Traveller and Travelling Showpeople ‘Call for Sites’
Site Submission Form
The South Worcestershire Councils(Malvern Hills, Worcester and Wychavon) are in the process of preparing a Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) that will identify land to accommodate Travellers and Travelling Showpeople across south Worcestershire. As part of this process a ‘Call for Sites’ exercise is being undertaken for a seven week period from Friday 18thNovember 2016 to Monday 9thJanuary 2017.
If you want to suggest a site (or sites) as part of this ‘Call for Sites’ then please complete and return this form along with a site location plan(ideally to a scale of 1:2500 or 1:1250) no later than 9:00 am onMonday 9thJanuary 2017 to:
Email:, or by
Post:Traveller & Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations DPD, c/o Wychavon Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 1PT.
Please complete a separate form for each site.
DetailsPerson/s submitting the site for consideration
(contact details must be provided)
Company (if relevant)
Telephone number
e-mail address
What is your interest in the land? e.g. landowner / agent on behalf of landowner
Landowner (if different from details above)
Telephone number
e-mail address
Landowners attitude to development
Site Details
Site name
Site location – address or postcode / OS grid reference
Estimated site size (hectares)
Is the site in single or multiple ownership?
Current and previous use of the land
Is the site to be considered for:
a)Gypsies and Travellers
b)Travelling Showpeople
c)A transit site
How many pitches/plots do you consider the site could accommodate?
A map clearly identifying the boundaries of the site
must be enclosed with this form
Potential constraints to development
Are there any physical constraints that would limit development?
(such as pylons, marshland, steep slopes)
Is there any flood risk associated with the site?
Means of access on to the site - is there direct road access to/from the site?
Is the land contaminated?
(If Yes, please give details)
Existing trees and other landscape features on this site
Access to public transport
e.g. bus and rail services
Availability of utilities and services
e.g. water supply and sewage disposal
Are there any obvious site constraints that might make part/all of the site unavailable for development?
Are there any other issues the Council should be aware of that are not identified above?
(please use a separate page if necessary)
What is the likely timescale for development?
(please tick the relevant timescale) / Available immediately
Available within the next 1-5 years
Available within the next 6-10 years
Available within the next 11-15 years
Signature ……………………………………….. Date……………………………….
Further Information
Guidance Notes
A separate Site Submission Form should be completed for each site.
All site submissions must include a map (ideally at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500) clearly identifying the boundaries of the suggested site(s).
There is no need to submit any sites that you previously submitted to the earlier “Call for Sites”, or where you have written to ask for a site to be considered through the Site Allocations DPD process; or are already included in the Site Allocations Preferred Options Document (March 2016), unless you wish to make any changes to previously submitted sites (for example site area, land ownership, new access), or wish to withdraw any site(s) from further consideration.
Please note the purpose of this work is to assess the potential of each site to accommodate Travellers and/or Travelling Showpeople. It is a technical piece of evidence. Submitting a site for consideration does not guarantee that it will be found suitable or that it will be allocated as part of the emerging Development Plan Document.
All sites submitted will undergo a rigorous assessment against specific planning criteria to assess their potential suitability.
Any sites that are allocated within the Development Plan Document would still be required to follow the normal planning procedures in securing planning permission.
All sites submitted may be included in future public consultation exercises necessary for the production of Development Plan Documents and so cannot be kept confidential.
In completing this form you are giving permission for a representative from the South Worcestershire Councils to access the site with or without prior notice in order to ascertain its suitability.
Data Protection Notice
Personal information given on this form will only be used by the South Worcestershire Councils (and their agents) in connection with their statutory land use and transportation planning functions. It will not be used for any other purposes.