Treasure Hunt

Basic premise: Teams race to fill their treasure box with jewels. At the end of the two hours, the team with the most jewels wins, 2nd highest gets 2nd, etc.


  • Girls split into teams of approx. 10 girls of same camp year with at least one ward-level YCL (try to mix wards.) We will use Uno decks to divide each year into teams.
  • Teams are given a strip of cloth to wear to identify themselves.
  • All 19 stations are running for the full two hours, staffed by stake-level YCLs & a ward YW leader.
  • Teams will be given a map marking all 19 station locations.
  • Teams will get two hours to collect the most jewels. Jewels will be given by stake-level YCLs upon completion of their game.
  • Two teams may go to the same station at the same time, but the first team that has all members present will get to play first – the second team will have to wait or can go to another station.
  • Teams can only go to each station one time during the game.


Station Name / Activity / Items needed / # of coins given out
Match Me / Play memory with pictures of famous Mormons and interesting facts about them / Memory cards, info & pictures from each person we choose to highlight / 1 jewel per match
Guess Me / Girls are blindfolded and have to identify the food placed on their tongue (15 tries per team) / Blindfolds, black licorice, different candy bar pieces, pickles, ice cream, etc. / I jewel per correct guess
Tower of Babel / Team try to make biggest free-standing balloon tower with only one roll of tape and zillions of small balloons / Water-balloon size balloons and tape / 1 jewel per 2 feet
War with the Lamanites / Mini-marshmallows fired at pressboard-painted Lamanites (5 minute time limit) / PVC pipes cut in 2’ sections, mini-marshmallows, Clorox wipes / I jewel per marshmallow that goes through the target
Swing for the Fence / One team member pitches water balloons to other members who are batting (15 pitches per team) / Water balloons & big plastic bat / 1 jewel per balloon broken on baseball bat
Precious Pearls / Team must make a container that can carry a raw egg to the bottom of the slide without breaking / Eggs – girls must use stuff from nature & masking tape / 5 jewels if completed
David’s Aim / Try to hit cans of pop with values written on them with sling-shot – avoid sinful cans (20 shots per team) / Sling shots, marbles, Shasta pop / 1 jewel per broken can / 2 jewel penalty per can
Good friends stick / Get as many wet lifesavers to stick on a girl’s face as possible in 2 minutes / Lifesavers / 1 jewel per 5 lifesavers that stick
Frozen Treasure / Girls must defrost and put on a frozen campt-shirt / 12 extra campt-shirts frozen in gallon-size Ziploc bags / 5 jewels if completed
Buried Treasure / Girls must follow hard directions to certain spot to dig for buried treasure / Bag of peanut M & Ms treasure with code inside for girls to find / 5 jewels if find candy
Translation Test / Girls must decode a Book of Mormon message with a given key / Printed key & printed puzzle / 5 jewels if completed
Captain Moroni’s Race / Girls must make a “Title of Liberty” flag, adhere it to pole and each race around obstacle carrying flag / White sheet cut in 6 , markers, one flag pole, / 5 jewels if completed and 5 jewel bonus for creativity
Name that Tune / Girls must be able to correctly identify 10 songs from a CD of 20 songs (only listen to first 5 seconds) / CD with primary songs & hymns & portable CD player / 1 jewel per song (max 10 jewels)
Lehi’s Journey / Girls must make a boat and a Lehi, Sariah, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi & Sam (all out of paper) and get it to float 100 yards down the creek / Ream of paper, tape, scissors, crayons / 5 jewels if completed
Seer Statistics / Girls must correctly complete a crossword puzzle with questions & answers about prophets / Crossword puzzles & pencils / 5 jewels per 10 right answers
Priesthood Particulars / Girls must get 4 Priesthood signatures on Bingo cards / Bingo cards & pens / 2 jewels per signature + 5 jewel bonus per Bishop
Build An Amour of God / Girls get 25’ of tin foil and must build a suit of amour for one teammate – must have item for each one mentioned in scripture / Foil / 5 jewels for complete set + 5 jewel bonus for creativity
Liahona Launch / Two leaders launch water balloons from above hill (15 tries per game) / Big slingshot & lots of water balloons / 1 jewel per caught balloon
19. / Unlock Me / Girls will be divided into 5 pairs, 4 of the pairs will be chained together with combination locks and the last pair will be given a bag of 8 possible codes. The free girls must unlock their teammates / Locks, chain, possible combinations / 2 jewels per unlocked lock

Prizes will be awarded for the team who collects the most jewels.