Tree Journal Assignment Sheet
Find a tree near your home that you will be able to visit about every 6 weeks. While you are there, sit near it or under it and observe the surroundings quietly for 10-15 minutes. Then look at the assignment sheet and investigate the topics that are mentioned for that date. Take notes on a tablet about the things that you observe and learn.
On the top of the journal paper that I have given you, draw a detailed picture of your tree, or bud, depending on the assignment. On the bottom half, write a detailed journal entry using your thoughts and discoveries. Be sure to include the information that I have asked you for. However, to earn an A, you must add some of your own observations or thoughts. The pictures should represent something that pertains to that assignment. Be sure to color all of your artwork.
You will be graded on your journal entry, the details in your artwork, spelling, mechanics, neatness, and color. Each entry is worth 30 points.
September 21Research to find out what type of tree yours is. Describe what the tree looks like and where it is growing. Why do you like this tree? What’s special about it? Have any leaves fallen yet? Have any leaves on your tree changed color?
October 19 Make a leaf rubbing on separate paper. Describe the leaves and how they are arranged on the branches. (Use the guide I give you.) Measure the length and width of several leaves. Are there any seed pods on your tree? Describe them and bring a few into school. How many of the leaves have dropped? How many have changed color? Compare your tree to others around it. Turn in both the tree journal and the page with the rubbings.
December 7Describe the bark of your tree. Include color, pattern, and texture. Are there other trees of the same species nearby that are younger or older? Is their bark the same? Make a bark rubbing on a separate piece of paper. Look at the bark of some trees that are a different species. Compare it to yours. Are the leaves dropping? What are the color of leaves? Turn in both the tree journal and the rubbings.
February 8 Look for any animal tracks near your tree or any other signs that an animal has been nearby. Do you see any animal homes in any trees now that the leaves are gone? Are there any seeds left around the tree? What plants do you notice nearby? How do you think the tree and animals survive the winter?
March 22Look at the end of a branch closely and notice the buds. Describe them and draw them in detail. Find buds from 2 other trees that are different and draw them too. Compare them. You don’t need a tree picture this month, just a close up of the buds. Do you see any animal or plant signs of spring?
May3Are there any changes in the buds from last month? Are there any seed pods? Any leaves opening? If so, what are their color and size? Are there any flowers? Any signs of animals? How is your tree different from September?