Supplementary Table S1.Characteristics of the Studies on Acute Myocardial Infarction Incidence and Socioeconomic Position.

First author, year, (ref no), source population / Country income level / Study period / Study design / Outcome definition / Age mean/ median or range / Sex / Total No. of cases / controls
type of controls, matching variables
total No. of cases / participants / SEP measure (the lowestvs.the highest SEP category) / RR (95%CI) / Controlled variables
Alfredson L, 1982, (76), Huddinge and SodertaljeHospitals, Stockholm, Sweden / High / 1974-1976 / Case-control / Nonfatal and fatal AMI / <65 / M / 334/882
Population controls
matched by age, sex and residence / Education
(Low vs. high) / 1.29(1.00 to1.66) / Age
Altieri A, 2004, (77), Milan area general hospitals, Italy / High / 1995-1999 / Case-control / First nonfatal AMI / 61 / MF / 507 / 478
Hospital controls / Education
(< 7yearsvs.≥11years) / 0.85 (0.61 to1.18)a / No adj
Andersen I, 2005, (65), The Copenhagen City Heart Studies, the Glostrup population studies Copenhagen Male Study, Denmark / High / 1974-1999 / Cohort / First nonfatal and fatal AMI / 25-75 / MF / 855/16,665 / Income
(<150 Danish Cronevs.300) b
(Unskilled workers vs. Executive managers) / 1.17(0.85 to1.61)
1.32(1.05-1.66) / Age, cohort of investigation, cohabitation, tobacco, alcohol, physical activity, BMI, systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, sex. and occupation c
Baigi A, 2002, (33),Two hospitals from Halland area, Sweden / High / 1980-1992 / Case-control / First nonfatal AMI / 64 M, 66 F / MF / 4,737/14,211, Population controls
matched by gender, age, and municipality / Education
(Primary school vs. University school level) / 1.57(1.32 to1.86) a / No adj
Bobak M, 2000, (66), Czech MONICA project, Czech Republic / Middle / 1992-1993 / Case-control / First, nonfatal AMI / 25-64 / MF / 358 /1,986
Population controls
matched by age / Education
(Primary vs. University) / 1.67 (0.87 to 3.21)d / Age, sex, district, smoking, waist-hip ratio, history of diabetes, hypertension and hyper-cholesterolaemia
Bosma H, 2005, (21)Twenty-seven practices in the North-Eastern part of theNetherlands, part of the Groningen Longitudinal Aging Study (GLAS), The Netherlands / High / 1993-1998 / Cohort / First AMI and CHF / ≥57 / MF / 287/3,888 / Education
(No education or elementary vs.Highgeneral education or higher)
(Lowvs.High income level)
(Lowvs.High occupational level) / 1.24(0.92 to 1.68)
1.21(0.89 to 1.64)
1.09(0.80 to 1.48) / Sex, age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption,obesity, underweight, strenuous exercise, healthy dietand control beliefs
Same as above
Bosma H(A), 1995, (75), Kaunas-Rotterdam Intervention Study (KRIS), Kaunas,Lithuania / Middle / 1972-1982 / Cohort / Nonfatal AMI / 45-60 / M / 81/2,292 / Education
(Elementary school onlyvs.University) / 0.68(0.32 to 1.43) / Age and wife’s educational level
Bosma H(B), 1995, (75), Kaunas-Rotterdam Intervention Study (KRIS),Rotterdam, The Netherlands / High / 1972-1982 / Cohort / Nonfatal AMI / 45-60 / M / 116/2,944 / Education
(Lowvs.High educational level) / 1.15(0.61 to 2.20) / Age and wife’s educational level
Burr M, 1980, (78), South Wales Hospital,United Kingdom. / High / NA / Case-control / AMI / 40-69 / M / 297/305
Hospital controls
matched by age, sex and hospital / Occupation
(Low IV/Vclasses vs. High I/II classes) / 0.80(0.48 to 1.48)a / No adj
Chaix B, 2007, (101), Malmö, Helsinborg, and Lund, Sweden / High / 1996-
2002 / Cohort / First AMI and IHD death / 50-64 / MF / 1,507/52,084 / Education
