Wednesday 11 May 2016

To all members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a parish council meeting of Huby Parish Council to be held in the Back Room of the Chapel on Monday 16 May 2016 at 7.30 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the following business.

...... F.A. Hill - Parish Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer


1. To receive apologies for absence and reasons given

2. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 April 2016

4. Public Session – 15 minutes of each meeting is set aside for members of the public to address the Council which should be done through the chair. Each member is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes. Where possible it would be helpful to inform the clerk in advance, of your intention to speak

5. To discuss matters arising from previous meetings:

5.1 Huby Primary School: a) Tally Hill Dog Fouling Signs Unveiling Event

b) Parish Council School Visit with School Council

5.2 Queen's 90th birthday celebration plan

5.3 Grant Applications

5.4 First Aid Courses/Defibrillators

6. To discuss long-standing matters:

6.1 Appearance of village - e.g. grass cutting, tree works

6.2 Street Signage

6.3 Neighbourhood Plan – e.g. community assets

6.4 Huby Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Action Plan

6.5 Huby Voice

6.6 Parish Liaison Meetings

7. To discuss new planning applications received:

7.1 16/00722/FUL Clover Croft, Lundgreen Lane, Huby

7.2 16/00844/FUL OS Field 2675, Lundgreen Lane, Huby

8. To report planning decisions by Hambleton District Council:

9. To discuss matters raised by Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer:

9.1 Bookkeeping records to date

9.2 Internal Control Check(s)

9.3 Work Place Pensions

9.4 Matters raised by/with Yorkshire Local Councils Association

9.5 Approve the following payments:

9.5.1 Parish Clerk Salary/PAYE

9.5.2 Parish Clerk Expenses

9.5.3 Farm & Land Services Ltd Grass Cutting £273.60

10. To report any new correspondence received by the council:

11. To received reports from County and District Councillors:

12. To receive matters raised by members:

13. To confirm the details of the future meeting(s):

20Jun16 – Annual Parish Meeting followed by a Parish Council Meeting 18Jul16, 15Aug16, 19Sep16, 17Oct16, 21Nov16, 19Dec16


Parish Clerk - Fiona Hill, The Byre, Field House Farm, Thornton-le-Clay, York, YO60 7QA. Tel: 01904 468773. Email: