On Sunday, June 25th, the Hungarian community will be making a pilgrimage to the Church of Saint Ladislaus in New Brunswick. This means that there will be no Hungarian Mass at Saint Joseph’s on that day. Consequently the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for veneration soon after the 12:00 noon Mass, at about 1:15 pm, and exposition will continue until 5:30 pm.


You are invited to join the Office of Young Adult Outreachon Wednesday, June 21st, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, for Mass withCardinal Dolan. Adoration and Confessions will beavailable from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Mass begins at 7:30 pm. Musicby Matt Maher. There will be a social after the Mass.For more information, visit


The Young Adult Outreach Program is excited to

announce Love and Responsibility in NYC, returning to

Immaculate Conception’s Outdoor Garden, located at 414 East14th Street. Come and join world-renowned

speakers who are flying in from across the country to

discuss all things “relationship.” We are hosting a live

concert each week following the discussion. This event is free.The next program is on Tuesday, June 20th, from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm and the topic is "Intimacy Before Marriage" featuring Jackie François-Angel. For more information,visit

St. Joseph’s Church


404 East 87th Street

New YorkNY10128

212-289-6030Tel 212-348-8075 Fax


June 18, 2017

The Feast of Corpus Christi


The 2017 Luigi Giussani Series on Faith and Modernity with Dr. Michael Waldstein,distinguished fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, and the Max Seckler Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University, and Fr. Solanus BenfattI, CFR, Professor of Spirituality and Franciscan Traditions, St. Joseph's Seminary, Archdiocese of New York,presented by Crossroads Cultural Center, Communion and Liberation and the Sheen Center, is being held at the Sheen Center, located at 18 Bleecker Street, on Thursday, June 22nd, at 7:00 pm.The annual Giussani Series on Faith and Modernity is centered on the life and work of Msgr. Luigi Giussani, an Italian priest, thinker, and educator who pioneered a new way of speaking about Christ to modern men and women.This year's presentation will focus on the heart of the Christian faith as described in GeneratingTraces in the History of the World by Msgr. Giussani, the founder of Communion and Liberation.The event is free and open to the public. There is limited seating. Reservations are required.Tickets may be purchased atsheencenter.org



The Catechesis of the Good Shepherdis a program of religious formation for children aged 3, 4, and 5 at

St. Ignatius Loyola Church, located at Park Avenue and 84thStreet. The program draws on the scriptural and liturgical traditions of the Church. The meeting place is the Atrium, behind Wallace Hall, a space where children enjoy an environment that supports their spiritual development. For further information and registration, visit




Intention envelopes for Father’s Day are available

at the rear of the church for those who wish to have their fathers remembered during the Father’s Day Novena, which begins today. If you would like a free Father’s Day card, which will also include the intention envelope, you can pick up the packet at the rectory. Your intentions will be placed on the altar during the novena.


The St. Francis Thrift Store is open seven days a week from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Church, located at 207 West 96th Street.The operation of the thrift store serves two invaluable purposessupplementing grants and individual donations in order tocontinue to provide the Franciscan Community Center diverseprograms and services, and offering inexpensive clothing, furniture,household goods and other merchandise to ourneighboring community.The St. Francis Thrift Store offers a pick-up service of selectitems on an appointment basis. For information or to arrange a pickup, contact 212-932-8040 Extension 30 or email. The thrift store does not accept strollers, car seats, play pens,high chairs, mattresses, medical equipment and medical devices.Damaged or antiquated electronics should be brought toyour nearest electronic recycling center.


St. Joseph Yorkville has purchased a gift for you. Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org, an incredible onlinegateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place. With FORMED, you can prepare for Sunday Mass by watching an insightful five-minute video by renowned Catholic teachers, enjoy a movie with your family that is both nourishing and entertaining, enrich your marriage with the award-winning video series Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage, help your children grow in character, and embrace the beauty and wonder of the Faith. FORMED provides amazing content 24/7 for you to grow in your faith. It’s free and easy to register. Visit formed.org with a web browser, click on Register (on the lower right of the page), enter the St. Joseph's parish code, which is HWQKV6, enter your email and create a password (you will need this to login later), go to PROGRAMS and watch FORGIVEN Episode 1 to experience FORMED.



