Trauma-Informed Care Initiative Team Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2017

Kraig Knudsen, Joyce Starr, Kim Kehl, Amanda Billegas, Beth Ligman, James Meador, Cleveland Guinn, Shanna Taylor, Tim Jones, Elizabeth Sanderson, Tanna Ditch, Cathy Zwyer, Nachael Church, Jori Wilson-Crittenden, Liz Earley, Deborah Duris


Deb Whitcomb – to fill in for Ursula as needed (add to email list)

TIC Committee Name

  • Tie between Trauma Matters: NOPH and Compassion
  • New vote held
  • Trauma Matters NOPH – TIC Committee and initiative name

Action item

Action / Responsible / Status
Secure additional committee members/representative disciplines / Shanna Taylor / In process
Secure 3rd shift participation/representation
  • No one willing to participate
  • Committee decided to keep potential 3rd shift reps on the email distribution list
  • Prentice Griswald; LavetteKamfolt
/ Eric Decker and Tanna Ditch / No commitment to date
Added to distribution list
Develop possible branding ideas and signage/posters
  • Liz Earley will coordinate to develop possible logo with patient (developed logo for upcoming Lucas County Conference
  • T-shirts; consider t-shirts for all patients; roll-out at a later date
  • Banners – for larger areas; banner parameters to be discussed with Tim Lanning; Maintenance Supervisor
  • Get color palettes to Liz Earley and Beth Ligman (done 9/21)
  • Picture and article/blurb to Eric Wandersleben for eNews and eUpdate (done 9/21)
/ Jori Wilson-Crittenden and Liz Earley / In process
Develop possible names for the Committee/TIC Initiative (branding) Committee picture – gathering broader input / James Meador
Ursula Barrera-Richards / COMPLETE
Update display case and TIC Board; unit posters
  • Signs on unit and display case
/ Craig Smith, Liz Earley, Amanda Billegas / In process
Promote TIC Committee; Committee picture; name tag identification / Amanda and TIC Committee / In process
Organizational Assessment – quantitative and qualitative / Kraig Knudsen and Cleveland Guinn; Deb Duris and Ursula Barrera-Richards / In process
Redesign of future TPW classes
  • Supplement only applicable to SBH
  • Use to have similar arrangement with Owens
  • Mechanism exists for supplement (money increase)
  • Supplement discussion with Dan Schreiber, Karl Donenwirth and Bob Short – Joyce and Kim
  • Deb to investigate with Owen;
/ Nachael Church / Parking Lot
Patient voice newsletter
  • Patient participation starting at next meeting; more patient participation; take meeting to the units to facilitate patient participation
  • 500 patients always get to pilot
  • How do we get additional unit representation?
  • Discussion regarding level of patient involvement
  • Patients interested on 200, 400 and 500
  • NOPH staff newsletter goes out October (quarterly) patient newsletter to go out quarterly
  • Beth Ligman will provide rough draft for next meeting
/ Amanda, Beth and Shanna Taylor / In process
Implementation plan format
  • Rough draft next meeting
/ Joyce, Kim, Shanna and Deb

Organizational Assessment

  • Online ready to go
  • Paper version ready to go (300 copies); Kraig to send via drug truck to Cleveland
  • Kraig to contact Tim Lanning – Cleveland’s Supervisor
  • Explain and get permission; all shifts; may involve request for flex time
  • Need boxes to return surveys to and near time clock; three weeks to return
  • Reminder email each week
  • Shanna or Deb will contact Doug Kern to see if he would be willing to send reminder emails
  • Decorate return boxes – Beth and Liz
  • Start implementation on October 4
  • Introduce survey with TIC Committee name Trauma Matters: NOPH
  • Kraig to enter paper copy results; tabulate results (November)
  • Cleveland to email TIC Team letting them know results sent back to CO
  • Return week of October 29

TIC Implementation Plan– what do we want to accomplish?

  • Rough outline next meeting
  • Review previous plans
  • Revisions/additions
  • Timeframe

What are we currently gathering for data?

  • Is what we are doing making a difference?
  • Are our patients getting better?
  • Central office approval to add trauma questions to patient survey; Joyce to talk to Lolita
  • Joyce shared therapeutic community model – patient involvement; role; unit management; development of “unit leaders”; honor based positions; role modeling on the unit; incentives for unit leader? honor not necessarily and extrinsic incentive; orient new patients on to the units; discussion on how to select unit leaders
  • Discussion
  • Measures/outcomes