Instructor Information





1. Do you currently teach the following courses?

Principles of Macroeconomics Yes No

Principles of Microeconomics Yes No

Other Introductory Economics Yes No

2. Approximately how many students do you teach per year in the following courses?

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics

Other Introductory Economics

3. On average, how many students do you have in each section of these courses?

Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Microeconomics

Other Introductory Economics

4. What current book/s do you use to teach the Principles or Introductory course/s?

(Please indicate by title/author/publisher).

5. Do you currently use active learning techniques in the Principles or Introductory

course/s? (e.g. group discussions, debates, in-class problem solving, experiments/games)?

No Yes Please explain: ______

6. Do you currently use interactive computer techniques in the Principles or Introductory

course/s? (e.g. spreadsheets, simulations, experiments/games)

No Yes Please explain: ______

7. How likely is it that you would use interactive computer techniques in the Principles or

Introductory course/s?

Not Likely Extremely likely

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

Scope of Module Coverage

1. Are there any aspects that you would expect to see included in this topic that are

missing from the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

2. Are there any aspects included in this module that you feel are unnecessary?

No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Are there any aspects of the module that you feel require more explanation?

No Yes Please explain: ______

Module Terms and Assumptions

1. Are there any key terms used in the module that are not clearly defined?

No Yes Please explain: ______

2. Are there any key terms that are typically included in teaching this topic that are


No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Are there any assumptions used in the module that are not clearly defined?

No Yes Please explain: ______

4. Are there any assumptions that are typically included in teaching this topic that are


No Yes Please explain: ______

Level of Rigor

1. What is your overall opinion of the level of rigor with regards to the mathematical/

technical detail of this module?

___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

Please elaborate on areas of the module where you feel the level should be adjusted, citing specifics as to whether the level should be raised or lowered:


Writing Style (Note: These questions also pertain to the module’s imbedded instructions.)

1. Are there any sections of the module’s manual that are not written clearly and could

confuse the student?

No Yes Please explain: ______

2. Are there any sections of the module’s manual that should be expanded to enhance the

clarity of the exposition?

No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Are there any sections of the module’s manual that should be eliminated or shortened

to enhance clarity of exposition?

No Yes Please explain: ______


1. How would you rate the quality of the graphs contained in the module?

Not Clear Very Clear

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

2. Are there any concepts that are typically covered with graphs that are not included in

the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Are there any graphs that you feel should be omitted from the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

4. Are there any graphs that contain technical inaccuracies or errors?

No Yes Please explain: ______

Tables (Numerical Results)

1. How would you rate the quality of the tables (numerical results)contained in the module?

Not Clear Very Clear

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

2. Are there any concepts that are typically covered with tables that are not included in

the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Are there any tables, or any numerical results, that you feel should be omitted from the


No Yes Please explain: ______

4. Are there any tables that contain technical inaccuracies or errors?

No Yes Please explain: ______


  1. Are there any technical inaccuracies in the module’s explanation? (See the module manual or the “Instructions” embedded in the module.)

No Yes Please explain: ______

2. Are there any technical inaccuracies in the equations? (See the module manual or the “Instructions” embedded in the module, particularly the “Mathematical Model” section.)

No Yes Please explain: ______


1. Exercises (Each module has five, 4 – 5 page template exercises. They are found on the project website. The exercises are designed to assist instructors and students in learning how to navigate the module, to help instructors craft their own problem sets, and to offer examples of the type of exercises that can work in medium to large class sizes. Answer keys to all of the exercises are also provided.)

a) What is your overall impression of the Exercises in terms of their usefulness?

Not Useful Very Useful

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

Please explain:

b) What is your overall impression of the level of rigor in the Exercises?

___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

c) Do the Exercises reinforce the learning objectives of the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

d) Do you have any recommendations for improving the Exercises?