(Lowvs. High)
(Low vs.High 20-yr average income)
(Manual vs.Non-manual) / 1.43 (1.24 to 1.65)
1.65(1.38 to 1.97)
1.14(1.01 to 1.29) / Age, sex, previous cancer, diabetes, hypertension, other heart disease, CVD, marital status, education, occupation, incomec
Chang C(A), 2002, (67), WHO Collaborate Study, Eastern Europe / Middle / 1989-1995 / Case-control / First AMI / 20-44 / F / 143/360
Hospital controls
matched by age / Education
(Lowvs.High) / 1.10 (0.52 to 2.32) / History of HBP, diabetes, marital status, smoking, family history of premature heart attack or stroke, HBP in pregnancy, number of live births, alcohol consumption, use of OC, abnormal blood fats and area of residence, height
Chang C(B), 2002, (67), WHO Collaborate Study, countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America / Middle and low / 1989-1995 / Case-control / First AMI / 20-44 / F / 167 /458
Hospital controls
matched by age / Education
(Lowvs.High) / 1.00 (0.47 to 2.12) / Same as above without height
Ciruzzi M, 2000, (34),The FRICAS study, Argentina / Middle / 1992-1994 / Case-control / First AMI / All ages / M&F / 1,060/1,071
Hospital controls
matched by age and sex / Education
(<7 yrsVv. >12 yrs) / 1.10(0.84 to 1.44)ae / No adj
Collijn D, 1995, (68), MaastrichtUniversityHospital and De wever Hospital in Heerlen,The Netherlands / High / 1988-1990 / Case-control / First AMI / 59 / F / 79/90
Hospital controls
matched by sex / Education
(Primary only Vs. Higher education) / 3.71(1.36 to 10.1)a / No adj
Croft P, 1989, (102), Royal College of General Practitioners’ oral contraception study, United Kingdom / High / 1968-1987 / Nested case-control / First AMI fatal and non-fatal / ≥20 / F / 158/474 / Occupation
(Low 4/5 classesvs. High1/2 classes) / 1.20(0.60 to 2.40) / Smoking, and use of OC
Danesh J, 1999, (79), The Third International Study of Infarct Survival, United Kingdom / High / 1989-1991 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / 44 / MF / 1,122/1,122
Population controls (relatives)
matched by age and sex / Incomef
(<£12,000/yr vs.≥£12,000/yr) / 2.70(2.16 to 3.37)a / No adj
Diez-Roux A, 2001, (35), Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, United States / High / 1987-1997 / Cohort / First AMI and CHD death / 45-64 / M&F / 615/13,009 / Education
(Not completed college vs.Completed college)
(<$35,000 vs. ≥$35,000 annual income)
(Less than executive, managerial or professionalvs.Executive, managerial or professional) / 1.54(1.25 to 1.90)ae
1.40(1.18 to 1.67)ae
1.45(1.21 to 1.74)ae / No adj
No adj
No adj
Eaker E (A), 1992, (73), FraminghamStudy, United States / High / 1948-1967 / Cohort / First AMI and coronary death / 45-54 / F / 35/423 / Education
(≤8 vs. >12 years)
(Blue-collar vs. White-collar) / 2.78(1.08 to 7.17)a
1.18(0.33 to 4.26)a / No adj
No adj
Eaker E (B), 1992, (73), FraminghamStudy, United States / High / 1948-1967 / Cohort / First AMI and coronary death / 55-64 / F / 34/351 / Education
(≤8 vs. >12 years)
(Blue-collar vs. White-collar) / 2.32(0.78 to 6.91)a
1.72(0.55 to 5.39)a / No adj
No adj
Engström G, 2000, (102), The Health examination Programme at the Department of Preventive Medicine, Malmö, Sweden / High / 1977-1994 / Cohort / First non-fatal AMI and IHD death (6.7% recurrent) / 28-55 / F / 104/9,351 / Education
(Primary school vs. College/University)
(Low vs. High) / 2.86(0.90 to9.06)d
2.60(1.11 to 6.07) / Age, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, history of AMI and smoking
Same as above