Come and join us on Tuesday,June 27th, at 7:00 pm in the Rochester Room at St. Thomas More Church, located at 89th Street, to hear the family of Daniel Thrush's personal trialagainst insurmountable odds, a journey anchoredby their faith, and the joy and healing offered bymusic. The Thrush family will also share originalsongs exploring Daniel’s faith and relationship withGod.For information, call 212-876-7718.



A variety of courses in Scripture, church history, spirituality,personal growth, and other topics is offered at noon and in theevenings in the fall and spring months. Special brochures withcourse offerings are published prior to the start of each term andare available. For further information, contact Fr. Xavier Seubert, O.F.M., Director, 212-736-8500,Extension 311.




The IREP 2017-2018 is now open. For registration visit education/2017_2018_irep_registration.


Are you feeling at a loss about how to deal with some personal problem and do you need someone to speak with? Catholic Charities is providingcounseling (up to six sessions) for active parishioners at a verymoderate cost ($10 co-pay per session) from trained therapists.For more information or to arrange an appointment, please call 866-962-7487.

June10th and June 11th

Regular collection $6,522

Second collection $1,766

Persons attending 672

A Look Ahead

Twelfth Sunday In Ordinary Time

June 25, 2017

First Reading: Jeremiah 20:1013

Because the prophet Jeremiah foretold disaster for Jerusalem, he was denounced. But Jeremiah trusted in the Lord and overcame his persecutors.

Second Reading: Romans 5:1215

Paul explains to the Romans that Adam’s sin brought death to all, but Christ’s gift of himself brought grace and life.

Gospel: Matthew 10:2633

In authoritative and encouraging words, Jesus urges the apostles to fear nothing only him who can destroy the soul. Telling them “every hair of your head has been counted,” he promises that “Whoever acknowledges me before men I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”


Rita Berge, Alfred Basile, Steven Ludorf, Sara Gibson, Joanne Decena, Babies Amelia and Harper, Michael O'Dea, Michael Dunn, Michael Agovino, Reinaldo Gutierrez, John and Angela Mark, Mary Ellen Bible, Anthony Teklits, Ann Murphy,Barbara Kapin, Leigh O'Neill, Diana Heege, Inny Nacimento and Ray Ramos, Ann Brown, Madeleine Cody, Richard Cody, Tina Keane, M.K., Jai and Ilusion Rodriguez, Elizabeth Martucci, Larry Rooney, Matthew Jacob Schultz, James Leung, Bethy Pierre-Louis, Christopher Hammer, Nilsa Santiago, Billy Little and daughter, Patrick Flanagan, Cornelius Cotter, Irene Winchester, Sophie Doran, Susan Sommers, Gearoid Cleary, Linda Hanniffy, Marjan Isufi, Bevan Jones, Candida Candido, Michaela Valkavich, Marvin Resnik, Deanna Phillips, David Gennaioli

Weekday Mass Intentions

Saturday, June 17th

4:00 PM Nick Pellicone (D)

Sunday, June 18th

8:00 AM Linda Gonzalez (D)

10:00 AM St. Joseph's Parishioners

12:00 PM Robert Schroeder, Sr. (D)

2:00 PM Ferenc Jurasits (D) (Hungarian Mass)

6:00 PM Frank and Rose Christoforo (D)

Monday, June 19th

7:00 AM Mary McKiernan (D)

12:15 PM Catherine T. Houser (D)

Tuesday, June 20th

7:00 AM Mary McKiernan (D)

12:15 PM LeRoy Neiman(D)

Wednesday, June 21st

7:00 AM David Gennaioli (L)

