eLearning in the third age
dr. sc. Anita Klapan
Faculty of Artsand Sciences Rijeka
Omladinska 14, 51000 Rijeka, Tel.: (+385 51) 345 - 046; faks: (+385 51) 345 – 207,
mr. sc. Ivan Pogarčić
Polytechnic of Rijeka
Trpimirova 2/V, 51 000 Rijeka, tel. (+385 51) 321-300, fax. (+385 51) 211-270,
None of the human activities could presently exist without the ICT implementation. Usage of ICT in education, and especially in the lifetime education as part of the global network, today becomes an imperative not just an alternative possibility. A need for a lifetime education eliminates classic borders between degrees and modes of education. The paper considers conditions under which it is necessary to re-define educational frames when a person confronts transitional period to so-called third age. The paper also considers the classic educational postulates that treat education as process and re-definition of relationships between elements included. It also suggests guidelines for organization of education intended for senior citizens, definition of educational frames, necessity and expediency of such education and it tries to indicate some socially recognizable utilities of such education.
Key words: eLearning, maternal age, ICT, lifetime education
Today it is impossible to imagine educational process without adequate usage of ICT. The second important fact indicates that this process remains equal to a life-time cycle, in terms of its duration. With this in mind, the usage of “lifetime education” concept is today quite common. Lifetime education is no news since the necessity for learning and adopting new knowledge is a constant characteristic of humans as reasonable beings. The emphasized significance of lifetime education is a consequence of several factors. Let’s name jus a few: considerable increase and multiplication of human knowledge in general, development and usage of different technologies in all human activities, necessity for adopting the life and business activities to fast changes of circumstances within they are being performed, considerable development of communications and communication technologies, fast and simple access to information etc. The list of factors is enormous while the identified causes are essential for subject of this paper. Pragmatic goals and necessity for life-time education represent higher level of professional competencies, development of more democratic and inclusive society and satisfying the individuals’ personal interests. [1]
Education as process has to be observed through its components: learning and teaching. In that sense term lifetime education requires an adequate answer in lifetime learning. “Lifetime” concept emphasizes the necessity for continuity. Skill of learning and its approach change with the time flow. The result of these changes is requirement for adequate establishment of relationships between elements that turn education into the process. Student as one of the main educational performers determines a constellation of other performers through its characteristics.
The subject of this paper is identification of important educational characteristics during the phase of so-called “third age”, needs and conditions of its real or possible performance. The emphasis is put on education and student respectively his position and his needs.
In general, education can be identified as a realisation of learning in spatially determined vector [2]
E = (St, Tc, Co, Go, Cx, L, T) (1)
The first five components are determinants of Pratt’s education model[3] while the last two are physical location and time of learning realisation. Classical education is determined by vector which components are interdependent. The quality of relationship between components is defining the quality of education. Characteristics of individual components and relationships between them are different according to quality and quantity respectively intensity. Goal is defined from students (St) and teacher (TC) while its realisation is defined by the quality of educational contents and specific characteristics of both teachers and students. Location and time of education realisation in traditional modes are important components of likewise determined space for performing the education.
Within frames of eLearning, especially on line forms, vector can not be summed up on five basic components since eLearning does not depend neither upon time or location of its realisation. This naturally does not mean that these two components should be neglected especially not in hybrid mode of education, so-called blended mode.
Time in education as process of learning realisation has two dimensions. The first is basic dimension or time determent for realisation of education respectively real moment of its application. The second dimension is determined by students’ age, educational goals and context within the education is being performed.
In consistence with the above mentioned, lifetime learning or education is a continuous process that starts in kindergarten and finishes in moment of loosing the capability and necessity for learning. Some authors will in explanations and definitions ofeLearning and ICT application in education wrongly use term continuum[16]. Lifetime education is eligibly continuant process encouraged by someone’s needs but it also has its own control points or interruptions determined by still prevailing organisation of education realisation and goal setting. In this context the education is often divided into formal and informal. Namely, lifetime education is continuity that starts with elementary education, continues with professional and/or vocational education through high and higher education and it ends in different forms of specialisations and finally in education as hobby within retirement phase.
Following this mode of allocation we can define the first, the second and the third age. With mentioned allocation we can conditionally bind the education as well.
Within mentioned allocation, from this paper’s aspects, we should bear in mind several facts respectively it is important to understand: What defines borders between mentioned terms? When starts the third age from the aspect of education and educational needs of individual? How does technology influence these borders? How can life-surrounding influence the eventual demarcation between mentioned phases and education? Can the important factors in individual lifetime educational phases be influenced and in what manner? Finally, in what sort of relationship are elements that comprise the third age education. Can we and in what way influence the individual elements?