Falger P, 1992, (26),Two largest hospitals in the South Limburg, The Netherlands / High / 1980-1985 / Case-control / First AMI / 53 / M / 133/325
Hospital controls
matched by age / Education
(Primary onlyvs. higher than primary) / 1.13(0.72 to 1.76)a / No adj
Geyer Sg, 2006, (18), The Allgemeine
Statutory health insurance,Germany / High / 1987-1996 / Cohort / Non-fatal AMI / 42 / MF / 2,038/147,264 / Education
(Max 10 years without having completed apprenticeship vs. University)
(Lowest 20% vs. Highest 20% quintiles)
(Unskilled/ semi-skilled vs. intermediates/professionals) / 3.49(1.84 to 6.62)
2.25(1.80 to 2.81)
3.24(2.05 to 5.13) / Age, sex, education, occupation and incomec
Same as above
Same as above
Hebert P, 1992, (80), Intensive Care Unitsof six suburban Boston, Mass, hospitals,, United States / High / 1982-1983 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / <76 / M / 230/222
Population controls
matched by sex, age and residence / Occupation
(Blue collar vs. White collar) / 1.35(0.84 to 2.17)d / Age, smoking, family history of premature MI, history of medication for treatment of HBP, BMI, history of diabetes, alcohol consumption, type A personality, leisure-time physical activity, total calories, and % calories of saturated fat
Hedblad B, 2002
(103), The Swedish Malmö Preventive Project (MPP), MalmöUniversityHospital, Malmö,Sweden. / High / 1974-1997 / Cohort / First AMI and CHD death / 27-61 / M / 1,738/20,099 / Occupation
(Non-manual worker vs.Manual worker) / 1.15(1.03 to 1.28) / Age, smoking habits, sedentary leisure-time, physical activity, history of problematic drinking behaviour, hypertension, diabetes, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI, civil status
Hippe M, 1999, (69), The Copenhagen City Heart Studies, the Glostrup population studies Copenhagen Male Study, Denmark / High / 1976-
1994 / Cohort / First non-fatal and fatal AMI / 51.2 / M&F / 1,763/24,664 / Education
(<8 vs. ≥11 yrs) / 1.71(1.41 to 2.07)de / Age and population study of origin
Huisman M, 2008, (70), The Longitudinal GLOBE study, The Netherlands / High / 1991-2003 / Cohort / First AMI / 25-65 / MF / 124/5,757 / Education
(Lower secondary and lowervs.Higher secondary and higher)
(Manual vs.Non-manual) / 1.72(1.06 to 2.80)
1.05(0.67 to 1.64) / Age, sex, marital status, smoking, alcohol use, job demand, job control, job strain, physical working conditions, fears becoming unemployed,, atherosclerosis, education and occupationc
Ising H, 1999, (81), Major West Berlin Hospitals,Germany / High / NA / Case-control / AMI / 31-65 / M / 395/2,148
matched by age / Education
(No college degree vs. college degree) / 2.26(1.68 to 3.04)a / No adj
Ismail J, 2004, (82), The Coronary Care Units of the National Institute of cardiovascular Diseases and Liaquat National Hospital, Pakistan / Low / 2001-2002 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / 15-45 / MF / 193/193
Population controls (neighbourhood controls)
matched by age and sex / Education
(No school vs. formal schooling)
(5000 Rupees Vs. 5000 Rupees monthly income) / 25.0(4.23 to147.8)d
5.05(1.71 to 14.9) / BMI, WHR, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, fasting cholesterol, current smoking, and proportion with raised blood glucose, history of diabetes, hypertension, education status, use of ghee in cooking, meat consumption, physical activity, parental consanguinity, and parental and maternal history of cardiovascular diseasec
Janszky I, 2007, (83), The Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Programme (SHEEP)Study, Sweden / High / 1992-1994 / Case-Control / First non-fatal and fatal AMI / 45-70 / MF / 1,799/2,339