No Yes Please explain: ______

2. Problems (Each module include five problems and answer keys on the project website. The problems are crafted to assist instructors in writing questions that can target different levels of mastery of the module’s contents. Lower level mastery questions allow the student to demonstrate that they know the meaning of a concept, while higher level mastery questions will require the student to use the module concepts, thereby demonstrating analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation. The problems are recommended for small to medium classes.)

a) What is your overall impression of the Problems in terms of their usefulness?

Not Useful Very Useful

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

Please explain:

b) What is your overall impression of the level of rigor in the Problems?

___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

c) Do the Problems reinforce the learning objectives of the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

d) Do you have any recommendations for improving the Problems?

No Yes Please explain: ______

3. Applications (Each module includes two applications that that utilize web resources to tie the module content to real work circumstances or data. The applications are recommended for small group projects in small to medium size classes.)

a) What is your overall impression of the Applications in terms of their usefulness?

Not Useful Very Useful

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

Please explain:

b) What is your overall impression of the level of rigor in the Applications?

___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

c) Do the Applications reinforce the learning objectives of the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

d) Do you have any recommendations for improving the Applications?

No Yes Please explain: ______

4. Summary and Teaching Tips (Each module includes a summary and teaching tips.)

a)What is your overall impression of the Summary and Teaching Tips in terms of

their usefulness?

Not Useful Very Useful

__1 __2 __3 __4 __5

Please explain:

b) What is your overall impression of the level of rigor in the Summary and Teaching


___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

b)Do the Summary and Teaching Tips reinforce the learning objectives of the


No Yes Please explain: ______

d)Do you have any recommendations for improving the Summary and Teaching


No Yes Please explain: ______

Technical Operation

1. How easy was it to download the module from the project website?

Very Difficult Very Easy

__1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5

Please explain:

2. Did you consult the document “Operations Instructions” for assistance in downloading

the module from the project website?

No Yes

If yes, how helpful was it?

Very Helpful Not Helpful

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

3. How easy was it to install the module?

Very Difficult Very Easy

__1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5

Please explain:

4. How easy was it to use the module? (e.g., entering values, moving from screen to screen,

backing up to review entries or results, finding topics in the “Instructions” files.)

Very Difficult Very Easy

__1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5

Please explain:

5. Did you encounter any technical difficulties in operating the module?

No Yes

Please explain:

  1. Rate the overall quality of the program’s operations.

Very Poor Very Good

__1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5

  1. Please comment briefly on the organization and operability of the project website.



1. Based on your review of the module, what is the overall likelihood that you would include one or more of the SimEcon® modules for use in your Principles or Introductory Economics course?

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

__ 1 ___2 ___3 ___4 ___5

Please explain:

  1. In general, considering your teaching needs, what is your reaction to the overall

quantity of the supplemental questions for the module? (Check one only.)

___ Too many ___ About the right quantity ____ Too few

Please explain:

3. Are there any supplemental questions that you feel your students may not be able to

answer given the content of the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

4. Overall, what do you think of the level of the supplemental questions? (Check one


___ Too high level ___ Appropriate level ____ Too low level

5. Are there any key concepts in the module that are not properly reinforced with the

supplemental questions?

___ No ___ Yes Please explain: ______

6. If you were to use the modules in your courses, what courses would you include them


7. If you were to use the modules is your courses, would you include them in the course


No Yes Please explain: ______

8. If you were to use the modules in your courses, which module supplements would you

use? Why?

9. If you were to use the modules in your courses, would you be willing to share any

assignments that you create with the project team for inclusion on the project website?

(Assuming you were given credit as author of the assignment. One of the project goals is to

increase the number of assignments posted to the project website over time.)

No Yes Please explain: ______

10. Do you have any suggestions for improving the module?

No Yes Please explain: ______

11. What do you think are the key strengths of the module?

12. What do you think are the key weaknesses of the module?

13. Are there any of the SimEcon® modules that you would consider including in courses

other than Principles or Introductory Economics?

No Yes Please explain: ______

Please offer any additional comments you have related to your review of the module.