Personnel Committee

25 January 2013


Present: Diane Lyons, Paul Slayton, Joe Phelan, Ed Davenport, John Kemnitzer, Brett King

The committee discussed these items today.

  1. Hiring practices
  2. ANIE negotiations
  3. RTA post-negotiations discussion
  4. Student Organization interactions

Hiring Practices – The building principals shared with the committee their perspectives on the hiring process, specifically what’s working and not working wrt process, and also what critieria they use and qualities they seek in candidates.

We reviewed documentation, circa Dec’11/Jan’12, that the building principals prepared describing their hiring process. The consensus view seemed to be that these elements of the process were working well, and are fairly standard across all three buildings: populating the interview committees with relevant staff as well as a community member; typically doing a screen/sort, followed by 1st round interview, followed by 2nd round interview including a demo lesson and writing sample; and a committee discussion that yields consensus leading to a recommendation. There was discussion about beginning to use the Danielson 2011 evaluation rubric as a possible means to score candidates 2nd round interviews and demo lessons. There was discussion about the initial screen/sort, and whether that portion of the process was adequate.

In terms of selection criteria used and qualities sought, the administrators present indicated that the overarching consideration was the “hire the best teacher” for tenure-track positions. Several made the case for *not* having hard criteria specifying a level of experience. Several indicated they place emphasis on the quality of the demo lesson.

Next steps in the discussion of this topic: explore policy (i.e. review board policy #9240 – Recruiting and Hiring; consider possible NYSSBA-recommended policy), review past input received from community and other board members, and review the Dec’11/Jan’12 hiring process document in light of today’s discussion.

Next meeting: Friday, 22 February 2013


§  Hiring process, continued

§  Tenure process, continues

§  Use of Common Application

§  Update on contract negotiations

Submitted by Paul Slayton