3th Scan TRICC Scientific Meeting 2017

Translating person-centred care

September 17th. 12 p.m. - September 18th. 12 p.m.

The scientific meeting takes place at The Research Unit Women’s and Children’s Health, the Juliane Marie Center, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen

Day 1

12.00 – 13.00
Lunch Tapas - Payment

13.00 – 13.10
Welcome and introduction to the ScanTRICC 2017 meeting (Vibeke Zoffmann)

13.10 – 14.30

IT-based initiatives - Experiences from Norway, Sweden, Australia and Denmark

13.10 – 13.30 Åsa Hörnsten, Umeå University, Sweden

Use of eHealth-resources in self-management support of T2D

13.30 – 13.50 Bodil Rasmussen, Deakin University, Australia:

Innovative Guided Self-determination online program in an Australian


13.50 – 14.10 Bjørg Oftedal, University, Norway:

How Guided self-determination in digital formats may disrupt the patterns of nurse-patient communication

14.10 – 14.30Vibeke Zoffmann, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet,


GSD at the Danish national health platform, Sundhed.dk – a way to disseminate GSD across conditions

14.30 – 15.00 Coffee break

Educational initiatives:

15.00 – 15.20 Vibeke Zoffmann - Blended learning – 2 days presence is combined with e-learning - an easy and cheap way to learn the GSD competence?

15.20 – 17.00 short presentations

10 min. presentations / 5 minutes discussion

Abstract must be submitted at the latest August the 15th.

15.20 – 15.35

15.35 – 15.50

15.50 – 16.05

16.05 – 16.20

16.20 – 16.35

16.35 – 16.50

18.00 Dinner at restaurant Romarin, Ryesgade 90 - 2100 København Ø, Copenhagen http://restaurant-romarin.dk/

Day 2

09.00 – 10.15 Coffee and good morning

Birgith Engelst Grove Ms.Sci, Ambuflex

AmbuFlex - experiences of PRO-based clinical decision-making

Caroline Mejdahl, Ph.d. student Aarhus University Hospital

Patient-reported outcomes as a means of self-management support in outpatient follow up for epilepsy - the patient perspective

Ingvild Hernar, ph.d. Bergen

Using PROMs toidentify individual needs and promoting goal-oriented

clinical consultations among adults with type 1 diabetes.

10.15 – 10.30 Break

10.30 – 11.15 Discussion. Birgith and Caroline take part as well.

What are the ppossibilities and limitations in using PRO in the process of translating person-centred care?

11.15 - 11.30 Break

11.30 – 12.00 PROMs for research - Plan for next year.

12.00 Thank you for now - Sandwich lunch

Anna Lena Brorsson / Karolinska Instituttet /
Anna Olinder / Uppsala Universitet /
Anne Haugsted / Western Norway University of Applied Sciences /
Anne Lena Wennberg / Dept of Nursing Umeå University, Sweden /
Árún Sigurðardóttir / Professor, School of Health Sciences, University of Akureyri. /
Åsa Hörnsten / Umeå Universitet, Sverige /
Astrid Wahl * / Professor Oslo University, Norway /
Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit / Høgskolan i Bergen, Norway /
Bjørg Oftedal / Associate professor, Department of Health, University of Stavanger, Norway /
Bodil Rasmussen * / Professor Deakin University, Australia /
Christine Råheim Borge / Oslo Universitet /
Eva Langeland / Western Norway University of Applied Sciences /
Gitte Husted / Hillerød /
Helle Enggaard / Aalborg University Hospital /
Ingvild Hernar / Western Norway University of Applied Sciences /
Janeth Leksell / Uppsala University och Högskolan Dalarna /
Janne Weis / Ph.d. Women’s and Children’s Health and Acute Neonatal Unit, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK /
Jannike Mohn / Høgskolan i Bergen, Norway /
John Roger Andersen / Høgskulen på vestlandet /
Josephine Haas / Karolinska Instituttet /
Katrine Hye-Knudsen / Research assistant
Women’s and Children’s Health, JMC, Rigshospitalet /
Katrine Krogslund / Research assistant
Women’s and Children’s Health, JMC, Rigshospitalet /
Marie Hamilton Larsen / Oslo Universitet /
Marit Graue * / Professor Høgskolan i Bergen, Norway /
Marit Kirkevold / Professor Oslo Universitet /
Mette Due Christensen / Kings College, London /
Mette Linnet Olesen / Ph.d. Women’s and Children’s Health, JMC, RH, DK /
Ragnhild Bjarkoy Strandberg / Western Norway University of Applied Sciences /
Rikke Jørgensen / Ph.d. post doc in Health and Science – Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatry, Unit for Psychiatric Research, DK /
Silje Stangeland Lie / University of Stavanger, Norway /
Solveig Storbækken / Competence Center for Substance Abuse, the Bergen Clinics Foundation, Bergen, Norway /
Tone Merete Norekvål / University of Bergen /
Trisha Dunning / Professor Barwon Health, Australia /
Ulrika Öberg / Umeå University, Sweden /
Vibeke Zoffmann* / Head of Research, Women’s and Children’s Health, JMC, RH, DK /


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