January 16 – 20th

Pennies for Patients:Last Friday the students brought home some information about Pennies for Patients.This is a student council sponsored fundraiser to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Students are encouraged to collect pennies (other coins & paper money will work as well). Online donations will also be accepted. I have created a classroom donation page to make it easier. Just use the following link:

To help raise money, North Grove will also have various spirit days. To participate, students must donate $1 per spirit day. Here is the sprit day schedule:

Tuesday 1/17: Team up Against Leukemia Day (wear your favorite sports team)

Wednesday 1/20: Turn cancer inside out (wear your clothes inside out)

Thursday 1/23: Orange Day to support our heroes (wear as much orange as you have to support those who battle Leukemia)

Friday 1/25: Crazy for a Cure (make your hair crazy for a cure within dress code please,no all over bright hair dye)

Monday 1/27:North Grove Vikings Fight for a Cure (wear your North Grove gear)

Recorders for Music: Mrs. Gainey would like for the students to start bringing their recorders to class. Please check with your child to make sure that they know where it is. If needed, recorders can be purchased at the bookstore. Mrs. Gainey also has some extras in her class that the students can use.

CogAt testing:All students in Kd, 3rd, and 5thgrade (District wide) will take the CogAt test. At North Grove, we will take it on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week. Our scheduled testing time is from 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.


Literature: (Sing Down the Moon) – On Friday students were assignedthe task of designing a piece of traditional Navajo jewelry. Detailed/colored rough drafts are due on Tuesday. Materials will be handed out and final pieces are due on Friday 1/20. A quiz over chapters 1 – 9 will be given on Wednesday. Chapters 10 – 13 reading, vocabulary, and questions will be assigned on Thursday.

Math: (Topic 5 - Ratios & Rates) – Rates and Unit Rates will be introduced this week. With the new CogAt test being given during our math time, I am not sure how many lessons we will be able to cover. The plan is three, but we will see how it goes. Be sure to check the Daily Homework Assignments posted on my webpage.

Investigations: (Forces in Motion) –The first round of our Physics Unit will wrap up on Thursday. The Forces in Motion group will have a final vocabulary test on Wednesday 1/18. On Friday we will switch our “investigation” of Physics (we’ll come back to it again next month) to Immigration/Frontiers. I will be teaching Frontiers, while Mr. Dooms will be teaching Immigration.

Communications: Lesson 9 vocabulary words and Latin stems will be introduced this week. The test over Lesson 7 – 9 words and stems will be next Tuesday 1/24. The remainder of the Communications time this week will be used for math.

Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Safe