What would you do if you found US$ 46’000,000?

Based on a true story


Rodrigo Triana was born in Prague but has lived most of his life in Colombia, where he has actively participated in the television and motion pictures industry.

He undertook filmakingstudies at the Instituto Nacional de Cine de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires National Film and Arts Institute) (Argentina).

His filmograhy includes the short film Me entra frío por los ojos (1990); his first motion picture was Como el gato y el ratón, (2002), produced by Clara María Ochoa, CMO PRODUCCIONES,winner of the Golden Sun Award and the Youth Award at the Biarritz Festival 2002, the Latin Heritage Award at the Miami Latin Film Festival 2003,Best National Movie and Best Photography at the Cartagena Film Festival 2003 and Best Colombian Film at the Bogota Festival 2002. The film was also nominated for Best Latin American Film at the Ariel Awards in Mexico.

His most recent film is “A ton of luck” (Soñar no Cuesta Nada, 2006,produced by Clara María Ochoa, CMO PRODUCCIONES. The film has received very good critics from the public and was chosen by the Arts and Culture National Board to represent Colombiaat the Academy Awards (Oscar) in the “Best foreign language film of the year” category and also for The Goyas Awards in Spain.

The film is based in a true story that happened in Colombia in the year 2003. The film about a National Army battalionfinding more than 46 million dollars buried by a guerrilla group has been one of the most successful films in Colombia in the last twelve years.

“A ton of luck” has been reviewedby international press such as Variety, first page at the Miami Herald, Univision, London’s BBC, El Clarín de Argentina, Reforma de México, among others.

He has also been director of several soapoperas such as El baile de la vida (2005), Lorena (2005), Pasión de Gavilanes (2003), La Venganza (2002), Juan Joyita quiere ser caballero (2001)and Dos mujeres (1997, and directorof series such as Así es la vida, Clase Aparte and Vida de mi vida (1994).

He was also assistant for the director in the films Edipo Alcalde (1999and Amar y vivir (1989)

At this moment Rodrigo is preparing two new films together with producer Clara María Ochoa (CMO Producciones). The feature films are “Espérame en el cielo capitán” based on a book by journalist Jorge Enrique Boteroand “A ton of luck II:The second burial”, to be produce on 2007.