Important Note
Please find two budgets below
Page 2 has initially proposed and approved budget for Belaku on which basis first installment was sent
There were questions we had at that time on the basis of which a number of items were labeled pending approval and a grand total minus of the costs involved for those items was calculated. Half of that total was sent as first installment.
After further emails and calls with Aralu, a modified budget was created.
Page 3 has modified and approved budget as on Sept 25 2006 on which basis second installment has been recalculated.
Shankar Ramachandran
Project Steward
Asha Chicago
Initially approved budgetBudget Requested to the Belaku project for the Period of / 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006
S. No. / Item / Break up of expenses
In Rupees
A. / Recurring Expenses
1 / Food Expenses / 35x20 childrenx30 daysx12 Months = 252000
2 / Clothing / 650x20 Children = 13000
3 / School examination fees / 300x20 Children = 6000
4 / Daily Necessities / 30x20 children x12 Months = 7200
5 / Electricity Bill / 1000x12 months = 12000
6 / Cook Honorarium / 1300x1personx12 Months = 15600
7 / Asst, cook / 950x1 personx12 months = 11400
8 / Medical Expenses (Need specific details as to what these expenses are for) / 90x20 childrenx12 Months = 21600
9 / Fuel Expenses / 150 per quintal per monthx15 quintals x12 months = 27000
Sub Total / 365800
B / Tuition Teacher Honorarium / 1800x 1 teacher x12 Months = 21600
Education Material - Not Book Tax Book, Pen, Pencil
Campus Box, Color Pencil’s, Drawing Book, Color,
Needs to be followed up with Aralu to ascertain specific needs and is there a better way to provide them / 12000 (to be brought down to 8000 - approved)
4000 pending approval; Aralu would be requested to send details depending on that it would be re-evaluated
General educational material
(Charts, Tie, Belt, Batch Shoe,
Shocks, School Bag, Grammar Book, dictionary.)
Needs to be followed up with Aralu to ascertain specific needs and is there a better way to provide them / 6000
Exposure fees (we require a description for this) / 1600 (Pending approval)
Sub total
/ 41200 (35600 approved; 5600 pending approval)C / Non Recurring Expenses
Playing equipment - Last year we have sent 27000 for playing equipment; we need a feedback from Aralu on how the money was used) / 30000 (Pending approval)
Printer, scanner and Xerox machine / 10000
Sub Total
/ 40000 (10000 approved, 30000 pending)D / Administration
Supervisor /Documentist / 3500X12 months = 42000
Printing/stationery / 700X12 months = 8400
Postal charges / 700X12 months = 8400
Sub total
/ 58800Grand total / Rs. 505800 or 11037 USD
(Rs. 470200 or 10260 USD approved,
Rs. 35600 or 777 USD to be approved)
I installment / Rs. 235100 or 5130 USD (Half of approved total)
II installment / Rs. 270700 or 5907 USD (Remaining amount = Total sought inclusive of pending approval items – First Installment)
1 USD = 45.8300 INR
Final modified budget approved
Budget Requested to the Belaku project for the Period of / 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006
S. No. / Item / Break up of expenses
In Rupees
A. / Recurring Expenses
1 / Food Expenses / 35x20 childrenx30 daysx12 Months = 252000
2 / Clothing / 650x20 Children = 13000
3 / School examination fees / 300x20 Children = 6000
4 / Daily Necessities / 30x20 children x12 Months = 7200
5 / Electricity Bill / 1000x12 months = 12000
6 / Cook Honorarium / 1300x1personx12 Months = 15600
7 / Asst, cook / 950x1 personx12 months = 11400
8 / Medical Expenses (Need specific details as to what these expenses are for) / 90x20 childrenx12 Months = 21600
9 / Fuel Expenses / 150 per quintal per monthx15 quintals x12 months = 27000
Sub Total / 365800
B / Tuition Teacher Honorarium / 1800x 1 teacher x12 Months = 21600
Education Material - Not Book Tax Book, Pen, Pencil
Campus Box, Color Pencil’s, Drawing Book, Color,
Needs to be followed up with Aralu to ascertain specific needs and is there a better way to provide them / 12000
for now approved but this needs to be re-evaluated for next year
8000 seems to be more reasonable amount
General educational material
(Charts, Tie, Belt, Batch Shoe,
Shocks, School Bag, Grammar Book, dictionary.)
Needs to be followed up with Aralu to ascertain specific needs and is there a better way to provide them / 6000
Exposure fees (we require a description for this) / 1600 (Approved – pending write up to be sent by Aralu)
Sub total
/ 41200C / Non Recurring Expenses
Playing equipment - Last year we have sent 27000 for playing equipment; we need a feedback from Aralu on how the money was used) / 30000 (Not to be sent) Aralu has to send details for previous utilization
Also does not seem to like a recurring cost.
Will be reevaluated next year based on feedback from Aralu
Printer, scanner and Xerox machine / 0 since printer was sent by donor from Bangalore
Sub Total
/ 0D / Administration
Supervisor /Documentist / 3500X12 months = 42000
Printing/stationery / 700X12 months = 8400
Postal charges / 700X12 months = 8400
Sub total
/ 58800Grand total 1 USD = 45.8300 INR / Rs.465800 or 10164 USD Modified budget total
I installment 1 USD = 45.8300 INR / Rs. 235100 or 5130 USD (Half of initial budget total)
II installment 1 USD = 45.9756 INR / Balance
Rs. 230700 or 5020 USD (Modified grand budget total in Rs. Minus
I Installment in Rs.; then balance converted into dollars