English I (Signature page- return this page to teacher.)
Class Policies and Procedures
Mrs. Shannon Kellyrm 452
Treat everyone with respect! Cultural, racial, social, religious, ethnic and gender diversities will be respected at all times.
Maintain regular attendance and be on time. If you arrive late to class, you must have a signed note from your GLC or other staff member – and a very good reason. Students may have three excused tardies in one 18-week semester. Each additional tardy will result in a referral to his/her GLC and detention; after 10 tardies, students may be dropped from the class. Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed and to turn the work in promptly. Students with unexcused absences may not be allowed to make-up or turn in assignments. Make-up tests and quizzes should be taken on the first WEDNESDAY following the day the test/quiz was given in class and must be made up within 5 days of the student’s return to class. Often the make-up test/quiz will be different from the original. It is your responsibility to arrange such make-ups with the teacher!
Bring materials to class everyday. Students should bring the text and/or novel, binder, paper, pen – blue or black ink, highlighter, good attitude and open mind to be successful in class.
Be prepared to work. Students are expected to listen, communicate and participate. Pay close attention to the lesson, participate actively in each class session and make sure to read any works assigned and do your homework so you will know what is going on in class! There will be a substantial participation grade for each 6 week grading period.DO NOT: Sleep or put your head down, hold off-topic conversations with friends, work on homework assignments after you come into class, or work on homework from another class without permission.
Be Honest. Be responsiblefor your own work. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. The first violation will result in GLC and parent contact, and the student will receive a 0 for the assignment. The English Department requires that many writing assignments be submitted to turnitin.com. If you fail to submit an assignment to turnitin.com you will receive a zero – if you are late (for any reason) submitting your paper – your grade will be lowered by 20%.
Grades. All in-class and homework assignments, tests, and activities are based on a point system. Six-week, twelve-week and semester grades will be assigned on the basis of the percentage of possible points that have been accumulated since the beginning of the semester. Be careful – 10 points may make the difference between a + or -. Grades will be determined using the following scale: 94%-99% = A, 90%-93% = A-, 84%-89% = B, 80%-83% = B-, 74%-79% = C, 70%-73% = C-, 64%- 69% = D, 60%- 63% = D-, Below 60% will result in an F. While a D is a passing grade at DBHS – it is not accepted for college requirement.
Phones. Phones are to be off at all times unless being used for class.
LATE WORK: 1 day -20%, 2 days – 50% 3 days - 0. Extra credit will be offered on a very limited basis, but will not have the capacity to raise a grade by more than 2%.
If you have any questions or need extra help, I am available before and after school by appointment. Parents may reach me by email
Student signature______Parent signature______
Students contact #______Parent contact #______