Administration Committee Meeting
August 2, 2006
Submitted by: Chris Perry
Donovan Drake / In / Wade Johnson / In / Chris Perry / In / John Stelling / InJim Elkins / Out / Jeff Johnston / Out / Jim Petrea / Out / Len Stockburger / In
John Faulkenbury / Out / Jim Kinney / In / Travis Porter / In / Jim VanderWeide / In
Phil Hutchings / In / SusanPeak / Out / Bill Ross / In / Marvin Waters / Out
No Admin committee meeting was held in July, 2006
Donovan Drake opened the meeting with prayer at 7:00PM in the Tuthill Room.
Lisa Drummond and Bert Wolf were present at the meeting. They were representing the Search committee in its endeavors to find a Youth Director (YD). There is a candidate for the YD position to whom the committee would like to make an offer. Lisa and Bert support making an offer to Amy Brothers for the position of full-time YD. Amy is said to be looking for a total annual package of $40,000. Currently, Carrie Finch has a total annual package of $37,000. The amount in the 2006 budget for a YD is $27,000 (it was known that Carrie would be leaving in August 2006, and no replacement was budgeted for the remainder of 2006). Lisa and Bert both enthusiastically endorse offering Amy the job. The Admin committee will recommend that the Session approve an annual offer of $37,000 to Amy plus an additional $2,000 for youth expenses for the remainder of 2006. Lisa and Bert left the meeting before hearing what the Admin committee would recommend to the Session.
Travis Porter reported that we now have insurance coverage as requested from Church Mutual. John Stelling reported that we had also received the invoice for the additional premium ($4,107) due to the increased coverage.
Jim VanderWeide reported that he and Bob Yowell had met with Harry Jansen concerning the organ. If Harry works with Gene Bedient, and Bedient does not bring 2 additional workers, Bedient’s fee would be reduced from $12,700 to $3,000 (travel and living expenses are believed to cost extra). At some time after Bedient’s visit, it is recommended that church engage Spearman & Hawkinson from Charlotte to maintain the organ. First year cost would be $1,750 ($500 consulting fee plus $1,250 for annual maintenance). Each following year, the annual maintenance will cost $1,250. The cost of travel and living expenses to be incurred is not known. The committee authorizes Jim VanderWeide to proceed with the proposal.
Wade Johnson stated that the security problem discussed in the 5/3/06 minutes has not been resolved. Wade will continue to work on the problem. Travis requested that the charges for police to respond to security alarm calls be published in the church bulletin and newsletter.
The minutes of the 6/7/06 Admin committee meeting were approved as issued.
John Stelling gave the treasurer’s report. We are experiencing our annual “summer slump” for receiving pledges. Jim VanderWeide wants endowment income going to the operating budget to be shown as a separate line item in the budget.
John also stated that he has received the annual financial reports from Minor & Associates, CPAs.
Jim Kinney stated that we need to get the new capital campaign moving along.
Wade Johnson stated that the security guards are now at $25/hour effective 7/1/06. The former rate was $20/hour. The 3-hour minimum time shift per guard is unchanged.
Jim Elkinswas not present, but the Endowment Report for 6/30/06 was included in the meeting packet.
Bill Ross reported that he and Duffy McDonald had met twice with Harry Jansen concerning his benefits package. Harry was told that he would be enrolled again in the Board of Pensions (BOP) plan. Bill estimates that it will cost an additional $5,500 to enroll Harry in the BOP plan. This issue will be raised at the upcoming Session meeting.
Donovan closed with prayer at 9:25PM.