“ICA Annual Meeting ”
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 16-17November2015
Visa Requirements:
Please make sure that you obtain a visa to Côte d’Ivoire via It is very quick.
Your Yellow fever vaccination should be up to date. The vaccination certificate is requested upon arrival at the airport. Please make sure you have it with you.
Hotel Booking:
Arrangements for the Hotels is as follows:
- The ICA Secretariat will make direct booking for All sponsored participantson receipt of their registration forms
- Other participants would make direct booking to a hotel of their choice from the following three hotels with a negotiated AfDB rate for the ICA Annual Meeting.
- We strongly recommend that all participants stay in hotels of close proximity to the venue of the meeting (CCIA Building) to avoid the traffic Jam in Abidjan.
- Ms Vivane Kouadjo,ICA Administrative Assistant will help you in obtaining the negotiated rates of the Hotel of your choice. Ms Kouadjo contact details are indicated below
- The Hotel with the negotiated rate are as follows:
Hotel / Category / Area / Tel / Email / Room Type / ADB Rate / Breakfast
HOTEL TIAMA / XXXXX / Plateau / (225) 20 31 33 33 / / Classic / 105 000 / 14000
Superior / 125 000 / 14000
Junior suite / 185 000 / 14000
Executive Suite / 285 000 / 14000
HOTEL PULLMAN / XXXX / Plateau / (225)20318008 / / City View / 107970 / included
View on the lagoon / 116497 / included
HOTEL NOVOTEL / XXX / Plateau / (225)20318008 / / City View / 85995 / included
View on the logoon / 96032 / included
- Hotels will be requested to arrange transport from the airport provided all travel details are received in time.
- For the three selected hotels there will be a shuttle bus to the venue of the meeting at the AfDB Headquarters
Venue of the meeting:
The meetings will take place in the premisesof the African development Bank in the CCIA Building in Plateau.
Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. on 16 November 2015in the CCIA building.
Translation facilities:
There will be simultaneous interpretation (French, English) during the meetings.
Lunch: The Lunch and Two Coffee Breaks will be provided in the Bank (CCIA Building).
Working Dinner: A working dinner will be arranged for the Moderators and panelists at 20hrs on Monday the 16th of November, 2015 at Hotel Pullman.
Cocktail: A Cocktail will be offered by ICA to all participants on17November2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bank(CCIA Building).
Banking and currency
There are currency exchange office at Felix Houphouet Boigny Airport as well as in the proposed hotels. Credit cards areusually accepted and the local currency is:
1 Franc Cfa Beac (XAF) = ,00171 Dollars Americains (USD)
1 Dollars Americains (USD) = 584,89 Franc Cfa Beac (XAF)
1 Eur = 655,957 Franc Cfa XAF
Weather :
In mid- November, the temperatures are generally between 24 and 31 degrees.
Other information :
Please be advised that the ICA Annual Meetings will be preceded by a PIDA week scheduled for 13-15 November 2015 in the premises of the African Development Bank.
Contact for logistical arrangements :
Ms. Viviane Kouadjo Tel +225 77 307691
Ms. Michele Alloman-Abouat Tel : +225 20 265679