Treasurer’s Update - December 2016
Once again, a huge thank you for all that you do as treasurer. We say this every year, but as a treasurer you have an essential role to play and the church across the Diocese simply couldn’t operate effectively without you. You are pivotal in stewarding the church’s resources and supporting mission, so a sincere thank you for all your hard work this year.
This letter is our usual way of updating you on some key matters to be aware of and a reminder about the various forms that we would like you to complete in the months ahead.
Parish Share
Thank you for your Parish Share commitment for 2017. As you will know, this year we launched a new approach to Parish Share, based on the principles of taking responsibility, being generous and having faith.
The feedback we have received so far on the new approach has been positive, but we really need more feedback to help us improve the approach in the future. We would therefore appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on the new approach by completing an online survey at the following address:
As for looking ahead to 2017, we will update you on any changes, but at this stage we anticipate needing your Parish Share commitments for 2018 by the 31st October 2017 at the latest.
Giving and Resources Adviser
We are pleased to announce that Clare Fussell has been appointed as our new Giving and Resources Adviser. This is a new role designed to help parishes to raise the financial resources they need to support their mission and ministry. If you think that your parish could benefit from some time with Clare you can contact her directly at or on 0117 906 0100.
PCC Legacy Toolkit
The new PCC Legacy Toolkits have arrived at the Diocesan Office and one is duly enclosed in your pack. This is a new resource that has been developed by our National Church colleagues on the topic of encouraging giving through legacies and we hope it will be of use.
Parish Buying: Insurance
Insurance is often one of the most significant costs that churches have to bear and the National Procurement Group has produced a new guide to help you in ensuring that you are getting value for money in this area. A copy of this guide is enclosed and includes details of the two insurance companies that have developed products specifically for Church of England parishes.
More widely, Parish Buying is always a good place to go if you are looking to make savings and they are continuing to grow the range of products available through this money-saving scheme. More information about Parish Buying can be found at
Parish Resources website
Another key resource that is always worth reminding you about is the Parish Resources website. It has been produced and is regularly updated by the Church of England’s National Stewardship & Resources team and is full of useful guidance on all aspects of stewardship, administration and management in the local church. It can be found at
Updated edition of ‘PCC Accountability’
A new edition of the PCC Accountability book is being published in early 2017. This is the definitive guidance on producing PCC annual reports and financial statements and wider parish finances. The price is yet to be confirmed, but if there is enough interest, we might make a bulk order as a Diocese. If you would like to order a copy of the new edition, please email us at
Team news and vacancy
As ever, there have been a few changes to the Finance Team this year, with Brenda Greet joining us as Finance Assistant and Charlotte Jenkins going on maternity leave in November.
Charlotte’s temporary departure means that we are currently recruiting for a 12 month, part-time (17.5 hours a week) maternity cover for her post. If you know of anyone in your parish who might be interested, more details can be found on the Diocesan website at:
Come and see us
We would like to extend an open invitation for you to come and see us at the Diocesan Office if you have any queries, concerns or other matters that we could help with.
The Diocesan Office has good transport links, disabled access and directions can be found on our website at . If you would like to pop in and see us, please let Brenda know on 0117 906 0100 or email
May we wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas!
Matthew Hall / Andy Webb / Kelly Rutter / Brenda Greet / Charlotte JenkinsHead of Finance / Diocesan Accountant
(part-time) / Finance Officer / Finance Assistant / Finance Information Assistant
Treasurers’ forum
Date & time: Wednesday 10th May 2017 (7pm to 9pm)
Venue: Diocesan Office, Hillside House, 1500 Parkway North, Stoke Gifford, BS34 8YU
Outline: This session will provide some training and updates, along with the opportunity to share your experiences with (and hopefully learn from) other treasurers from across the Diocese.
New Treasurer training
Date & time: Thursday 28th June 2017 (7pm to 9pm)
Venue: Diocesan Office, Hillside House, 1500 Parkway North, Stoke Gifford, BS34 8YU
Outline: The session is especially for those new to the role of treasurer or those who want to brush up on the overall role and responsibilities of being a treasurer.
