TumwaterHigh School Alumni Association (THSAA)
Scholarship Program
- Introduction: As an element of providing foundational support, THSAA is pleased to be able to award one or more $1,000 scholarships to a Tumwater High School (THS) graduating senior who is in pursuit of a degree from an accredited post-secondary education (2 or 4 year) institution.
- Eligibility: A graduating senior who has applied and plans to attend an accredited institution following graduation from THS.
- THSAA encourages any Tumwater High senior to submit an application. We especially encourage persons attending Running Start or similar programs to submit this application and include his/her activities at THS, the other school, or outside of school. In the essay, declare and/or explain your reasons for attending Running Start.
- Selection Criteria: Three criteria of equal weight shall be used in determining the scholarship recipient: Academic achievement, displayed leadership qualities, and community and school activities.
- Selection Process:
- Applicants shall complete and submit the THSAA Scholarship Application Form (attachment A) to: THSAA, P.O. Box 14114, Tumwater WA 98511. Applications must be postmarked by Thursday, March30, 2017.
- Or submit the application submitto Ms. Jana Tyrrell at the THS Career Counseling office THS by Thursday, March 30, 2017.
- The application must be typewritten.
- The selection panel may elect to interview the finalists using a standard set of questions. The interviews will be completed as soon as possible.
- The finalist(s)will be selected within one week after conclusion of any interviews and be notified in writing.
- Selection Panel will consist of three to five THSAA members. A panel member will remove him/herself from the selection process if a family member is a scholarship applicant. A substitute panelist will be selected by the President and panelist chairperson.
- The THSAA Treasurer will write a check to the scholarship recipient and college being attended by the scholarship recipient upon notification of enrollment.
- At the commencement of fall classes at the college, the THSAA Treasurerwill verify enrollment of the scholarship recipient.
- Submission checklist
- Application Form (typed)
- THS transcript
- Faculty recommendation 1 (THS or a post-secondary institution)
- Faculty recommendation 2 (THS or a post-secondary institution)
- Essay (typed)
- Individual photograph for use in newsletter and on THSAA website. This can be emailed to .
TumwaterHigh School Alumni Association (THSAA)
Scholarship Program
Application Form
- Applicant Name: ______
- Applicant’s Address: ______
- Phone: ______4. Email ______
- Alternate Contact Name/Relation ______
- Alternate Phone ______6. Alternate Email ______
7. GPA: ______8. CEEB/SAT or ACT scores: ______
9. Collegeapplicant plans to attend: ______
10. Summarize Job History and School Activities: (Attach extra pages if you wish.)
11. Summarize Leadership Experience: (Attach extra pages if you wish.)
12. Describe Personal Qualities (three words or phrases): (Attach as an extra page if you wish.)
13. List and describe your extracurricular school and community activities. (Attach as an extra page if you wish.)
14. Attach copy of THS Transcript: ___
15. Attach recommendations from two faculty members (THS or other): ______
16. Attach a typed essay (less than 500 words) titled: “What it will mean to be a THS graduate and how I will carry on the values of THS”. Please include your name in body or heading.
17. Signature: ______18. Date: ______
This form can be found at Tumwaterhighalumni.com. 1/2017