12:15 PM Elba Mercado (L)

Thursday, June 22nd

7:00 AM Sr. Alice Biegen, 7th Anniversary (D)

12:15 PM Gerry McQuade (D)

Friday, June 23rd

7:00 AM In thanksgiving to Jesus

for blessings received

12:15 PM Luz Vasquez (D)

Saturday, June 24th

8:00 AM Patrick Downey (D)

12:15 PM Michael Cristoforo (D)

4:00 PM The living and deceased members

of the Wright Family

Sunday, June 25th

8:00 AM St. Joseph's Parishioners

10:00 AM Sabine Wallner and Family (L)

12:00 PM Dorothy Toth (D)

2:00 PM No Hungarian Mass Today

6:00 PM Roberto Advento (L)

This Week at St. Joseph's

Rosary Prayer Group meets after the 12:15 Mass

Tuesday, June 20th

6:30-7:30 PM - Legion of Mary, Rectory

Girl Scout meetings will resume in September.

For information contact Nicole Santos at .

Wednesday, June 21st

7:00 PM- AA, Parish Hall

Thursday, June 22nd

Irish dancing will resume in September.

For information contact Betty Sheehan at 201-988-4937

Friday, June 23rd

7:30 PM - NA, Parish Hall

Saturday, June 24th

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM - A regular weekly series is offered by volunteers from the NY Junior League, in collaboration with Mt. Sinai Hospital, and scheduled before Chair Yoga classes. Intergenerational conversation is an important plus of these seminars.11:00AM -12:00 PM - Chair Yoga for Seniors, in the Parish Hall. Call Health Advocates for Older People in order to register at 212-980-1700.


Rev. James Boniface Ramsey, Pastor

Rev. Elias Mallon, S.A., In residence

Theresa Bernero, School Principal

Alistair Reid, Director of Music/Organist

Michael Scarcelle, Cantor

Elliot Parlin, Music Intern

Catherine Rinehardt, Office Manager

Barbara Moynihan, Administrative Assistant

John O’Neill, Sacristan


Saretha Post

Jean St. Germain



212-348-8075 Fax212-289-7239 Fax

Rectory Office Hours are Monday to Friday 9:00AM-7:00PM;

and Sunday 9:00AM -1:30PM. The office is closed on



Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00PM

Sunday Masses:8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00Noon and 6:00PM.

*Choir sings at the 12:00 Noon Mass late September – June

Weekdays after Easter: Monday-Friday 7:00AM and 12:15PM Saturday 8:00AM and 12:15PM

Weekdays during Lent: Monday-Friday 7:00AM, 12:15PM and 6:00PM

German Mass: 10:00AMfirstSunday of each month

Family Mass:10:00AM on other Sundays from September

to June

Hungarian Mass: 2:00PM every Sunday

Holy Days: 6:00PM Vigil;

7:00AM, 12:15PM and 6:00PM



Baptisms scheduled on an individual basis.


Confessions: Saturdays 3:30PM – 3:45PM.


Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance.


Inter-parish Religious Education at St. Ignatius Loyola.

212-288-3588 and

Sundays 3:15PM - 5:30PM

First Friday following the 12:15PM Mass: September –June


Contact the Rectory


All parishioners should participate fully in parish life, be registered in the parish and support the parish. We often receive requests for recommendations and permissions for parishioners to serve as godparents and sponsors. If we do not know you, we cannot give such testimony. The Church requires that Baptisms and Marriages should be celebrated in one’s own parish. If one is not registered in a parish, problems could arise at those important times.

When moving please inform the rectory office.