Parish Officer Training Morning
Date & time: Saturday 14th November 2017
Venue: Sheldon School, Hardenhuish Lane, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 6HJ
Outline: This will be a morning of workshops and seminars on a wide variety of topics, including a specific session for treasurers.
Investment seminar (with CCLA)
Date & time: Tuesday 12th October 2017 (time TBC)
Venue: TBC in Bristol
Outline: Alongside our colleagues from CCLA Investment Management Ltd (who manage the CBF Church of England funds), we will be holding a session on managing church investments later in the year. Venue and time to be confirmed.
If you are interested in any of the above sessions, please register using Eventbrite via the Diocese of Bristol website.
Alternatively, please contact the Finance Team by emailling or calling 0117 906 0100 for more information.
1. Fees for offices / Monthly fees return 2017
2. Standing Order for Parish Share 2017
3. Return of Parish Finance 2016
4. Annual Report & Financial Statements 2016
1. Fees for occasional offices / monthly fees return
2017 sees a number of small changes to the fees payable to the DBF and PCC. A copy of the new fees table is enclosed.
Also enclosed is a master copy of the monthly fees return, updated for 2017. (This is also available on the website.)
The enclosed copy is a personalised form for your parish, but please refer to the fees table when completing your return and charging fees for services.
Please note that for any form that combines more than one parish, a copy of the form has been sent to each parish to make sure that it (hopefully) reaches the person that completes the returns.
If you have a month when no fees are payable, then a simple note or email to us is sufficient. You do not have to send in a blank form, but you can advise us of a nil return, by sending an email to
This email address can also be used to send completed returns.
As an alternative to sending us a cheque, we welcome you using internet banking or electronic transfers to pay fees in to our bank account:
Sort code 60-17-12
Account no 66909333
Account name Bristol Diocesan Board ofFinance
If you do pay us using internet banking, can we please ask you to make sure that you advise us of the transfer when you make it, so that we can correctly attribute the payment when received? Please quote the ST number that is on the right hand side towards the top of your personalised form.
It is also worth noting that the occasional duty fee payable to a retired stipendiary cleric for a Sunday (or weekday) service is calculated at 50% of the funeral fee, and so for 2017 it increases to £49.00. The maximum casual duty fee for a day therefore also rises to £98.00.
Finally on fees, please bear in mind that we cannot send retired clergy or self-supporting ministers their proportion of the fees for services they conduct for your parish until we receive the form and payment from you.
Please ensure that fee returns and payments are sent to us regularly and ideally on a monthly basis.
2. Standing Order for Parish Share 2017
A standing order form for Parish Share is enclosed.
Payment by monthly standing order is the most cost effective way of receiving Parish Share payments, as it minimises our administration costs and it is hopefully less time-consuming for you. The majority of our expenditure occurs in equal measure throughout the year and so having income to match it also means we do not have to draw on reserves.
If you have not given by standing order in the past, can you please consider doing so, not necessarily for the whole of your Parish Share commitment, but at least for some of it?
We have personalised the enclosed standing order form with your parish’s unique Parish Share reference, but please return the standing order form to us as it helps us keep a track of when to expect standing order payments.
3. Return of Parish Finance form
Once again we would like to ask you to complete a Return of Parish Finance. This information enables more informed planning and support at deanery, diocesan and national level, as well as providing data used in the Parish Share requests.
The majority of parishes use the web-based system for the collection of these forms, which has helped us make the best use of our resources. We would very much like to encourage you to do this for the 2016 return but if you have difficulty making the online submissions, please let the Finance Team know and we will be able to enter them on your behalf.
To faciliate this, a paper copy of the Return of Parish Finance is enclosed, together with explanatory notes, and the deadline for submitting the Return of Parish Finance form is 31st May 2017.
Copies of the Return are also available at
4. Annual Report & Financial Statements
Finally, just a reminder about sending us a copy of your PCC’s Annual Report and Financial Statements. After being independently examined or audited, these should be sent to us within 28 days of your APCM, and certainly no later than 31st May 2017.
Please send these to us for the attention of the Finance Team or alternatively you can email a scanned copy to