Traditional form of education is static according to location and time of its performance. Besides, the realisation mode within frames of traditional classroom sets student and teacher as carriers of educational realisation in relatively static relationship. Relationship between teacher and student gathered around concrete vocational contents and encouraged by realisation of goal in specific context make learning a concrete realisation of education. With basics from traditional, ex cathedra teaching mode, to on-line modes of eLearning it is important to bear in mind the foundation of this mode. It is not a rare situation that, depending upon the role of individual element, we mention teacher-centric, student-centric and content-centric education. Application of ICT in education changes the realisation mode and consequently the quality. Possibility of relatively easy access to needed vocational contents via web has moved the mode emphasis to the content itself respectively to knowledge essential for realisation of educational goals.
Roles of teachers and students and their relationships are, regardless to mode and orientation towards specific element, quite clear: student learns and teacher teaches. However, both teacher and student have their style respectively prevailing approach to realisation of their part. What kind of approach they will choose depends upon many things related to any of elements which comprise education. Approach to education process is marked by teacher as basic carrier of activities. What sort of paradigm will prevail depends mostly upon him. As teaching modes in literature: transmission, apprenticeship, developmental, nurturance, social reforms are mostly mentioned. The most important learning paradigms are: cognitivism, behaviourism and constructivism. Which of these learning paradigms will be accepted or prevail mostly depends upon student while teacher can initiate and make acceptable the one that is mostly suitable for student.
Lifetime education as continuant process encompasses phases of obligatory and willing education. Realisation of the first is mainly organised through formal modes while willing education can be both formal and informal. Within present frames of globalisation, privatisation and market competitions, education becomes acceptable business that is being realised through a wide range of informal forms.
eLearning is relatively independent of location and time of its realisation. Independence is relative due to time frame of whole realisation and definition of location which is determined by technological possibilities required for its realisation.
Educational contents as system elements require, regardless to education mode, convenient pedagogical, didactical and methodical approach. This important fact should be mentioned even tough it is not subject of the paper.
ELearning has indirectly and significantly promoted constructivism as learning paradigm but it hasn’t made it exclusive. Virtual characteristic of eLearning has led to change of context by emphasising student or context. Possibility of independent communication through forms of synchronous or un-synchronous emerged. In terms of importance of individual educational elements, the position of student has been given a greater importance. Emphasis is more intensive as we climb towards the high education and education that follows after the completion of formal education.
eLearning is usually defined as education supported by ICT technology. Introduction of technology influences the educational quality but also the axle student-teacher. It is not enough just to posses technology. It is necessary to know how to efficiently and effectively use the same. On-line realisation of education is prepared by appropriate team of experts whose knowledge and skills are supplementary or partially overlapping. As an expert of educational content, teacher still has the most important role in team. This puts new assignments in front of him. Nevertheless, it is not just teacher the one who is obligated to gain new skills and knowledge imposed by ICT.
The student is put in similar situation. New competencies that are required from both student and teacher refer to skill of technology application, communication skill, work independence and readiness and capability for team work, skills that refer to browsing, finding, selecting and evaluating the information. Communication speed also requires the capability of critical thinking and decisions making. Quality of mentioned competencies is growing according to educational level’s increase.
Significant characteristic of eLearning is a possibility of virtualisation. Supported by technology, independent of time and location of its realisation in complete virtual form, eLearning can make completely virtual student as well. By that we refer to specific sort of student’s “depersonalisation”. The same can be applied to teacher. Such circumstances are obstacle and sometimes even danger for qualitative realisation. Communication between elements that comprise education has its psychological dimension. Student and teacher in virtual surrounding are “digital entities” whose characteristics can be observed only through self-identification of other participants or through skilful identification of teachers and teaching moderators. In formal modes of education we consider specific facts such as students’ age, formal educational goal – gaining the elementary education or professional education and assumption of the equal pre-knowledge of students.
The students’ age does not have to be equal if we assume eLearning organisation that can include, besides students of appropriate age, also the adults respectively we can assume that they together visit the class. Actually the regular school and “evening school” can be affiliated. Namely, digital student does not have to be directly described through parameter which indicates his age. E-student can be in any life age but has to fulfil some other conditions defined by eLearning.
When does the third age actually start? Recent literature usually mentions the upper limit of 60 years [4]. Retirement can also be used as start of the third age. Thus doesn’t make the limit strict since it varies from one country to another and sometimes it depends upon sex.