Reprinted with Permission

Eleventh Week in Ordinary Tim

Mon., Jun. 19 | 2 Cor 6:1-10; Mt 5:38-42

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a toothfor a tooth. But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who isevil. Jesus says the Hebrew Scripture is all about him. So here-writes it in the Sermon on the Mount! But, can anyone livelike this? It’s so “extreme”! Turn the other cheek. They wantyour tunic, give ‘em your cloak, too. One mile? Go two! Give toanyone who asks. You live like this, your life is basically over.The only excuse for such talk is because the Christian Scripture— which really is all about Jesus — finds all these wordsfulfilled in him! Our life is in Jesus, and that is all. In the sight ofthe nations, O Lord, you have revealed your justice!

Tues., Jun. 20 | 2 Cor 8:1-9; Mt 5:43-48

Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.As perfect asGod? That’s a tall order! But, it’s the very core of our Christianlife. For God makes the sun shine on the bad and the good,and causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. So bethe sun, be the rain; say hello to everyone. Is that so hard?And, love your enemy, just like God, who loves us. And, whatan enemy I have been to my heavenly Father! “Perfect” is notsinlessness; it’s “children” sharing our poor lives together —and praying. We seem to do so little of that, but it matters somuch! Jesus will tell us how, on Thursday. O Lord, you raiseup those who are bowed down; you love the just; you protectstrangers

Wed., Jun. 21 | 2 Cor 9:6-11; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious

When you give alms … when you pray … when you fast … donot be like the hypocrites!Is it Lent again already? We just didall this solemn giving and praying and fasting a few monthsago! But, such discipline is not seasonal; it’s our daily Christianlife. And, if we don’t give spontaneously, pray humbly,sacrifice cheerfully, we’re only fooling ourselves. What amusesme is how “the hypocrites” seems to be a familiar group forJesus’ listeners, as maybe politicians are for us. What bothgroups have in common is their total lack of self-awareness.Everybody — except them! — knows they’re fakes. Why, then,would Jesus have to warn me so sternly not to be like them?Hmm. Good question! Your light shines through the darkness,O Lord, you are gracious and merciful and just!

Thu., Jun. 22 | 2 Cor 11:1-11; Mt 6:7-15

Our Father, who art in heaven….The only art in any moderntranslation of the Bible! Just shows how custom marks its territory.And that’s a good thing, when we all know the samewords of our most common prayer. On the other hand, wemay lose the sense of surprise, even astonishment, whenJesus shares his Father, his Abba, with us. Oh, sure, we haveto fall all over ourselves to make the distinction: Jesus is the“natural” Son of God, we are “adoptive” children. That’s a lot tounpack from the single word “our,” and Jesus himself does notdo it. Just as “Jesus,” (Yahweh saves), is the one Word of God,so “Our Father” is the whole message of God’s creating, sustaining,guarding love for us. Give us this day our daily bread!

Fri., Jun. 23 | Dt 7:6-11; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 The Feast of theMost Sacred Heart of Jesus

Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.Jesus himselfgives us the cue for today’s feast of the Sacred Heart.Moses anticipated it, telling Israel, “The Lord set his heart onyou and chose you.” But, Moses could not have imagined thathis figure of speech would become a literal fact of God’s ownlife; at the center of the Trinity beats a human heart. John capturesit this way: “God is love, and whoever remains in love,remains in God, and God in them.” In Honduras, the Legionof Mary visits poor families during June, bringing a framedimage of the Sacred Heart to remain, or abide, until the nextday. So we pray. O Lord, you redeem our life from destruction,you crown us with kindness and compassion!

Sat., Jun. 24 | Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

What, then, will this child be?Today’s feast of the birth of Johnthe Baptist is like a Christmas carol in the middle of summer.The story is dramatic enough, with a mute father who finds hisvoice again when he names his newborn son “John” (Yahwehis gracious). But, the drama will be played out on the stageof the world itself, as Isaiah’s vision revealed: a universal mission,“a light to the nations,” because Israel is just “too little”to contain God’s love. Even Paul, who never met John, knewthe game plan: “John heralded Christ’s coming.” But, the feastis for us, too. Become the herald angels of today. Tell all theworld of God’s love. I give you thanks, O Lord, that I am fearfully,wonderfully made!