Rural Areas & Other Areas

a) Rs.250 & Rs. 500/- respectively b) Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000/- respectively

c) Rs.200 & Rs. 500/- respectively d) Rs.100 & Rs. 500/- respectively

08 What is the minimum average balance required to be maintained in a cheque book operated Saving Bank account in Rural Areas & Other Areas

a) Rs.250 & Rs. 500/- respectively b) Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000/- respectively

c) Rs.200 & Rs. 500/- respectively d) Rs.1000 & Rs. 5000/- respectively

09 What is the minimum & maximum period for Term Deposits of less than Rs 1


a) 14 days & 60 months b) 7 days & 60 months

c) 15days & 60 months d) 15 days & 120 months

10 What is the minimum amount of deposit that can be accepted as Term / Special Term Deposit:

a) Rs.1000/- b) Rs.100/- c) Rs.500/- d) Rs. 5000/-

11 What is the minimum & maximum period for S.T.D.R accounts?

a) 3 months & 60 months b) 6 months & 120 months

c) 6 months & 60 months d) 12 months & 120 months

12 What is the minimum & maximum period for R.D. accounts?

a) 3 months & 60 months b) 6 months & 120 months

c) 6 months & 60 months d) 12 months & 120 months

13 Recurring Deposits are accepted in monthly installments of :

a) Minimum Rs. 50/- Maximum Rs. 1000/-

b) Minimum Rs. 100/- Maximum Rs. 10,000/-

c) Minimum Rs. 100/- and thereafter in multiple of Rs. 10/-

d) Minimum Rs. 100/- Maximum Rs. 5,000/-

14 The maximum amount of loan that can be granted against Term Deposits is:

a) 85% of principal amount b) 85% of principal amount + accrued interest

c) 90% of principal amount d) 90% of principal amount + accrued interest

15. U/s 269 T of the Income Tax Act, the branches will make payment of time deposits with interest thereon amounting to Rs.______and above by way of credit toaccount/Bank Draft/crossed cheque only:

a) Rs.10,000/- b) Rs.20,000/- c) Rs.50,000/- d) Rs.1,00,000

16. As per Section 194A of the Income Tax Act, banks are required to deduct tax at source whenever interest on time deposits credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid to the account of a customer, exceeds Rs _____ per person, per branch in a financial year.

a) Rs.5, 000 b) Rs.10, 000 c) Rs.2, 500 d) Rs.20, 000

17. In satisfactorily conducted accounts, immediate credit will be afforded foroutstation instruments deposited up to______:

a) Rs. 15,000 b) Rs.10, 000 c) Rs. 20,000 d) Rs.30, 000

18. The minimum amount of initial deposit allowable for Multi Option Deposit Accounts (MODs) is:______.

a) Rs. 10,000 b) Rs. 5,000 c) Rs. 1,000 d) Rs. 500

19. Multi Option Deposit Scheme, is the combination of :

a) TDR/STDR & R.D. b) TDR/STDR & C. A/c / S.B. A/c

c) S.B. A/c & TDR/STDR d) S.B. A/c & R.D.

20. For partial withdrawal/ break up of MODs the unit amount is:

a) Rs. 10,000 b) Rs. 5,000 c) Rs. 1,000 d) Rs. 50

KEY (TEST – 1)

01 / D / 11 / B
02 / C / 12 / D
03 / C / 13 / C
04 / C / 14 / D
05 / B / 15 / B
06 / A / 16 / B
07 / A / 17 / D
08 / B / 18 / A
09 / D / 19 / B
10 / A / 20 / C


TEST – 2

1. What is the maturity period of Multi Option Deposits?

a) 6 months and above, maximum 3 years.

b) 1 year and above, maximum 3 years.

c) 1 year and above, maximum 5 years

d) 1 year and above, maximum 10 years

2. What is the maturity period of MODs issued under Saving Plus Scheme?

a) 6 months and above, maximum 5 years.

b) 1 year and above, maximum 3 years.

c) 1 year and above, maximum 5 years

d) 6 months, 12 months, 24 months or 36 months.

3. Under ‘Saving Plus Account’ the minimum ‘Threshold Amount’ should be Rs.

______, however the depositor may opt for a higher threshold amount.

a) 15,000/- b) 10,000/- c) 1,000/- d) 5,000/-

4. In Saving plus Scheme the ‘Auto Sweep’ is operative on______and

MODs are issued for eligible amount.

a) 5th and 20th of every month

b) 10th and 20th of every month

c) Once a week (any day) or once a month (any date) as opted by the depositor.

d) 15th and 30th of every month

5. Loan against deposits held under Saving Plus Scheme is granted up to------

a) 75% of deposit b) 85% of deposit c) 90% of deposit d) Not permitted

6. Banks are required to deduct tax at source (TDS) from interest payable on Time Deposits wherever such interest paid or accrued per person and per branch during a financial year exceeds ------

a) Rs.20000 b) Rs.10000 c) Rs.5000 d) Rs.50000

7. The minimum amount of deposit under the Kisan Mitra Jama Yojna is

Rs.______and in multiples of ______.

a) Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 100 b) Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 500

c) Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 1,000 d) Rs. 1,500 and Rs. 100

8. The minimum amount of withdrawal under the Kisan Mitra Jama Yojna is stipulated at ______and in multiple of ______..

a) Rs. 100/- and Rs 100/- b) Rs. 500/- and Rs. 100/-

c) Rs. 1,000/- and Rs. 500/- d) Rs. 1,500/- and Rs. 100/-

9. The minimum period of deposit under the Kisan Mitra Jama Yojna is:


a) 12 months b) 6 months c) 3 months d) 15 days.

10. Under the Kisan Mitra Jama Yojna deposit can be accepted for a maximum period of ______.

a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 7 years d) 10 years

11. To be eligible for differential rate of interest under Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme, the minimum age of the depositor is------

a) 58 years b) 60 years c) 65 years d) none of the above

12. Under Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme, the minimum period of deposit is______.

a) 3 months b) 6 months c) 1 year d) 15 days

13. Under Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme, the minimum amount of deposit is______.

a) Rs. 500/- b) Rs. 1,000/- c) Rs. 5,000/- d) Rs. 10,000/-

14. Differential rate of interest under Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme is ------

a) 1% b) 0.50% c) 0.25% d) None of the above

15. No Frill Account can be opened by an individual if his

a) Age is > 10 years

b) Age is > 10years & earning is Rs. 5000/- or less

c) Age is > 18 years

d) Age is > 18 years & earning is Rs. 5000/- or less

16. Initial deposit required to open No Frill Account is Rs. ______and thereafter minimum balance of Rs. ______can be maintained.

a) Rs 50 & Rs. 100 respectively b) Rs 100 & Rs. 100 respectively

c) Rs 50 & Rs. 50 respectively d) Rs 50 & Rs. 0 respectively

17. Maximum balance that can be maintained in the No Frill Account is Rs.


a) Rs 50,000 b) Rs 25,000 c) Rs 10,000 d) Rs 1,00,000

18. Rate of interest payable in No Frill Account is:

a) As applicable to Savings Bank account if a minimum balance of Rs.500/- or more is maintained. b) No interest is to be paid.

c) As applicable to Savings Bank account. d) None of the above.


01 / C / 11 / B
02 / C / 12 / C
03 / D / 13 / D
04 / C / 14 / B
05 / D / 15 / D
06 / B / 16 / D
07 / D / 17 / C
08 / B / 18 / C
09 / A
10 / D


TEST – 3


1 Corporate Salary Package Account will be available to the employees of aCorporate or Institution, only when the organisation has:

a) A minimum number of 25 employees with a minimum payout of Rs.1.25lacs p.m.,

b) A minimum number of 20 employees with a minimum payout of Rs.1.00lacs p.m.,

c) Minimum gross monthly salary per account of Rs. 5,000/-d) Both (a) & (c)

e) Both (b) & (c)

2. PBBU Heads of the Circle have the discretion to permit deviation in eligibilitycriteria and approve a tie up with a Corporate/ Institution having minimumnumber of ___ employees opening their salary accounts with us.

a) 10 b) 15 c) 20d) No deviation is allowed

3. Circle CGM may permit coverage of employees having salaries of less than Rs.5,000 per month under “Silver” variant, provided :

(a) All the salary accounts are maintained with our Bank

(b) The employees drawing gross salary of less than Rs.5,000/- should not bemore than 20% of total.

(c) The employees drawing gross salary of less than Rs.5,000/- should not bemore than 25% of total.

(d) Both (a) & (b) e) Both (a) & (c)

4. The Corporate Salary Package has ______variants:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

5. SBI Vishesh status is being provided for holders:

a) Platinum Account b) Gold Account

c) Diamond Account d) Both (a) & (c)

6. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in respect of Silver variant ofCorporate Salary Package Account:

i. Gross Monthly Salary should be between Rs. 5,000/- and Rs. 20,000/-.

ii.Free Domestic ATM Card is provided

iii.25 cheque book leaves free in a year

iv.Charges are recovered for Cash Deposit transactions in excess of 3transactions per month

a) Only (i) b) Both (i) & (ii)

c) (i), (ii) & (iv) d) All of the above

7. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in respect of Gold variant ofCorporate Salary Package Account:

i. Gross Monthly Salary should be between Rs. 20,000/- and Rs. 50,000/-

ii. Free International Gold Debit Card is provided

iii. 50 cheque book leaves free in a year

iv. Charges are recovered for Cash Deposit transactions in excess of 3transactions per month

a) Only (i) b) Both (i) & (ii)

c) (i), (ii) & (iii) d) All of the above

8. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in respect of Diamond variant of

