Spiritual Parasites, Pests, Guides and Guests ~ Where they end up JulieRenee.com

Alien Type 1 parasitical / shows up like a negative thought form / dwells in perception / Can leave seeds, Implants, mechanisms embedding and auditory scion, / cleared by chopping
Alien Type 2 observing / shows up like occupying thoughts / dwells in (energy) chakras and aura / can leave seeds, implants, embedding / cleared with door knob
Alien Type 3 parasitical / modest in capacity stimulates illness of the body / dwells in perception / can leave seeds, portals Holographic inserts / cleared by door knob
Alien Type 4 parasitical Dominating / called Archons are reptilian damaging to humanity and to the individual causing illness, mental illness, anxiety, and psychiatrist anomaly’s as well as physical illnesses / in perception and energy (chakras) / can leave seeds, implants, / cleared by chopping
Alien Type 5 dominating / damaging to the individual, mental illness, depression, schizophrenic, psychotic, borderline personality / dwells in brain in the neurons / can leave, implants, and auditory scion / cleared by door knob
Alien Type 6 parasitical and dominating / modest in capacity / dwells in DNA / can leave implants / cleared by chopping
Alien Type 7 observing / curious more than harmful appears as uninvited thought forms / dwells in perception / can leave implants, holographic inserts / cleared by door knob
Alien Type 8 dominating / shows up as dominating the body causes illness and physicaldisease / dwells in matter dwells in lymph / can leave embedding / cleared by door knob
Intertwined / A person who died and has not progressed to a heavenly realm or of body realm / Dwells in body ~ Matter, and home / Leaves nothing, though 70% of time uses your DNA to splice into you so as not to be noticed / Clear quantum pump
Help from Jesus or other Divine Being
Lifting process
Evil Spirits
Dominating, parasitical / These are human spirits of a dark ilk who wish you harm / Dwells in Essence Life force / Can leave Implants, portals / Clear with
Dominating, Harmful / From the angelic /demonic realm dark and harmful. Evil in nature / Dwells in Essence, spirit and high self, Matter, bones and nerves, Energy, chakras / Can leave Implants and permeations, portals / Clear with Quantum pump and chopping
Risen Demons
Intertwined, parasitical / From the Angelic Demonic realm moving from evil to good lacking discipline / Dwells occasionally in inperception30%, 100% matter / Can leave Implants permeations and holographic inserts / Clear with Door knob
Fallen Angels
Intertwined, observing, can be harmful, dominating / From the angelic realm lower vibration, satanic or disturbing influence / Dwells in perception / Can leave seeds holographic inserts, auditory scions / Clear with door knob
Amalgamated, Observing / Can be one of these
a. Human
b. aliens type 4
c. Alien type 8
d. angels / Dwells in Matter / Becomes the owner of a body that was previous owned by another ~welkins avoid fetal development and childhood as a human / Can be removed if persons spirit wants body back, by pumping, must also clear all agreements
Dominating, parasitical / Can be one of these
Aliens type 4, 40%
alien type 7 12%
Human spirit not in body 48% / Dwells in Perception, matter 2% / Can Leave embedding, holographic inserts, Permeation / Can be cleared with Doorknob
Dominating, harmful, parasitical / From earthly plan
Found in bunches or swarms, found where body is weak or sick, owns that area so healing becomes slowed stuck or impossible / Dwells in Matter / Can leave seeds and Holographic inserts / Cleared by quantum pump and chopping
Dominating, Harmful Parasitical, observing / From the angelic demonic realm, mean big, like an angry teenage boy travel into your body through wormholes, related to demons like a hybrid / Lives in their realm, but appears in body through wormholes matter and energy body’s / Can leave worm holes, seeds permeations, holographic inserts / Cleared by door knob (note must clear worm holes or you have not really improved your situation
Spirit Guides
Can be harmful, dominating, observing, amalgamated / Can be any of these:
Alien 2
Angelic (observing category only)
Human spirit in and out of body / Originally had a purpose for being, can come from life time to life time, not always positive. Can be guided to not live in the person but outside the field to just answer questions live in Matter / Can leave
Embedding, seeds, mechanisms, implant
Auditory scions
Holographic inserts
Permeations / Cleared by door knob and chopping
Observing. Parasitical / Can be one of the following
  1. Human
  2. Alien type 6
  3. Alien type 8
  4. Angelic
/ They wanted to gain some experience of riding along with the human life, can we with us for many lives
Essence soul, matter…realm of embodiment / Can leave
Embedding, implants, seeds, mechanisms
Auditory scions and holographic inserts / Can be cleared by quantum pump and chopping
Spiders Snakes
parasitical / From another universe a type of being little intelligence not considered an alien as listed in alien types / Dwells in Perception
Often around spine, back of neck and back of head
They are drawn to human spirit access portal / Can leave a type of holographic insert / Can be cleared by quantum pump
Nano intelligence
symbiotic / Comes in from Alien type 4, machine energy, set to take over bodily functions symbiotic looks like this is set to eventually have this alien group take over humans through humans loosing the full control of body / Alters DNA works in the blood, designed to take over meridians / Can leave Embedding and Holographic inserts / Can be cleared with doorknob, also must do clearings bloodline DNA and DNA resets
Embedding / of the alien itself into matter / Human DNA for parasitical purposes / Essence ~ soul / cleared by door knob
Implants / cylindrical device that transmits information to alien technology / Essence ~ soul / cleared by quantum pump
Seeds / typically oval in shape / allows reentry of alien after clearing to 0 genetic material of alien in this seed / Essence ~ high self / cleared by door knob
Mechanisms / up to 9 moving parts purpose is to control or dominate the area / originating source is aliens 4 types / Essence ~ high self / cleared by door knob
Wormholes / hollow tube like device serves as passage way from one realm to another / of transmortals / Matter ~ embedded in human body / cleared by door knob
Auditory Scion / tinnitus grafting onto the branch of ear cannel / Alien type 4,
Type 7 / Matter ~ Essence Ear and high self / clear by chopping
Permeations / Web of lower control energies / aliens, transmortals, group mind virus miasm / permeates perception / cleared by quantum pumping
Portals / Similar to wormholes much larger typically a hallow channel can be from 4 inches to 5 feet typically allowing underworld creatures to emerge in the human realm / Demons, evil spirits, fallen angels, satanic beings / Embed in land and 2% in human body Matter / Cleared by door knob
Holographic inserts / Looks like something other then what it really is, can be a type of mirroring that prevents seeing what is really there lives as a highly advance mechanism / Alien type 3 and type 7 / Energy ~ meridians and some nadis (mini chakras) Essence ~ spirit / Cleared by pump and Chopping
Must clear bloodline, agreements to be fully effective