Pick-a-Fence and Show Jumping


Edderston Farm, PeeblesEH45 9JE


Sunday 29th May 2016

By kind permission of Wemyss and March Estates

With grateful thanks to our main sponsors

WTS Forsyth & Sons

Alex F Noble & Sons

StoboCastle Health Spa


Class 1 starts at 10.30am, order of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Entry fee £25.00PTPC Branch Members & PDRC Members,

£30.00Other Pony Club and Riding Club members

(includes paramedic fee).

Class 1Pony Club Riders 7 to 9 years (green & yellow obstacles only)

Class 2Pony Club Riders 10 & 11 years (green & yellow obstacles only)

Class 3Pony Club Riders 12 & 13 years.

Class 4Pony Club Riders 14 years and over

Class 5Riding Club Open.

Class 6Pairs, (dependant on weather conditions and number of entries)

(Entries on the field)

Show Jumping,

Class 9 starts at 10.30am, order of classes 9, 10, 11, 12, 7, 8

Entry fee £8.00per class (max 2 classes per horse/rider combination)

Run as Table A5 (Competitors who jump clear in the first round will immediately follow with a shortened second round against the clock).

Class 750cmClass 1080cm

Class 860cmClass 1190cm

Class 970cmClass 12100cm

Show Jumping Clear Round,

Class 15 starts at 10.15am, order of classes 15, 16, 17, 18, 13, 14

Entry fee £2.00 per class (max 2 classes per horse/rider combination)

Jump height increases every 30 minutes. (Entries on the field)

Class 1350cmClass 1680cm

Class 1460cmClass 1790cm

Class 1570cmClass 18100cm



Entries to Della Murray, Lyne New Row east, Lyne Farm, Peebles, Eh45 8NR by Monday 23rd May 2016. 0770 9881657/01721 740200.

Please make cheques payable to Peebles Tweeddale Branch of the Pony Club.

No entries will be accepted over the phone or without full payment.

Sorry, XC not suitable for lead rein entries.

Any pre-entry queries should be directed to the organisers –

Della Murray 07709881657 Louise Walker 07805665401 or Maggie Carson07901338010

The course will be open for walking on Saturday 28TH May from 14.00 to 18.00. Times will be available on Friday 27thMay 2016 from 20.00 on the following website

AWARDSRosettes will be awarded 1st-6th places in each class.

1st-3rd Rosettes for PTPC members in PAF Classes with trophies awarded for the PTPC winner of each PAF class

SNACK BARPentland Pantry.



Location: OS Landranger map 73 – Peebles / Galashiels and surrounding area.

Ref. NT 242 395. Edderston Farm is approached through Peebles. Go across the TweedBridge (southwards) and take the first right turning. At the mini roundabout turn left onto Edderston Road. Follow this road up the hill and turn right after the end of the houses on the right-hand side. It is signposted to Edderston and Manor. Edderston Farm is the first farm on the left. Do NOT approach the farm from the Manor direction as there's a very narrow bridge which has been blocked off to vehicles.

Rules and scoring

  1. The event is run under Pony Club Eventing Rules 2016.
  2. Competitors should jump as many obstacles as possible with the aim of obtaining the highest number of points. There are no penalty points.Each obstacle is divided into three sections of varying heights, more points are scored for jumping the higher sections:
  • green section – 5 points
  • yellow section – 10 points
  • blue section – 15 points.
  1. Classes 1 and 2 are restricted to jumping the green and yellow sections only, entrants in this class must not jump the blue sections as this will result in elimination.
  2. A maximum of three attempts may be made at each obstacle.
  3. The competitor chooses which section of the obstacle to jump. An attempt may be made at each height once only (apart from green which may be attempted a maximum of three times). A competitor attempting either Blue or Yellow for a second time will be eliminated.
  4. Refusals will result only in having to jump smaller obstacle and increased time taken. There will be no penalties incurred.
  5. Jumping options are:
  • 1st attempt at blueif blue is cleared go to the next obstacle

if blue is refused yellow or green may be tried

if yellow is cleared go to the next obstacle

if yellow is refused green may be tried once

if green is chosen after blue it may be tried twice.

  • 1st attempt at yellowif yellow is cleared go to the next obstacle

if yellow is refused two attempts may be

made at green.

  • 1st attempt at greenif green is cleared go to the next obstacle

if green is refused two more attempts may be

made at green.

  1. A competitor does not have to make three attempts at an obstacle but may continue to the next after a refusal, thereby gaining no marks for that obstacle.
  2. Where there is more than one element to an obstacle (i.e. a, b and or c elements) each element is scored separately so that a competitor may choose to jump different colours at each part. e.g. it is permissible to jump a blue part a, then yellow part b etc
  3. No obstacle is compulsory; a competitor who makes no attempt at an obstacle gains no marks for that obstacle.
  4. If an obstacle is knocked down or broken the competitor must proceed to the next obstacle, gaining no marks for the broken obstacle.If the rider falls during the approach to or negotiation of an obstacle they gain no marks and if unhurt may remount and continue to the next obstacle. A second fall results in elimination.
  5. There will be an optimum time, in the event of a tie in the number of points the competitor nearest to the optimum time will win. Stopwatches must not be worn.
  6. Competitors must pass the red flags to the right and the white flags to the left.
  7. Body protectors and an appropriate medical armband must be worn.An approved hard hat must be worn at all times in accordance with pony club hat rule for 2016.
  8. The organisers reserve the right to split XC classes by age or amalgamate classes depending on entry numbers.
  9. Entries will be restricted to a maximum of 20 per class.
  10. Show Jumping classes are run under the Pony Club Show Jumping rules.
  11. The cross country course cannot used by any competitors 14 days prior to competition date.
  12. The judge’s decision is final.

Peebles Tweeddale branch of the Pony Club do not accept liability for accident, damage or injury to horses, ponies, riders, spectators or any other person or property.

Entry form

for the


Pick-a-Fence and Show Jumping

Sunday 29th May 2016

Entries toDella Murray, Lyne New Row East, Lyne Farm, Peebles, EH45 8NR

Closing date: Monday 23rd May 2016

Cheques: payable toPeebles Tweeddale Branch of the Pony Club.

Age: as on 1st January 2016.

Class / Rider’s Name / Age / Pony/Horse NameHorse or Pony / Branch/Club / Fee

Name ………………………………………………………………………….

Address ………………………………………………………………………


Telephone ……………………………………………………………………

Pony Club members:-

If you are not a member of the Peebles Tweeddale Branch of the Pony Club your DC or branch secretary must sign below.

I certify that ……………………..………………………… is an active member

of the ………………………….……….……………… branch of the Pony Club.

Signed …………………………………….……………………… (DC/secretary).

Riding Club members:-

Club………………………………………….. Membership No. ……………………

I agree to abide by the rules of the competition as laid out in this schedule.

Signed ………………………………………. Date ……………………..

Please indicate if you DO NOT wish photographs to be taken.