Population controls
matched by age, sex and hospital catchment area / Education
(Mandatory school only vs. High school/College or University) / 1.53(1.34 to 1.75)a / No adj
Kabagambe E, 2005, (84), Hispanic Americans from central valley of Costa Rica / Middle / 1994-2004 / Case-Control / First non-fatal AMI / <75 / MF / 2,119/2,119
Population controls
matched by age, sex and residence / Education
(No secondary education or higher vs.Secondary education or higher) / 1.14(1.01 to 1.29)a / No adj
Kono S, 1991, (85), FukuokaUniversityHospital and hospitals of Fukuoka City, Japan / High / 1988-1990 / Case-Control / First AMI / 40-69 / M / 89/271
Population control
matched by age / Occupation
(Low vs.Professional or administrative jobs) / 0.67(0.41 to 1.09)d / Age
Kontogianni M, 2007, (23),The CARDIO2000Study, Greece / High / 2000-2002 / Case-Control / First non-fatal AMI and unstable angina / 61 / MF / 848/1,078
Population controls
matched by age, sex, and region / Education
(Medium or lower vs.Higher) / 1.06(0.81 to 1.39)d / Age, sex, BMI, smoking, physical activity level, family history of CHD, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes
Kuper H, 2006, (104), Women’s Lifestyle and Health Cohort Study, Uppsala, Sweden / High / 1991-2002 / Cohort / First non-fatal AMI and fatal CHD / 30-50 / F / 210/48,066 / Education, (7-9 yrs vs. 13-16 yrs and ≥16 yrs) / 1.90 (1.29 to 2.79) / Age, BMI, alcohol, consumption, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, exercises
Lang T, 1997, (105), WHO MONICA project (Lille, Strasbourg, Toulouse), France / High / 1985-1989 / Cohort / First fatal and non-fatal AMI / 30-59 / M / 2,775/2,690,609 / Occupation
(Skilled workers vs. Professionals) / 2.13 (1.32 to 3.44)d / Age, region
Lapidus L, 1986, (106), Gothenburg,Sweden / High / 1968-1981 / Cohort / First fatal and non-fatal AMI / 38-60 / F / 23/1,424 / Education
(Elementary school only vs. elementary school)
(skilled and unskilled workers vs.large-scaleemployers and officials of high and intermediate rank) / 2.60 (0.79 to 8.57)
1.70 (0.51 to 5.69) / Age
Lind E, 1973, (86), The SeraphimerHospital, Sweden / High / 1967-1970 / Case-control / AMI / 50.9 / M / 106/96
Population controls
matched by age and living area / Income
(14,000 vs. >27,000 Swedish crone yearly income) / 1.17(0.71 to 19.1) / No adj
Ljung R, 2006, (36),The Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Programme (SHEEP)Study,Sweden / High / 1922-1949 / Case-control / First non-fataland fatal AMI / 45-70 / M&F / 1,654/2,268
Population controls
matched by age, sex and hospital catchment area / Occupation
(Always blue collar vs.Never blue collar) / 2.33(1.84 to 2.95)e / BMI, diabetes, hypertension, age and catchment area
Lovasi G, 2008, (87), The Group Health (GH) Study, Western Washington State,United States / High / 1995-2001 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / 64 / MF / 487/1,873
Population controls
matched by age, sex, hypertension status and calendar year / Education
(No high college vs.College education)
(<$20,000 vs.≥$20,000) / 1.29(1.05 to 1.58)a
1.59(1.24 to 2.05) a / No adj
No adj
Lynch JW, 1996, (107) The Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study, Kuopio, Finland / High / 1984-1992 / Cohort / First non-fatal and fatal AMI / 42-60 / M / 88/1,707 / Income
(Lowest quintile vs. highest quintile) / 2.83 (1.14 to 7.00) / Age, fibrinogen, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum apolipoprotein B, serum ferritin, copper, hair mercury, triglycerides, blood leukocytes, haemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, BMI, height, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, depression, hopelessness, marital status, participation in organizations, quality of social support
