Transport Assistance

Travel planning

Public Transport Victoria (PTV)

PTV provides public transport information and services for regional Victoria on fares, services and timetables, as well as customer feedback facilities. Before travelling to Melbourne you can call 1800 800 007 to obtain exact details on how to plan your trip using public transport.


V/Line paper tickets are still used on our long distance trains and all V/Line coaches. With the introduction of myki to V/Line commuter trains, customers will still receive free travel on arrival in Melbourne in Zones 1 and 2 on metropolitan trams, trains and buses.

For more information contact 1800 800 007 or

Bairnsdale Rail Station 5152 5592

Sale Station 5144 2042

Traralgon Station 5171 1965

Accessible timetables that are compatible with screen reader applications are available for people with vision impairments

Getting around East Gippsland

Bus Services

Bairnsdale, Lakes Entrance, Orbost, Omeo, Buchan, Mallacoota and surrounding areas are serviced by an integrated bus network which also connect to V/Line train and coach services.

Timetables are available at East Gippsland Libraries and Business Centres, Visitor Information Centres, Bairnsdale Rail Station or you can contact 1800 800 007 or visit


Local Taxis in Australia131 008

Bairnsdale Taxis5152 6161

Lakes Taxis5155 2555

Orbost Taxis5154 2000

Paynesville Taxis5152 6161

Sale Taxis5144 3278

Tambo Valley Cabs132 227

Traralgon Taxis5174 6511

All taxi service’s have accessible vehicles.

East Gippsland Disability Parking Bay Brochure

A brochure of disability parking bays located across East Gippsland townships is available from Shire Business Centres. To also find out about disability parking permits contact 5153 9500 or visit

East Gippsland Mobility Maps

The maps provide basic information about accessible services and facilities within a town. For more information contact East Gippsland Shire Council 5153 9500 or go to

Travellers Aid Australia

Provides travel related support, advice and help to people who experience difficulties with transport.

Travellers Aid aims to make every day travel possible for all people providing services like: internet access, emergency relief services for travellers in crisis and emergencies, hire of mobility equipment, accessible toilet and showers (with towel hire).

Wheelchair and motorised buggy transfers for travellers who are frail or with special needs are free of charge. Bookings are essential and luggage and restrictions may apply.

For more information contact 9670 2072 or go to

Health/medical travel assistance

It is important you have information about transport assistance to make decisions about how you will get to your appointment.

Your health care journey usually starts with your GP. They may refer you to a visiting private or public specialist, to an outpatient clinic or treatment in a hospital in your region or Melbourne.

You may have to travel there and back a few times. You may need a short or long stay in hospital.

You may need post treatment care when you return home and you may need to travel to receive ongoing care from your local health care services.

Health Travel Checklist

To plan your travel a checklist of important questions will help you find out more and explain your needs to your health care provider.

To start planning go to

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

You may be eligible for financial assistance through the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) if you live in rural and regional Victoria and need to travel more than 100kms to access medical specialist services.

In order to receive a subsidy you will need to complete a VPTAS claim form signed by a GP or specialist. Forms are available at health/medical services and hospitals or online at

For more information call 1300 737 073 or email .

Melbourne Medical Companion

To take the worry out of travelling to Melbourne for medical appointments, Travellers Aid offers trained volunteer Medical Companions to meet at your train, bus, tram or taxi and guide you to and from your Melbourne medical appointments.

Your companion is FREE – you just have to pay your own fares. Book your medical companion 48 hours in advance by calling 1300 700 399 or email .

Australian Red Cross Patient Transport

The East Gippsland Red Cross Patient Transport service provides transport for eligible persons to “essential” hospital and /or Doctor’s appointments in Gippsland and Melbourne.

To discuss eligibility contact your local GP, health service, hospital or specialist.

Refer to Local Medical Transport Assistance on page 8 for more information.

Inner Melbourne Hospital Map and Guide

The map and guide gives you step-by-step information on how to use public transport from Southern Cross station to fourteen hospitals in the Melbourne CBD. Each hospital is clearly highlighted on the map.

Maps are available at all local health and medical services.

Cancer Council Helpline

Contact 13 11 20 or the social worker at your treating hospital for transport information or visit

Leukaemia Foundation

Provides transport and accommodation assistance.

For more information call 1800 620 420 or visit

Financial assistance/concessions

Australian Pensioner Concession Card and Victorian Seniors Card

Pensioner Concession and Senior Card holders from any Australian state or territory are entitled to concession fares on trains and public buses Victoria-wide.

Please note holders of the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are NOT eligible for concession travel.

Aged Care Package Programs

If you are in receipt of a Community Aged Care Package you may receive assistance towards the cost of attending medical appointments. To find out more contact the Aged Care Information Line on 1800 500 853 or visit

Health Care Cards

Victorian Health Care Card holders can travel on concession fares. For more information go to or call 1800 800 00. To apply for a Health Care Cards visit or Department of Veteran Affairs

Veteran Affairs Gold Card

Gold Card holders are fully covered for all health conditions, however transport entitlements may vary.

You may also be entitled to claim meal and accommodation allowances depending on the distance you need to travel for treatment.

For further information contact Department of Veteran Affairs 1800 555 254 or visit

Veteran Affairs White Card

If you have a White Card you are eligible for assistance towards travel expenses for the treatment of acceptable disabilities related to service.

Centrelink Mobility Allowance

You may be eligible for a Mobility Allowance if you are receiving Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment, Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance. To qualify for Mobility Allowance a person must travel to and from their home in connection with work, training or job search activities.

For more information contact Centrelink 132 717 or visit

Vision Impaired Travel Pass

Free travel is available on V/Line services, regional bus services, metropolitan trains, trams and buses. The Travel Pass is available to people classified as legally blind.

For more information call 1800 800 007 or download application form

Scooter and Wheelchair Travel Pass

The travel pass is to support independent travel for people who use scooters and wheelchairs.

To apply go to or contact 1800 800 007.

Companion Card

The Companion Card is issued to people with a significant, permanent disability, who are unable to access most community activities and venues without attendant care support.

Cardholders can have their companions travel without charge on all public transport services.

For more information contact 1800 650 611 or go to

Taxis Fares Subsidy

The Multi-Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) assists with the travel needs of people with severe and permanent disabilities by offering subsidised taxi fares.

For more information or to apply go to or call 1800 638 802.

Local medical transport assistance

Medical transport assistance is available to eligible individuals who have no other viable transport options. For more information contact your nearest health service provider:

Australia Red Cross, Gippsland5143 2639

Bairnsdale Regional Health Service5150 3333

Bombala HACC services NSW(02) 6458 3555

Buchan Bush Nursing Centre5155 9222

Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre5158 6210

Ensay Bush Nurse5157 3215

Gelantipy Bus Nurse5155 0274

Gippsland Lakes Community Health5155 8300

Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Cooperative5152 1922

Latrobe Regional Hospital5173 8000

Mallacoota and District Health Support Services5158 0243

Omeo Regional Health5159 0100

Orbost Health Service5154 6666

Swifts Creek Bush Nursing5159 4210

How to provide feedback

You can ask a question, report an incident, make a complaint or provide feedback to public transport providers through any of the following methods.


V/Line Customer Service Feedback 1800 800 007 or

Victorian Taxi Services Commission

1800 638 802 or

Local Bus Services

Contact the relevant bus operator or if you are dissatisfied with the initial response, the matter can then be referred to Public Transport Victoria or call 1800 800 007.

Public Transport Ombudsman Victoria

1800 466 865 or TTY 1800 809 623 or visit