Tron Price Prediction 2020
In 2020 TRON price is most likely will be between $0.2 and $1. TRX price also depends on the market situation on the crypto scene. The more use cases and demand will be for TRON, the more it will cost in the future. We predict that TRON price will be $0.5 by 2020.
TRON Tokens
Currently, there are three types of these tokens. And they are used for various purposes:
- TRONIX (TRX).The main currency of the system. Can be exchanged for other cryptos or Fiat if there is a corresponding option. If necessary, TRX is bought on exchanges or cryptocurrency exchangers.
- TRON Power (TP). It is impossible to buy or exchange these tokens. The only way to get them is to fasten the TRX coins on the platform. Then they are converted to TP. The resulting coins give a number of privileges in the system. For example, their owner has the right to vote for various changes on the platform.
- TRC 20. With these tokens, third-party developers can create their own tokens based on the TRON network. The mechanism is similar to the principles of creating coins of the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain.
Tron Partnerships
According to experts, recently, the leading players in the entertainment market have seriously become interested in decentralized databases and are thinking about transferring their business to the blockchain. For this, they need ready-made solutions, and TRON seems to be the best option for that purpose. The founders of Tron were able to enlist the support of prominent Asian business circles. They invested their funds in the development of the platform: Tang Binsen, the creator of the famous computer game Clash of Kings, the founder of the OFO cycle-breeding company Dai Wei, the head of Lifan industrial concern Yin Minshan and other famous personalities.
Tron collaborates with major IT and blockchain companies such as Bitmain, ICO-365, Bixin, Gravityless, Openledger, which adds weight to the project within the crypto community. Just the other day, Justin Sun confirmed a partnership with the largest Chinese Internet provider Baidu Browser.
Among them:
- The ability to create on the basis of the platform own entertainment and game projects, publish graphic, program and text content, store it, distribute and sell for crypto;
- The ability to exchange and make transactions with such assets as PTS, ETH, EOS, Qtum (in the future, the list of currencies is planned to be expanded);
- High level of security.
- The high speed of payment transactions;
- Lack of a unified data transmission and storage centre (decentralization);