Malinauskiene V, 2002, (89), Kaunas, Lithuania / Middle / 1997-2000 / Case-control / First non-fatalAMI / 53.3 / M / 448/1,777
Population controls
matched by age sex and residence / Education
(8 yrs vs. University)
(Elementary occupation, category 9 vs. Legislators, senior officials and managers, category 1) / 0.94(0.68 to 1.29)
0.31 (0.15 to 0.61)a / Age, district, employment duration, smoking, blood pressure, obesity, psychological status stress
No adj
Malinauskiene V, 2003, (88), Kaunas, Lithuania / Middle / 1997-2000 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / 35-64 / F / 191/482
Population controls
matched by age and residence / Education
(Max8 yrs vs.Higher education)
(Elementary occupation, category 9 vs. Legislators, senior officials and managers, category 1) / 1.51(0.96 to 2.36)
0.78 (0.33 to 1.85)a / Marital status, sleep disorders, BMI, smoking, blood pressure, psychological status
No adj
Malinauskiene V, 2004, (90), Kaunas, Lithuania / Middle / 2000-2002 / Case-control / First non-fatal AMI / 25-64 / M / 203/287
Population controls
matched by age and sex / Occupation
(Elementary occupation, category 9vs.Legislators, senior officials and managers, category 1) / 0.75(0.21 to 2.74)a / No adj
Marmot M, 2008, (108), The WhitehallIICohort Study, London. United Kingdom. / High / 1991-2004 / Cohort / First non-fatal AMI, and CHD death / 39-63 / M / 201/5,312 / Occupation
(Lowest vs.Highest) / 1.34 (0.76 to 2.35) / Age, ethnic group, smoking, diet, physical activity, alcohol, waist, systolic and diastolic BP, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerol, fasting glucose, plasma fibrinogen, serum CRP, IL-6 and height
Martínez-González M, 2002, (91), Pamplona, Spain / High / 1999-2001 / Case-Control / First AMI / <80 / MF / 171/171
Hospital controls
matched age, gender and hospital / Education
(<Primary vs. University)
(Blue collar vs. White collar) / 0.60(0.29 to 1.25)a
1.34(0.68 to 2.66) a / No adj
No adj
Matilla K(series I), 1989,(28),Helsinki University Central Hospital,Finland / High / 1983-1985 / Case-Control / AMI / ≤ 50 / M / 40 /41
Population controls
matched by age and residence / Occupation
(Non-specialized and specialized blue collarvs.Salaried employees, higher class) / 1.80(0.65 to 4.98)ah / No adj
Matilla K(seriesII), 1989,(28),residents of Helsinki,Finland / High / 1985-1987 / Case-Control / AMI. / ≤ 65 / MF / 60/61
Population controls
matched by age and sex / Occupation
(Non-specialized and specialized blue collar vs. Salaried employees, higher class) / 1.55(0.64 to 3.76)ah / No adj
Netterstrøm B, 1999, (92), HerlevuniversityHospital, GentofteUniversity hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark / High / 1991-1992 / Case-control / AMI / 52.5 / M / 76/176
Population controls
matched by age, sex and residence / Occupation
(Blue collar vs. White collar) / 2.84(1.60 to 5.80) / Age, job strain, smoking, social network, employment sector, and job category
Orth-Gomer K, 1993, (109), Gothenburg, Sweden / High / 1983-1989 / Cohort / First non-fatal AMI and CHD death / ≥50 / M / 25/736 / Occupation
(Unskilled/skilled workersvs.Non-manual employees, intermediate, professional) / 1.19(0.55 to 2.58)a / No adj
Pais P, 1996, (29), St John’s Medical College Hospital, India / Low / 1992-1994 / Case-control / First AMI / 30-60 / MF / 200/200
Hospital controls