What is common to e-Student in third age (or referred as 3Age student) and circumstances that surround him in the same age?
a) Firstly, the improvement of general life conditions put 3Age student in good physical and mental condition that makes a good prerequisite for continuance of learning[4]. Most literatures analyse the uses of education by elderly and its influence on their mental and physical health [5].
b) Unburdened from daily professional obligations he/she usually has more time to dedicate to learning and other creative activities.
c) This is usually period when they turn to hobbies and activities that in certain manner fulfil them. At the same time it is important that they have own control over managing time needed for certain activities that positively influence success in the same activities.
d) The other aspect of time usage is inclusion in different societies with simultaneous practice of specific activities. Namely, it is not a rare situationthat in this period, due to different circumstances, people are obliged to be alone. Maintenance of social surrounding is usually threatened by loss of acquaintances and eventual limited mobility of individuals. Need for a social contact is distinctive and good for maintenance of both physical and mental health. Cognitive advantages that are derived from education help to maintain social relationships. Another advantage of eLearning is on-line communication that can help elderly to retain and even develop above mentioned conditions [6].
e) At the end of his professional era 3Age e-Student own qualitative experience, knowledge and skills that are assumption of successful education. Education is also a process that assumes fulfilment of primary conditions in terms of possessing determined knowledge and skills. 3Age student is, from this point of view, in a good position since he will rarely be put in a completely new surrounding.
f) Approachable motivation of 3Age e-Student can be significant from several reasons and some of them have already been mentioned (social contacts, possibility of capitalization through usage of gained knowledge and alike). Approachable motivation is determined by goal and cause of education. According to researches conducted in third age interest of eLearning is mainly consequence of necessity for additional financial incomes while personal development is rated in the middle of priorities’ list.
g) The lack of visible frustration caused by eventual failure or bad personal results during the class. Each education has to have clearly determined and defined goals. Goals are measurable size and level of realisation determined through educational grading. Evaluation of quality and quantity of absorbed knowledge and certificating are comprehensive part of each education. Within 3Age education these activities can be non-restrictive and less obligatory.
h) Possibility of insufficient education and lack of skill in ICT usage. The eventual population of e-Student and e-Teacher is usually allocated to digital immigrants and digital natives[7]. ICT development and more intensive usage in education and other activities will eventually stop this sort of allocation or replace it with some other. At the moment it still exists and can be especially tangible by 3Age students.
i) Elderly can emerge in bivalent way: as 3Age e-Students and 3Age e-Teacher.
j) Persons in elder ages usually have a specific health conditions. Researches have indicated that appropriate therapies of mental exercises can help in dementia. Simple computing programs can create the right therapy.
j) Usage of eLearning as social care concept for elderly through education referable to different health and social problems and help in their solutions.
ICT application in education is no longer a mere question of educational assistance. Education through this application most definitely takes other modes with multiple influence of technology. Within European frames insisting on more intensive usage of ICT in education and realisation of e-Forms is supported by European integrations and efforts for creating the unique European educational area. Mentioned activities are especially intensified by signing the Sorbonne, Lisbon and Bologna declaration[8]. The goal is to ensure complete and undisturbed mobility of educational participants. Implementation of mentioned declarations also includes a need for establishing “eEurope” through increase of computer literacy level of students and teachers, procuring the appropriate educational materials and equipment. Efficient usage of ICT together with assumption of developed communication infrastructure makes lifetime education possible and acceptable for students regardless to their age[9].
The same situation is with different educational programs for adults all over the world – they do not represent an innovation. Some of them are:
Different institutions as universities for senior age (U3As) that offer educational programs for elderly. In the USA these institutions are known as Institutes of Learning in Retirement, Lifelong Learning Institutes or Elderhostel Institutes [10].
During the establishment process of U3A in Australia and New Zealand the research of two pilot courses was conducted over 29 probands with purpose of defining some features of potential U3A on-line e-Students. The examined features are: age (50 – 75 years), gender (75% women, 25% men), location (spatial dislocation out of any reason – immobility and similar), formal educational level as prerequisite, formal profession, communication skills, price of courses, isolation, motivation of education (62% - wants to gain new knowledge, 15% - want to communicate with interesting persons, while 12% wants to learn something new).
In FinlandThird Age, Ikäihmisten yliopisto or Ikääntyneiden yliopisto, is a learning co-operative of older people which enables members to share many educational, creative, social and recreational activities. Momentarily nine universities offer educational programs for elder people. Recently, the University of the Third Age of Helsinki started IKIS Internet, a series of courses on internet services.
The Third Age University of Slovenia is a voluntary educational movement, meant for 50+, mostly retired people, but also for elderly workers out of work. The ThirdAgeUniversity encompasses 27 Universities in bigger and smaller cities all over Slovenia.