Corporate Salary Package Account:

i. Gross Monthly Salary should be between Rs. 50,000/- and Rs. 1.00 lac.

ii. Free International Gold Debit Card is provided

iii. 100 cheque book leaves free in a year

iv. No limit on number of cash deposit transactions.

a) Only (i) b) Both (i) & (ii)

c) (i), (ii) & (iv) d) All of the above

9. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in respect of Platinum variant of

Corporate Salary Package Account:

i. Gross Monthly Salary should be more than Rs. 1,00,000/-.

ii. Free International Gold Debit Card is provided

iii. No limit on the number of Cheques.

iv. No limit on number of cash deposit transactions.

a) Only (i) b) Both (i) & (ii)

c) (i), (ii) & (iv) d) All of the above

10. Overdraft facility limited to 2 month’s Net Salary can be provided under

Corporate Salary Package Account to

(a) Platinum Account

(b) Silver Account, Gold Account,

(c) Silver Account, Gold Account & Diamond Account

(d) All the four variants

11. The Defence Salary Package has ______variants:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

12 Army personnel will be categorised into eligible variants as per their :

a) Ranks b) Salaries

c) Ranks and Salaries both d) None of the above.

13 Which of the following statement/s is/are correct in respect of Defence Salary

Package Account?

i. All Army personnel including the Defence Civilian Staff will be eligible toopen DSP accounts. Currently however, civilians have been excluded.

ii. The facilities under DSP accounts will be continued even for pensionaccounts after retirement, provided the officer/ PBOR has had his salaryaccount with us and also draws his pension through us.

iii. The Army numbers to be used in ID First field.

iv. The DSP account can be operated as a joint account.

a) Only (i) b) Both (i) & (ii)

c) (i), (ii) & (iv) d) All of the above


14. Who can open Gold Deposit Account?

(i) Individual (Singly or jointly)

(ii) Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)

(iii) Trust

(iv) Company

(a) Only (i) (b) (i) ,(ii) & (iii)

(c) Both (i) & (ii) (d) All of the above

15. Which of the following statement/s is not correct in respect of joint account under

SBI Gold Deposit scheme?

a) Facility for deposits in two names, as `Former or Survivor', will be

available to all categories of depositors.

b) Subsequent addition of a second holder with payment instruction being

`Former or Survivor' will also be permitted.

c) The rights of the second holder will automatically lapse, when the first

applicant transfers the SBI Gold Deposit Certificate to another person.

d) None of the above

16. Under SBI Gold Deposit nomination facility will be available if the deposit is:

a) In single name in individual capacity

b) In Joint names in individual capacity

c) To all type of depositors

d) Both a & b

17. ______Branch has been designated as “Nodal Branch” forGold Deposit Scheme:

a) Mumbai Main Branch b) Overseas Branch, Mumbai

c) New Delhi Main Branch d) Nagpur Branch

18. Under SBI Gold Deposit Minimum Quantity of gold that can be deposited is :

a) 50 gms (gross) b) 100 gms (gross) c) 500 gms (net) d) 500 gms (gross)

19. Maximum tenor of Deposit under Under SBI Gold Deposit is :

a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 7 years d) 10 years

20. Which of the following statement/s is not correct in respect of payment of interestunder SBI Gold Deposit scheme?

a) The depositor will have the option of taking interest annually as on 31stMarch every year (i.e. non-cumulative) or compound it annually forpayment at the time of maturity(i.e. cumulative).

b) The interest will be calculated in grams but paid in rupees only.

c) Interest will be payable from the date of deposit of gold with thedesignated branch.

d) None of the above

21. Gold will be accepted in the ______form.

a) Gold bars & coins b) Scrap

c) Jewellery without any stone, gem, etc. d) a) & c)

22. Which of the following statement/s is not correct in respect of repayment/redemption under SBI Gold Deposit scheme?

i) The depositor will have the option for redemption of the principal onmaturity either in gold or in rupees

ii) For redemption in gold, the deposit will be redeemed in gold of 995/999fineness, in the multiples of 10 gm bars, at the discretion of the Bank. Anyfraction quantity in excess of multiple of 10 gm bars will be repaid in rupees only.

iii) In case the repayment in rupees is taken after the date of maturity, therate applicable on the date of payment will be taken into account.

iv) In case the maturity date is a non-business day in Mumbai, the deposit willbe redeemed on the next working day (at the conversion rate of the dateof maturity) and no additional interest will be paid for extra day(s).

(a) Only (iv) (b) Only (iii) (c) Both (i) & (ii) (d) None of the above

23. Which of the following statement/s is not correct in respect of Rupee Loanagainst gold deposit?

i. Loan can be granted to all depositors under Gold Deposit Scheme.

ii. In case of joint holding loan can be granted to all the depositors jointly.

iii. Loan can not be given against deposits held on behalf of a minor.

iv. Loan can not be given to third parties against deposits held by a Trust/HUF/ Minor.