matched by age and sex / Education
(None vs. College)
(4,000vs. ≥4,000 Rupees/mo ) / 1.05(0.51 to 2.15)a
2.67(1.20 to 5.94) / No adj
Smoking, WHR, hypertension, fasting blood glucose, non-vegetarian
Patil S, 2004, (94), Mahatma Gandhi Institute, India / Low / 2001-2003 / Case-control / First AMI / 57.9 / MF / 111/222
Hospital controls
matched by age and sex / Education
(Illiterate/some school vs. High school/graduation/post graduation)
(<6,000 vs. ≥9,001 Rupees/mo) / 0.65(0.35 to 1.19)d
0.25(0.08 to 0.76)d / Abnormal WHR, abnormal fasting blood glucose, abnormal triglycerides, income, educationc
Same as above
Piegas L, 2003, (95), The Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk Factors Assessment in Brazil (AFIRMAR) Study, Brasil. / Middle / 1997-2000 / Case-control / First AMI / 56 / MF / 1,279/1,279
Hospital controls
matched by age and sex / Education
(Basic vs. college)
(<600 vs. >1200 Reales) / 1.49(1.20 to 1.85)d
1.27(1.06 to 1.52)d / No adj
No adj
Qureshi A (A), 2003, (74),NHANES-I and NHANES-II Studies, United States / High / NA / Cohort / AMI / ≤ 50 / MF / NA/21,443 / Education
( 12 yrsvs.≥12 yrs) / 1.70 (1.20 to 2.40) / NA
Qureshi A (B), 2003, (74), NHANES-I and NHANES-II Studies, United States / High / NA / Cohort / AMI / >50 / MF / NA/21,443 / Education
( 12 yrsvs.≥12 yrs) / 1.30 (1.10 to 1.50) / NA
Rayce S, 2008, (37),The Longitudinal Register maintained by the Institute of Local government studies (AKF), Denmark / High / 1994-1999 / Cohort / First non-fatal AMI / 43-60 / M&F / 634/425,435 / Educationi
(Low vs. High)
(Lowest vs. Highest quartiles)
(Manual vs. Non-manual) / 0.45(0.34 to 0.59)ae
1.70(1.31 to 2.20)ae
1.42(1.17 to 1.74)ae / No adj
No adj
No adj
Rosenlund Mj, 2009, (96), Stockholm County, Sweden. / High / 1985-
1996 / Case-control / First fatal and non-fatal AMI / 15-79 / MF / 43,275/511,065
Population controls
matched by sex, age and calendar year / Income
(Low vs. High) / 2.55(2.49 to 2.61)a / No adj
Rosvall M, 2006, (110), Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, Sweden / High / 1991-2001 / Cohort / First non-fatal and fatal AMI and IHD death / 46-68 / MF / 156/5,399 / Education
(<9 yrs vs. >12 yrs) / 2.19(1.29 to 3.72) / Age and sex
Rosvall M, 2008, (111), Malmö,Sweden / High / 1990-2003 / Cohort / First non-fatal and fatal AMI / 40-64 / M&F / 3,452/69,223 / Income
(Lowest vs. Highest quintile) / 1.60(1.42 to 1.80)de / Age
Salomaa V, 2000, (38), FINMONICA MI Register Study, Finland / High / 1983-1992 / Cohort / First non-fatal and fatal AMI / 35-64 / M&F / 8,445/240,005 / Education
(Basic vs.Secondary or higher )
(Low vs. High) / 1.51(1.44 to 1.58)e
1.62(1.54 to 1.71)e / Age, study area, rural/urban residence
Same as above
Sarraf-Zadegan N, 2001, (97), Hospital in Iran / Middle / 1998-1999 / Case-control / First AMI / 55 / MF / 52/55
Hospital controls / Education
(Primary schoolVs.Master degree) / 1.18(0.27 to 5.15)a / No adj
Schaufelberger M, 2007, (71), Multifactor Primary Prevention study, Goteborg, Sweden. / High / 1970-1998 / Cohort / First- AMI andCHD death / ≥55 / M / 1,663/6,999 / Occupation
(Unskilled workers vs. High officials/professionals) / 1.42(1.17 to 1.72) / Age, height, BMI, smoking, leisure time physical activity, systolic blood pressure, diabetes, alcohol problems, and serum cholesterol
Shekelle R, 1969, (112), Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company in Metropolitan Chicago, United States / High / 1960-1965 / Cohort / First AMI and CHD death / 40-55 / M / 34/1,472 / Education
(Lowest, 5-7 classesvs. Highest, 1-2 classes)
(Lowest, 5-7 classesvs. Highest, 1-3 classes)
(Lowest, 5-7 classesvs. Highest, 1-2 classes) / 3.01(0.35 to 25.2)a
1.41(0.49 to 4.08)a
1.18(0.28 to 5.01)a / No adj
No adj
No adj
Vitullo F, 1996, (100), ‘Progetto 3A’Study,Abruzzo, Italy / High / 1990-1992 / Case-control / First AMI / 30-69 / MF / 513/513
Hospital control
matched by sex and age / Education
(<7 vs. ≥12 yrs)
(Manual vs. Non-manual) / 0.48 (0.29 to 0.79)d
0.71 (0.47 to 1.08)d / Sex, age, education,occupational class, family size, marital status, close friends/relatives, contacts with friends/relatives, group member, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, BMI, family history of acute ischemic event, alcohol and coffee intake, physical activityc
Vogels E, 1999, (30),The Continuous Morbidity registration of the department of general practice at the University of Nijmegen,The Netherlands / High / 1986-1995 / Cohort / First fatal and non-fatal AMI / ≥25 / F / 127/62,210 person-years / Occupationf
(Low vs. High) / 2.80 (1.28 to 6.12) / No adj
Wardwell W, 1968, (98), Middlesex County, Connecticut, United States / High / 1957-1958 / Case-control / First AMI / 35-64 / M / 87/435
Population controls
matched by age / Occupation
(Low, level 7vs. High, level 1) / 2.11(0.49 to 9.06)a / No adj
Weikert C, 2008, (113), The EPIC-Potsdam Study,Germany / High / 1994-2004 / Cohort / First fatal and non-fatal AMI / 54.5 / MF / 227/2,425 / Education
(Vocational school or less vs. University) / 1.22(0.91 to 1.62)a / No adj
Wennberg P, 2006, (72), Västerbotten Interventional Program (VIP) and the Swedish MONICA Study, Sweden / High / Started in 1985 / Nested case-control / First AMI / 30-60 / MF / 583/2098 / Education
(Elementary School vs. University degree) / 1.85(1.27 to 2.70)d / No adj
Wielgosz A, 1988, (97), RegionalMunicipality of Ottawa, Canada. / High / 1983-1984 / Case-control / Nonfatal AMI / 58.6 / MF / 100/100
Population controls
matched by age and sex / Education
(Less than primary vs. University)
($30-50000 vs. >50000) / 10.7(1.15 to 99.9)a
3.85(1.20 to 12.3)d / No adj
Relaxation, history of hypercholesterolemia, suppressed hostility
Wolfe F, 2008, (39), National Data Bank for Rheumatic Disease (NDB) Longitudinal Study of Rheumatic Disease Outcomes. United States / High / 1999-2006 / Cohort / First nonfatal and fatal AMI / 18-103 / MF / 248/20,739 / Education
(Less than college vs. college graduate) / 1.24(0.53 to 2.91)de / Age and sex
Wolinsky F, 1999, (114), The Longitudinal Study of Aging, United States / High / 1984-1991 / Cohort / First AMI / ≥70 / MF / 283/5,470 / Education
(≤grade school vs.grade school) / 1.40(1.11 to 1.77) / Sex, talked with the telephone with relatives, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina, Diabetes, and low body limitation
Östlin P, 2008, (93)Stockholm County, Sweden / High / 1977-1996 / Case-control / First AMI / 40-69 / M&F / 10,393/68,893
Population controls
matched by age, sex and calendar year / Occupation
(manual workers vs. high and intermediate employees) / 1.68 (1.63 to 1.74)e / No adj

BMI, body mass index;CHD, Coronary Heart Disease;CHF, Congestive Heart Failure;CI, Confidence Interval;CRP, C-reactive protein;CVD, cardiovascular disease;HBP, high blood pressure;IHD, Ischemic Heart Disease;IL-6, Interleukine-6; M&F, point estimates for male and female were pooled to obtain one risk estimate per SEP from each study;MF,combined point estimate for both sexes obtained directly from the study; NA, Not Available;No adj, Not Adjusted;OC, oral contraceptives;RR, Relative Risk;WHR, waist-hip ratio